2020 pediatri
Pediatric Knowledge Quiz
Test your knowledge in pediatrics with our engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals, students, and enthusiasts. This quiz covers a range of topics from child development to diagnosis and treatment, ensuring a comprehensive challenge for all participants!
- Assess your clinical knowledge
- Learn through well-structured questions
- Perfect for students and pediatric practitioners
A 2-year-old boy has a runny nose, mild fever, severe cough mainly at night, & only expiratory high pitch wheezes in physical examination. What can you suspect?
Obturative bronchitis 100%
Common cold
Lobar pneumonia
3-month-old infant, born in the 38th week of gestation: lifts its head 90 degrees while laying on stomach, spontaneously smiles, coos, follows eyes past midline. You would rate the infant’s development as:
Psycho-motor retardation
Only social-personal delay
Only emotional problem
Normal psycho-motor development
Only gross motor control delay
Gums edema, redness and pain are typical during dentition in some infants. But sometimes there can be also some other symptoms, EXCEPT:
Watery stools
Otitis media
Diagnosis of acute appendicitis may be confirmed by all, EXCEPT:
Acute pain in Mc Burney’s point
Positive Rovsing’s sign
Phenomena of rebound tenderness (Blumberg’s sign)
Subfebrile condition
Decreased muscle tone over the abdomen
Round, hemorrhagic spots less in 2 mm in diameter (petechiae) are characteristic for:
None of above
Low fibrinogen level
Low hemoglobin level
Low platelets level
Low hematocrit
Rebound tenderness (so-called Blumberg’s sign) is a sign of:
Wilms’ tumor
Mechanical or adynamic ileus
Renal infection
Extra skin fold on the neck (pterygium colli) is a clinical sign seen in children with:
Turner syndrome
Klinefelter syndrome
Renal disease
Down syndrome
Reclinghausen disease
Signs of dehydration in infants include all of the following, EXCEPT:
Sunken eyeballs
Sunken fontanel
Lower skin turgor
Dry mucous membranes
Heart auscultation
It should be done in lying position
Typical place of mitral valve auscultation is Fifth ICS, left mid-clavicular line
In syndrome situs inversus heart placement is described as dextrocardia
The smaller child the more vertical position of the heart is observed
It is often so called “innocent murmur” in children, and it is always diastolic
Head circumference of term newborn is 34 cm. What circumference can be suspected in the 3rd month of age if infant grows properly?
38 cm
40 cm
36 cm
42 cm
44 cm
When an infant sits with minimal support, attempts to attain a toy beyond its reach, rolls over from supine to prone position and bubbles, is at a development of:
10 months
6 months
8 months
4 months
3 months
All of the following symptoms are diagnosed in a preterm newborn, EXCEPT:
Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS)
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome (MAS)
Koplik spots are characteristic for the prodromal stage of:
Infection Candidiasis
Scarlet fever
Choose a disease in which antibiotic therapy is indicated
Rotaviral infection
Scarlet fever
Choose an element, which is NOT considered as a vital sign
Level of consciousness
Blood pressure
Body height
White pupil (leucocoria) is a characteristic clinical sign of:
Horner syndrome
Convergent strabismus
Nephrotic syndrome
Sinus arrhythmia:
Is physiological in children under 2 years old
Disappears during severe tachycardia
Disappears when there is physiological 3rd sound
Disappears when there is an innocent murmur.
