PSYC 401 - Exam 1

What is meant by "monism"?
The idea that all forms of life evolved from a single ancestor.
The idea that conscious and unconscious motivations combine to produce behavior.
The idea that the mind is made of the same substance as the rest of the universe.
The idea that the mind is one type of substance as matter is another
Of the following, which one is an example of evolutionary explanation (as opposed to a functional explanation)?
People evolved a fear of snakes because many snakes are dangerous
Humans have a (tiny) tailbone because our ancient monkey-like ancestors had a tail.
People evolved an ability to recognize faces because that ability is essential for cooperative social behavior.
People evolved a tendency to form long-term male-female bonds because human infants benefit from the help of two parents during their long period of dependence.
Of the following, which is a reason favoring the use of animals in biological psychology research aimed at solving human problems?
Nonhuman animals engage in all the same behaviors as humans.
One human differs from another, but nonhumans are nearly the same as one another.
The nervous system of nonhuman animals resembles that of humans in many ways.
What does a "minimalist" favor with regard to animal research?
All research should have a minimum of at least 10 animals per group.
A minimum of three people should review each research proposal?
Interference with animal research should be held to a minimum
Animal research is permissible but should be held to a minimum.
What does an afferent axon do?
It controls involuntary behavior.
It controls voluntary behavior.
It carries output from a structure.
It brings information into a structure.
Of these species, which probably has the longest axons?
Which of the following is NOT one of the four major structures that compose a neuron?
Presynaptic terminal
Which of the following is something that glia do NOT do?
Synchronize activity of a group of axons
Remove waste material.
Dilate blood vessels to increase blood flow to the most active brain areas.
Conduct action potentials.
An advantage of the blood-brain barrier is that it keeps out most ____. A disadvantage is that it also keeps out ____.
Viruses... Most nutrients
Small molecules... fat-soluble molecules.
Harmful gases... oxygen
Waste products... water
Which of these chemicals cross the blood-brain barrier by active transport?
Oxygen, water, and fat-soluble molecules.
Glucose and amino acids.
What makes brain cancers so difficult to treat?
Nearly all chemotherapy drugs fail to cross the blood-brain barrier.
Brain cancers spread more rapidly than other cancers.
The brain includes more pain receptors than other organs.
The brain has a very low metabolic rate.
What is the brain's main source of fuel?
When the neuron's membrane is at rest, sodium ions are more concentrated _____ the cell, and potassium ions are more concentrated ____ the cell.
Inside... outside.
Inside... inside.
Outside... inside.
Outside... ouside
When the membrane is at rest, the concentration gradient tends to draw potassium ions ___ the cell. And the electrical gradient draws them ___ the cell.
Into... Out of
Into... into
Out of... inside
Out of... Out of
The sodium-potassium pump move sodium ions ____ and move potassium ions ____.
Into the cell... Out of the cell
Into the cell... Into the cell
Out of the cell... Into the cell
Out of the cell... Out of the cell
Suppose a neuron has a resting potential of -70mV. If the potential goes to -80mV, the change would be a ____.
Under what conditions does an axon produce an action potential?
When the membrane is hyperpolarized.
When the membrane's potential reaches the threshold.
Whenever the membrane is depolarized.
Whenever the membrane's potential reaches zero.
During the rising portion of the action potential, which ions are moving across the membrane and in which directions?
Sodium ions move out.
Sodium ions move in.
Both sodium and potassium ions move in.
Potassium ions move in.
After the action potential reaches its peak, the potential across the membrane falls toward its resting level. What accounts for this recovery?
The sodium-potassium pump removes the extra sodium.
Potassium ions move out because their channels are open and the electrical gradient pushes them out.
Potassium ions move out because their channels are open and the concentration gradient pushes them out.
Potassium ions move in.
Which of the following is one way of stating the all-or-none law?
The amplitude of the action potential in one axon is the same as that in another axon.
At a given time, either all axons produce action potentials, or none do.
All stimuli that exceed the threshold produce equivalent responses in the axon.
During an action potential, all sodium channels open at the same time.
