What mysterious thing does Utterson spot in the begging of the novel?
A door
A abandoned house
A strange man
An alley
What happens to Lanyon before he dies?
He punches Utterson
He is visited by Hyde
He gets a odd note
What is Utterson's Job?
A Detective
A Lawyer
A Scientist
A servant
What do Enfield and Utterson do together?
Live together
Work together
Talk together
Walk together
Where does Utterson live?
Gaunt street
Greth street
Greah Street
Steeh Street
What does Enfield accociate Hyde to?
A sly, hyding minatour
A murderer of the streets
A Monster of the night
A dammed Juggernaut
Where does Utterson quiz Jekyll?
A dark street
A detectives office
A dinner party
A library
What does Utterson find of Jekyll's in chapter 3?
A bag
A will
A letter
A piece of cloth
ULTRA HARD: What does Poole keep in his Pocket?
A watch
A letter
A hankercheif
A weapon
A list of chores
A piece of food
A bible
A comb
A cigarette
A will
{"name":"The Jekyll and Hyde quiz!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"who does Jekyll turn into in the novel?, Who does Hyde kill?, Who is Utterson's friend that he visits?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}