Weighing the soul in the after life

How would you describe your daily sleep routine?
I go to bed early and wake up early
I stay up late and wake up late
My sleep schedule varies
What do you believe happens to the soul after death?
It ascends to a higher spiritual realm
It faces punishment or redemption based on its actions
It undergoes a process of evaluation and growth
How important is it for you to maintain a clear conscience?
Extremely important, I strive to always do what's right
Somewhat important, but I acknowledge my flaws
Not very important, as long as I'm happy with my choices
Do you believe in karma or the concept of cause and effect?
Yes, I think our actions have consequences
No, I believe life is random and unpredictable
I'm not sure or haven't really thought about it
How often do you reflect on your past actions and decisions?
Regularly, I believe self-reflection is important for personal growth
Occasionally, when something significant happens
Rarely, I prefer to focus on the present moment
What role does forgiveness play in your life?
Forgiveness is essential for inner peace and harmony
Forgiveness can be difficult, but it's necessary for healing
I find it hard to forgive and let go of grudges
How would you describe your overall outlook on life?
Optimistic, I believe in the inherent goodness of people
Realistic, understanding that life has its ups and downs
Pessimistic, expecting the worst from others and situations
Are you more driven by a sense of duty or personal desires?
Duty, I prioritize fulfilling responsibilities and obligations
A mix of both, depending on the situation
Personal desires, I prioritize my own happiness and fulfillment
How open are you to exploring different spiritual beliefs and practices?
Very open, I enjoy learning about various philosophies
Somewhat open, I'm willing to consider new ideas
Not very open, I prefer sticking to what I already know
How do you handle regrets or guilt from past actions?
I reflect on them, learn from them, and strive to make amends
I try to let go of them and focus on the present
I often dwell on them and struggle to move forward Scoring: - Type 1: The Light Feather - Score range: 24-30 - Type 2: The Heavy Heart - Score range: 21-27 - Type 3: The Balanced Scale - Score range: 8-
{"name":"Weighing the soul in the after life", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"How would you describe your daily sleep routine?, What do you believe happens to the soul after death?, How important is it for you to maintain a clear conscience?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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