To which part or parts of a neuron does the all-or-none law apply?
Both axon and dendrites
What does the myelin sheath of an axon accomplish?
It enables an axon to communicate with other axons.
It enables action potential to travel both directions along an axon.
It enables nutrients to enter the axon.
It enables action potentials to travel more rapidly.
Is it true that we only use 10 percent of our brain? If so, what does that mean?
At any moment, only 10 percent of brain cells are active.
You could lose 90 percent of your brain and still do what you are doing now.
About 90 percent of the brain's neurons are immature and not yet functional
No, the statement is false and nonsensical.
What evidence led Sherrington to conclude that transmission at a synapse is different from transmission along an axon?
Chemicals that alter a synapse are different from those that affect action potentials.
The velocity of a reflex is slower than the velocity of an action potential.
Stains and microscopic observations demonstrate a gap at the synapse.
Reflexes can go in either direction, whereas axons transmit in only one direction.
Although one pinch did not cause a dog to flex its leg, a rapid sequence of pinches did. Sherrington cited this observation as evidence for what?
Temporal summation
Spatial summation
Inhibitory synapses
Although one pinch did not cause a dog to flex its leg, several simultaneous pinches at nearby locations did. Sherrington cited this observation as evidence for what?
Temporal summation
Spatial summation
Inhibitory synapses
When a vigorous pinch excited a dog's flexor muscle, it decreased excitation of the extensor muscles of the same leg. Sherrington cited this observation as evidence for what?
Temporal summation
Spatial summation
Inhibitory synapses
During an EPSP, the ____ gates in the membrane open. During an IPSP, the ____ gates open.
Sodium... Potassium or chloride
Potassium... Sodium or chloride
Chloride... Sodium or potassium
In what way were Sherrington's conclusions important for psychology as well as neuroscience?
He demonstrated the importance of unconscious motivations.
He demonstrated the importance of inhibition
He demonstrated the phenomenon of classical conditioning.
He demonstrated the evolution of intelligence.
What was Loewi's evidence that neurotransmission depends on the release of chemicals?
He applied adrenaline to muscles and saw them contract
He applied drugs at various synapses and observed excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials.
He stimulated one frog's heart, collected fluid around it, transferred it to another frog's heart, and saw change in its heart rate.
He stimulated certain nerves, collected fluid around their terminals, and analyzed the contents chemically.
Which of the following is NOT one of the brain's neurotransmitters?
The amino acid tryptophan is a precursor to which neurotransmitter?
Suppose you want to cause the presynaptic terminal of an axon to release its transmitter. How could you do so without an action potential?
Decrease the temperature at the synapse.
Use an electrode to produce IPSPs in the postsynaptic neuron.
Inject water into the presynaptic terminal.
Inject calcium into the presynaptic terminal.
The brain's most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter is ___, and its most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter is ____.
GABA... serotonin
Serotonin... dopamine
Dopamine... glutamate
Glutamate... GABA
In which of these ways does a metabotropic synapse differ from an ionotropic synapse?
Its effects are slower to start and last longer.
Its effects are faster to start and last longer.
Its effects are slower to start and briefer in duration.
Its effects are faster and briefer in duration.
What is a second messenger?
A chemical released by the presynaptic neuron a few milliseconds after release of the first neurotransmitter.
A chemical released inside a cell after stimulation at a metabotropic synapse.
A chemical that travels from the postsynaptic neuron back to the presynaptic neuron.
Which of the following is true of neuropeptides?
They are released close to their receptors.
A neuron releases them at a steady rate almost constantly.
They produce rapid, brief effects.
They are released either in large quantities or not at all.
Which of these drugs exerts its behavioral effects by binding to the same receptor as a neurotransmitter?
Which neurotransmitter is broken into two pieces to inactivate it, after it excites the postsynaptic neuron?
What does a transporter protein do at a synapse?
It carries neurotransmitter molecules from the presynaptic neuron to the postsynaptic neuron.
It carries neurotransmitter molecules from the cell body to the presynaptic terminal.