Indicate a false sentence about SARS-CoV-2 infection
It is not known yet if virus can cause birth defects
Toddlers can infect others
Virus can be present in the feces, that is why cesarean section is indicated
Infants are resistant to infection
There are no viruses in mother milk
Choose a false sentence about a full-term newborn in the first year of life
The increase in body length in the first year is 12-15 cm
Posterior fontanel is closed between 6 weeks to 4 months of life
Birthweight is double in 5-6 months of life
First teeth are usually present in 4-6 months of life
Birthweight is tripled in 11-12 months of life
Absolute maternal contraindication for breast feeding is:
Active, not treated tuberculosis
Cesarean section
Smoking cigarettes mother
Silicone breast implants
Herpes simplex type 1
Newborn with birth body weight 1500 g, born in the 38th week of gestation, should be described as:
Term with SGA
Preterm with LGA
Term with AGA
Preterm with AGA (appropriate for gestational age)
Preterm with SGA (small for gestational age)
Nutritional assessment by anthropometry involves measurement of:
Mid-arm circumference
Skinfold thickness
Newborn compensates a respiratory failure with:
Retraction of intercostal muscles & diaphragm
None of the above
Dipper breathing (hyperpnoe)
Diminished metabolism
Faster breathing (tachypnoe)
Shortage of growth in children can be caused by:
Genetic factors
Chronic disease
Too intensive physical activity
Endocrinological disorder
Nutrition deficiency
Kussmaul respiration is observed in cases of:
Asthma bronchiole
Metabolic acidosis
Respiratory distress
Physiologically - during sleeping
Urinary tract infections in children are usually of the following etiology:
Klebsiella pneumoniae
E. coli
P. mirabilis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Olive-shaped tumor, 1-2 cm in diameter, firm, nontender and mobile presents in the epigastrium to the right of midline, in 3-week-old boy, is characteristic for:
Pyloric stenosis
Enlarged lymph
Nodes Splenomegaly
Clinical signs of the 3rd tonsil hypertrophy are all of the following, EXCEPT:
Frequent episodes of acute otitis media
Barking cough
Find a true sentence about the changes in circulatory system that occur in chromosomopathies and genetic disorders:
In Turner syndrome stenosis of pulmonary trunk is very common
In Marfan syndrome, stenosis of aorta may occur
In trisomy 21, a common atrioventricular block occurs most frequently
In Marfan syndrome one can most frequently observe regurgitation of the pulmonary valve
In trisomy 21, a common atrioventricular canal occurs most frequently
In a newborn, one can measure all of the reflexes, EXCEPT:
A startle reflex
A gasping reflex
A spiral straighten reflex
A support reflex
A crawl reflex
Sign of dyspnea is NOT:
Nasal flaring
Difficulty speaking
Use of accessory breathing muscles
First clinical sign of normal puberty in girls is:
Enlargement of breast tissue
Appearance of pubic and axillary hair
Levin scale is used for:
Assessment of muscle tone
Assessment of psychomotor development
Speech development assessment
Assessment of respiratory disorders
Assessment of the volume of heart murmurs
The first sign of pubertal development in boys is:
Enlargement of testicular volume
Pubertal gynecomastia
Pubertal growth spurt
Appearance of pubic hair
Enlarged lymph nodes can be symptom of:
Upper respiratory tract infection
Microcytic anemia
Preterm are:
Newborns born with the weight below 2.500 grams
Newborns born before 38 weeks of gestation
Newborns born before 36 weeks of gestation AND with the weight below 2.500 grams
Newborns with SGA
Newborns born before 36 weeks of gestation
Possible causes of rickets are following, except:
Light skin colour
Strict vegan diet
Vitamin D deficiency in a diet of breastfeeding mother
Living in the geographical far north
Cholestatic liver diseases
Among the following statements concerning fontanels choose the correct
Anterior fontanel usually closes above 24 months
Posterior fontanel usually closes between 10 and 16 months
Anterior fontanel usually closes between 9 and 18 months
Anterior fontanel is situated at the junction of coronal and occipital sutures
Posterior fontanel usually closes above 18 months
{"name":"2020 pediatri", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Test your knowledge in pediatrics with our engaging quiz designed for healthcare professionals, students, and enthusiasts. This quiz covers a range of topics from child development to diagnosis and treatment, ensuring a comprehensive challenge for all participants!Assess your clinical knowledgeLearn through well-structured questionsPerfect for students and pediatric practitioners","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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