TDS-June-v.2 (06/15/2016 - 06/30/2016)
{"name":"TDS-June-v.2 (06\/15\/2016 - 06\/30\/2016)", "url":"","txt":"Welcome to this month’s trivia page! From now until June 30th, 2016, you will be able to complete this trivia challenge and win a prize if you score the highest for each participating store! So encourage others to do this trivia because they can actually use this towards making magic with every guest that walks in the store! Deadline for participation in this round: June 30th, 2016 by 23:30 (11:30 pm)., To be fair, everyone is required to do this trivia without any help from others, electronic devices and\/or any form of reading material. Do this and every other trivia you take part from now on solely based on your knowledge!, Please note that there is a timer on each question, you have 1.5 minutes for each question and you will NOT have the option of skipping the question to return at a later point in time. The questions will be as straightforward as possible with a bit of a challenge on some, this is to ensure that all trivia submissions are done with little to no chances to refer to resources for answers. Do this to the best you can!","img":""}
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