It carries neurotransmitter molecules from neurons that have too much into neurons that need more.
It pumps used neurotransmitter molecules back into the presynaptic neuron.
Except for the magnitude and speed of effects, methylphenidate (Ritalin) affects synapses the same way as which other drug?
Which of these drugs acts by inhibiting release of neurotransmitters from the presynaptic neuron?
Opiates such as morphine
Cannabinoids (found in marijuana)
Amphetamine and cocaine
In contrast to the posterior pituitary, the anterior pituitary...
Is neural tissue that releases oxytocin and vasopressin.
Is glandular tissue that releases oxytocin and vasopressin.
Is neural tissue that produces hormones that control other endocrine organs.
Is glandular tissue that produces hormones that control endocrine organs.
In what way is neuropeptide intermediate between neurotransmitters and hormones?
A neuropeptide diffuses more widely than other neurotransmitters but less than a hormone.
A neuropeptide is larger than other neurotransmitters but smaller than a hormone.
A neurotransmitter produces excitatory effects, a neuropeptide produces neutral effects, and a hormone produces negative effects.
A neurotransmitter produces slow effects, a neuropeptide produces faster effects, and a hormone produces still faser effects.
The term meaning toward the stomach side is ____, and its opposite is ____.
Medial... lateral
Lateral... medial
Ventral... dorsal
Dorsal... ventral
The term meaning toward the midline is ____, and its opposite is ____.
Medial... lateral
Lateral... medial
Ventral... dorsal
Dorsal... ventral
If two structures are on the same side of the body, they are ____ to each other. If they are on opposite sides, they are _____.
Medial... lateral
Lateral... medial
Ipsilateral... contralateral
Contralateral... ipsilateral
A plane that shows structures as viewed from the left or right side is called what?
What is the difference between the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal cord?
The dorsal roots control "fight or flight" activity, and the ventral roots control vegetative, nonemergency responses.
The dorsal roots control vegetative, non-emergency responses, and the ventral roots control "fight or flight" activity.
The dorsal roots contain sensory input, and the ventral roots contain motor output.
The dorsal roots contain motor output, and the ventral roots contain sensory input.
Why do most cold remedies increase heart rate and blood pressure?
These drugs block the sympathetic nervous system.
These drugs block the parasympathetic nervous system.
These drugs block the ventral roots of the spinal cord.
These drugs block the dorsal roots of the spinal cord.
Of the following, which one is part of the forebrain?
Superior colliculus
The pituitary gland is attached to which brain structure?
If we compare the brains of humans to those of smaller mammals, which of these patterns do we find?
The location of the visual cortex varies relative to other brain parts.
The proportion of the brain devoted to the cerebral cortex is smaller in humans
The proportion of the brain devoted to the cerebellum is about the same.
The relative size of the midbrain is larger in humans
Which of these is in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex
Primary visual cortex
Primary auditory cortex
Primary somatosensory cortex
Primary motor cortex
Which of these is in the occipital lobe of the cerebral cortex?
Primary visual cortex
Primary auditory cortex
Primary somatosensory cortex
Primary motor cortex
Which of these is in the frontal lobe of the cerebral cortex?
Primary visual cortex
Primary auditory cortex
Primary somatosensory cortex
Primary motor cortex
The main functions of the prefrontal cortex include which of the following?
Perceiving the location of body parts in space
Providing a pool of immature neurons to replace those damaged in other brain areas.
Coordination of slow, repetitive movements.
Working memory and weighing the pros and cons of a possible action.
Which of the following is necessary for binding to occur?
Perceiving different aspects of a sensation as coming from the same location.
Correctly perceiving the size and shape of a stimulus.
Perceiving the direction of movement of an object.
Correctly perceiving the color of an object.
{"name":"PSYC 401 - Exam 1", "url":"","txt":"What is meant by \"monism\"?, Of the following, which one is an example of evolutionary explanation (as opposed to a functional explanation)?, Of the following, which is a reason favoring the use of animals in biological psychology research aimed at solving human problems?","img":""}
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