ROMEO & JULIET: Acts 2 and 3

At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, where do Benvolio and Mercutio think Romeo is?
Home in bed with Juliet
Home in bed with Rosaline
Locked alone in his dark room
Since the audience knows who Romeo is with and the other characters do not, what is this scene an example of?
Dramatic Irony
TRUE OR FALSE: In Scene 2, Romeo compares Rosaline to the setting moon to suggest that he is not in love with her, but instead with Juliet, whom he compares to the sun.
Unaware of Romeo's presence while on the balcony, what does Juliet ask him to do?
Change his name so that he is no longer a Montague
Change his name so that he is no longer a Capulet
Neither of the above
For what purpose is Juliet going to send someone to Romeo on the following day?
To make sure he got home safely
To offer him a position as a servant in her castle
To organize their wedding
How does Friar Lawrence view Romeo's newfound love?
Shocked that he's gotten over Rosaline so quickly
Doubtful that such a new relationship will last in a marriage
Both of the above
At the end of Scene 3, why does the Friar finally decide to marry Romeo and Juliet?
Romeo is like a son to him, and he must do what makes him happy
He hopes that the marriage will bring about peace between the two families
Neither of the above
Does the nurse prefer Romeo or Paris as Juliet's potential husband? Why?
Romeo; although marrying him would be a risky move, she sees the passion Romeo and Juliet have for each other
Paris; he's more of a gentleman
Neither; she agrees with Juliet's statement about not wanting to be married
What is Juliet's mood in the opening soliloquy of Scene 5, where she awaits the nurse's arrival from meeting with Romeo?
Anxious and impatient
Calm and tolerant
Sad and mournful
What does the nurse do instead of telling Juliet about the wedding plans?
Tell her parents first
Alert the Friar about what he must do to prepare
Goof around and pretend to complain about walking so far
TRUE OR FALSE: Benvolio takes part in the fighting during Act 3, Scene 1.
What does Mercutio mean when he says "A plague o' both your houses"?
Blaming the feud between the families for his injury/death
He curses out Romeo and Tybalt for fighting
Neither of the above
What is the reasoning as to why Romeo killed Tybalt?
Tybalt also wanted to marry Juliet, and Romeo was jealous
Tybalt murdered Mercutio, Romeo's best friend
He made fun of Romeo for marrying his ugly cousin
What was Romeo's punishment for murdering Tybalt?
Death sentence
Prison for life
Banishment from Verona
What pained Juliet the most about the whole situation?
Mercutio was killed, which would upset Romeo on their wedding night
Romeo was banished and she could no longer be with him
Tybalt, her cousin who was very close with her, was killed
What does Friar Laurence do to prevent Romeo from committing suicide in the midst of his banishment?
Call him a womanly coward
Reminds Romeo of what makes him happy (what he has to live for)
Both of the above
Which of these IS NOT one of the steps of the Friar's complicated plan?
TRUE OR FALSE: Lord and Lady Capulet set up a plan behind Juliet's back to marry her and Paris three days from Romeo's departure.
What is Capulet's response to Juliet's refusal to marry Paris?
Calm and accepting
Furious and aggressive
Strict yet understanding
What does the nurse advise Juliet to do, which ultimately changes Juliet's feelings toward her?
Marry Paris
Run away with Romeo
Kill herself
{"name":"ROMEO & JULIET: Acts 2 and 3", "url":"","txt":"At the beginning of Act 2, Scene 1, where do Benvolio and Mercutio think Romeo is?, Since the audience knows who Romeo is with and the other characters do not, what is this scene an example of?, TRUE OR FALSE: In Scene 2, Romeo compares Rosaline to the setting moon to suggest that he is not in love with her, but instead with Juliet, whom he compares to the sun.","img":""}
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