The trial begins...
Confront Your Shadows: The Inner Journey Quiz
Embark on a gripping adventure through the depths of your own psyche with our interactive quiz. As you navigate eerie chambers and face your inner demons, each choice reveals a unique aspect of yourself. Are you ready to confront your regrets, hopes, and fears?
- Explore your emotional landscape through immersive scenarios.
- Face haunting creatures symbolizing your past.
- Choose items that reflect your inner strength and struggles.
Light begins to fade out of the cavern, and Braern lights a torch to fight up the way to the first chamber. "This will be the easiest to pass as I am with you, but the others may be more difficult. They don't know these sleeping realms as I do. You need to be prepared." As he finishes speaking, five altars appear in the room and each contain an item. Which do you pick?
A sword and shield
A box of medical supplies
A magical staff
A bow and quiver
A two handed axe
Upon picking a weapon, the room goes dark. Red eyes shine from the distance as creatures draw closer. Their whispers sound familiar to the Fallen, yet it's hard to place what exactly they are or if they truly are Fallen. "Do not fear," Braern calls out, placing the torch into a holder. "Your shadows only bind you as much as you let them. Face your regrets and be strong." As the creatures grow closer, you're able to see them for what they truly are. How do these creatures appear to you?
They appear as a lover that you failed to save
They appear as your family that you failed to protect
They appear as a friend that you had to kill
They appear as a dark shadow that haunts your dreams
They appear as someone you respected that you ignored
The creature quickly overwhelms you, causing the room to turn dark for a moment. It feels cold and lonely in a way, and it becomes harder to open your eyes. A hand reaches down to touch your head, brushing any stray hairs out of the way. "Taking an afternoon nap?" Amisra asks, head tilted to the side as she speaks. "You should be more careful sleeping in the forest like that. You could have crushed the flowers and missed out on the chance to see the them bloom." As your eyes glance downwards, a field of blooming flowers open up. It fills you with happiness for some reason, and you crouch down to pick one. What flower did you find?
A blue daisy
A dandelion
A lupine flower
A yellow daffodil
A delphinium flower
"That's so pretty! Just be careful with them. Some flowers are here to help us and others only want to tear us down," she states, standing after a moment. With each step away she takes there is darkness left in her tracks, turning the flowers around her into thick, thorny branches that lash out. Striking the branches causes them to scream, the sound ringing in your skull. What does the scream remind you of?
The sound of a child crying
The sound of an animal snarling
The sound of a wail of grief
The sound of a parental figure yelling
The sound of endless whispers
The branches reach out and wrap themselves around you, tightening so much that it becomes impossible to breathe. The world goes black, but instead of going cold it feels warm. There's the temptation to stay there forever, yet a voice calls out to you, waking you from your slumber. "You know if you sleep all day you'll miss something beautiful," Zinthanys calls out, shaking their head. "Lucky for you, I painted it while you slept. What do you think?" They turn around a canvas, and on it is a picture of something. What did they paint?
A purple sunset sky
A golden sunrise sky
A night sky filled with stars
A sunny blue sky
A stormy sky filled with clouds
As you get closer to the painting you realize that it's painted with a weird material. Touching it, the paint wipes away streaks of blood that clings to your hand. "Not everything is always a happy day. Sometimes you have to see the worst that a day can offer before you can appreciate the good times you've had," they sigh, putting the painting down and walking to the door. Dark pools of darkness reside in their footprints, and as the door opens, skeletons begin pouring out of the area. They crawl out from under the bed and through the window, all reaching for you to pull you into the painting. Each one chants something over and over. What do they say?
"Why did you leave me?"
"Why did you let me die?"
"Why did you betray me?"
"Why did you hurt me?"
"Why did you ignore me?"
Soon enough the weight and strength of the skeleton hands are too much, and they drag you down into the painting. Colors swirl all around you, blinding you from seeing anything near by, yet you walk forward as you attempt to get out of the overbearing light. A hand grabs your shoulder, gripping it tightly before you can walk out into the river. "The ferryman will be here soon enough. There is no need to be so hasty," Aithlin states, releasing his grip and crossing his arms across his chest. "There are supplies there if you are in need of them. Take whatever you want." He gestures to a box near by, and as you open it, you see something treasured inside. What did you find?
A wooden sword
An intertwined ring
A half-heart locket
A childhood doll
A box of chalk
Pocketing the item, you fail to read the box's instruction saying to leave an item behind for the ferryman and step into the boat. "No matter what you must always be aware of your surroundings. Even the smallest detail can cause you to fail," he states, backing away from the boat. Darkness drips down from the dock near his feet and into the water, turning them rough and causing waves to crash on the boat. Hands reach out and shove you under, forcing you to breathe in the water. It's hard to see, but the ferryman looks familiar. Who's face does he have?
The face of an enemy
The face of a friend
The face of a loved one
The face of a family member
The face of yourself
With each dunk it feels harder to breathe, and soon enough your lungs fill up with water. It feels as if you're floating down into dark depths, losing yourself in the process. A hand reaches down and grabs you, pulling you from dark waters and into a room. The dim lights look similar to the first cave, but after your eyes adjust you see the dark room that held Elora for so long. "It is easy to fall further into darkness is it not? You have been so strong to make it this far, and I am so proud of everything that you have done," Elora speaks, smiling as her hand caresses your face. "You will face many trials, but keep your head up." Tilting your head upward, you see the cavern filled with glittering crystals. What color are they?
Dazzling red
Deep blue
Light purple
Dark green
Bright pink
As your head tilts back down, you see Elora's face corrupted once again. Darkness drips down from her now black eyes, yet she still smiles as she looks at you. "Now take a seat upon your throne. It is your destiny just as it is mine. The sooner you accept that the easier it will be to accept yourself." With little choice, you walk over to the throne and sit down on it. Darkness flows into the room, filling it with the same dark goo that's followed you throughout your journey. As you close your eyes and accept your fate, you hear someone call out your new title. What do they call you?
The liar
The traitor
The failure
The tyrant
The irrelevant
{"name":"The trial begins...", "url":"","txt":"Embark on a gripping adventure through the depths of your own psyche with our interactive quiz. As you navigate eerie chambers and face your inner demons, each choice reveals a unique aspect of yourself. Are you ready to confront your regrets, hopes, and fears?Explore your emotional landscape through immersive scenarios.Face haunting creatures symbolizing your past.Choose items that reflect your inner strength and struggles.","img":"https:/images/course7.png"}
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