Microwave Devices and Antennas

1. Which of the following factors is not used to determine a mode of energy transmission?
A. Power level and efficiency
B. reliability
C. Cost and maintenance
D. Environmental conditions
2. The type of wave propagated by a waveguide is:
A. quantum
B. electromagnetic
C. acoustic
D. mechanical
3. The side arm of the shunt tee is used to shunt the E field in which mode?
4. Which of the following is used to change the plane of polarization of the wave?
A. H bend
B. twist
C. E bend
D. tees
5. The amount of coupling (dB) is determined by:
A. Guide wavelength, λg
B. Type of waveguide
C. Type of transmission mode
D. Ratio of output power and incident power
6. At a frequency of 1 GHz and a transmitter-receiver distance of 1500 ft., which is the most efficient device for energy transfer?
A. Transmission lines
B. waveguides
C. antennas
D. All of the choices
7. Which is the dominant and most widely used mode of waveguide operation?
A. TE10
B. TE20
C. TM11
D. TM21
8. One wavelength of waveguide, when compared to one wavelength of free space is:
A. larger
B. smaller
C. The same length
D. Equal to sqrt fo 3x10^8 m/s
9. Circular waveguide is advantageous to rectangular waveguide in:
A. Its cost
B. Continuously rotating radar applications
C. Its cross-sectional area
D. Its size
10. In order to change the direction of propagation in waveguide, what is used?
A. an H-bend
B. an E-bend
C. A twist
D. All of the above
11. The primary use of slide screw and double-slug tuners is in:
A. minimizing VSWR in a waveguide system
B. Increasing the signal level of the signal being propagated through the waveguide
C. Changing the direction of propagation of the signal in the waveguide
D. Minimizing the resistive losses of the waveguide
12. A waveguide that can distinguish between the waves traveling in opposite directions is called:
A. A slider screw tuner
B. A flap attenuator
C. A directional coupler
D. A hybrid tee
13. Which is not a method for coupling energy into or out of a waveguide?
A. probe
B. tee
C. loop
D. aperture
14. As electromagnetic waves propagate in a waveguide:
A. They travel along a broader walls of the guide
B. They are reflected from the walls but do not travel along them
C. They travel through the dielectric without touching the walls
D. They travel at the skin of the guide
15. Waveguides are used commonly for microwave signals because:
A. They depend on straight-line propagation which applies to microwaves only
B. Waveguides used in lower frequencies would be too small
C. There are no generators powerful enough to excite them at lower frequencies
D. They would be too bulky at lower frequencies
16. The wavelength of a wave in a waveguide
A. Is greater than of free space
B. Depends only on the waveguide dimensions and the free-space wavelength
C. Is inversely proportional to the phase velocity
D. Is lesser than of free space
17. Main difference between the operation of transmission lines and waveguides is that:
A. The latter are not distributed, like transmission lines
B. The latter is a low pass filter and the former is a high pass filter
C. Transmission lines use the principal mode of propagation, and therefore do not suffer from low- frequency cut-off
D. Terms such as impedance matching and standing-wave ratio cannot be applied to waveguides
18. Which is a false statement? Compared with equivalent transmission lines, 3 GHz waveguides:
A. Are less lossy
B. Are much bigger
C. Are less bulky
D. Have lower attenuation
19. There appears an extra electric component in the direction of propagation in a particular mode in a waveguide. This describes:
A. transverse-electric
B. transverse-magnetic
C. Transverse perpendicular
D. transverse-electromagnetic
20. An electromagnetic wave that reflects at an angle from a wall would have their wavelength along the wall:
A. The same as in free space
B. The same as the wavelength transverse to the wall
C. Decreased because of Doppler effect
D. Increased than in the actual direction of propagation
21. An electromagnetic wave acquires an apparent velocity greater than the velocity of light in space due to reflection from a plane conducting wall in a waveguide. This is?
A. Incident velocity
B. Normal velocity
C. Group velocity
D. Phase velocity
22. If the free space wavelength of a signal equals the cut-off wavelength of the guide,________.( Indicate the false statement)
A. The group velocity of the signal becomes zero
B. The phase velocity of the signal becomes infinite
C. The characteristic impedance of the guide becomes infinite
D. The signal will not propagate in the guide
23. A waveguide has a full wave of electric intensity change between the two further walls and no component of the electric field in the direction of propagation.
A. TE 1+1
B. TE 1-1
C. TM 0,2
D. TE 2,0
24. Indicate the false statement. The dominant mode is preferred as the propagation mode with a rectangular waveguides because:
A. It leads to the smallest waveguide dimensions
B. The resulting impedance can be matched directly to coaxial lines
C. It is easier than the other modes
D. It offers minimum dispersion
25. The disadvantage of microstrip over a stripline circuits is that the microstrip
A. Do not lend themselves to printed circuit techniques
B. Are more likely to radiate
C. Are bulkier
D. Are made of two ground planes
26. A choke flange may be used to couple two waveguides:
A. To help in the alignment of the waveguides
B. To let the atmosphere stabilize the waveguide’s humidity
C. To compensate for discontinuities at the join
D. To increase the bandwidth of the system
27. Which one is not used to couple two generators to a waveguide system without coupling them to each other?
A. rat-race coupler
B. E-plane T
C. Hybrid ring
D. magic T
28. A waveguide tuning components that is not easily adjustable is:
29. A piston attenuator is a
Vane attenuator
Mode filter
Waveguide below cutoff
A ridged waveguide
30. Klystrons do not use cylindrical cavity resonators because they have______.
A. a Q that is too low
B. A shape whose resonant frequency is too difficult to calculate
C. Harmonically related resonant frequencies
D. Losses that are too great
31. The advantage of using a directional coupler with three or more holes over a two-hole coupler is:
A. It is more rugged
B. Increases coupling of the signal
C. Reduces spurious mode generation
D. Increases the bandwidth of the system
32. A ferrite is
A. A nonconductor with magnetic properties
B. An inter-metallic compound with particularly good conductivity
C. An insulator which heavily attenuates magnetic fields
D. A microwave semiconductor invented by Faraday
33. Manganese ferrite may be used as _______ (false statement)?
A. circulator
B. isolator
C. garnet
D. both A and B
34. A ferrite component’s maximum power handling capability is limited by the:
A. Curie temperature
B. Saturation magnetization
C. Resonant frequency
D. Gyromagnetic resonance
35. A PIN diode is
A. A metal semiconductor point-contact diode
B. A microwave mixer diode
C. Is a positive-injected-negative type diode
D. Suitable for use as a microwave switch
36. A duplexer is used
A. To couple two different antennas to a transmitter without mutual interference
B. To allow one antenna to be used for reception or retransmission without mutual interference
C. To prevent interference between two antennas when they are connected to a receiver
D. To allow the signal to change from vertical to horizontal or vice versa
37. Circular waveguides may be preferred to rectangular ones because of
A. The smaller cross section needed at any frequency
B. Lower attenuation
C. Easier to manufacture thus inexpensive
D. Rotation of polarization
38. A word that can be followed by the word “waveguide”(false statement):
39. A waveguide used to reduce the cross-sectional dimensions
Single mode
40. The best transmission medium is for handling high powers is:
Rectangular waveguide
Twin lead
41. A system that uses two ground planes.
Horn antenna
Printed circuit board
42. An advantage of stripline using microstrip is its______(false statement).
A. Easier integration with semiconductor device
B. Lower tendency to radiate
C. Lesser resistance
D. higher Q
43. An advantage of stripline over waveguides is its________(false statement)
A. Smaller bulk
B. Greater bandwidth
C. Higher power handling capacity
D. Greater compatibility with semiconductor device
44. A disadvantage of optical fibers over waveguides is:
A. That they are new technology
B. Their inadequate channel capacity
C. The high crosstalk from which they suffer
D. That they have higher data transmission rate
45. For frequencies below 2 MHz, which antenna is used?
46. A λ/4 dipole at 500 MHz is used to receive a broadcast. Determine the length of the dipole.
1.5 m
3 m
0.9 m
0.6 m
47. Which of the following is used to determine antenna bandwidth?
Center frequency
All of the choices
48. Which of the following antennas matches well with the 300 Ω input impedance terminals?
A. Folded dipole antenna
B. Slot antenna
C. Ferrite loop antenna
D. Loop antenna
49. Which of the following is a directional antenna?
A. Yagi-Uda
B. dipole
C. vertical
D. All of the choices
50. An antenna created by taking a quarter-wavelength section of open wire line and bending each conductor outward 90 degrees is called:
A. a Marconi antenna
B. A dipole antenna
C. A vertical antenna
D. All of the choices
51. It is desired to build a dipole to receive a 49 MHz broadcast. The optimum length for the dipole antenna is:
A. 5.82 meters
B. 2.91 meters
C. 6.12 meters
D. 3.06 meters
52. Any non-driven element of an antenna array such as a Yagi is called a:
Parasitic element
53. Feeding the half-wave dipole (Hertz) antenna at the center results in an input impedance that is purely resistive and equal to
50 Ω
73 Ω
300 Ω
58 Ω
54. The half-wave dipole antenna has gain relative to an isotropic radiator of
A. 1.67 dB
B. 3 dB
C. 2.15 dB
D. 5 dB
55. Antenna gain provided with respect to an isotropic radiator is expressed as:
56. The antenna gain, given in decibel with respect to a dipole is expressed as:
57. An impedance matching device that spreads the transmission line as it approaches the antenna is called a:
Wye match
Delta match
Series match
Flared match
58. A series inductance used to tune out the capacitive appearance of an antenna is called
A. Wading coil
B. RF choke
C. Condenser
D. pole
59. A group of antennas or antenna elements arranged to provide the desired directional characteristics is called:
A. A lumped element
B. A vertical antenna
C. a Marconi antenna
D. An antenna array
60. A small-loop antenna has a turn of wire whose dimensions are normally much smaller than:
A. λ/2
B. 2λ
C. 0.lλ
D. λ
61. A direction in space with minimal signal level is called a:
62. The characteristic impedance of twin lead is:
A. 600 Ω
B. 150 Ω
C. 300 Ω
D. 75 Ω
63. An antenna near the ground and ungrounded:
A. Acts as a single antenna of twice the height
B. Is unlikely to need a ground screen
C. Acts as an antenna array
D. Is obviously vertically polarized
64. Which of the following is a non-resonant antenna?
A. The rhombic antenna
B. The folded dipole
C. The end-fire array
D. Both folded dipole and rhombic are correct
65. A multiband HF receiving antenna.
A. Conical horn
B. Folded dipole
C. Log periodic
D. Yagi antenna
66. An antenna best excited from a waveguide is a/an:
67. Which of the following reasons for using a counterpoise with antenna is not true
A. Impossibility of a good ground connection
B. Protection of personnel working underground
C. Provision of an earth for the antenna
D. Rockiness of the ground
68. Which is not a reason for the use of an antenna coupler:
A. To make the antenna look resistive
B. To provide the output amplifier with the correct load impedance
C. To match impedances
D. To prevent reradiation of the local oscillator
69. Which is not a wideband antenna?
Log periodic
70. Which of the following reasons is false for the use of a ground screen with an antenna
A. If it is impossible to achieve a good ground connection
B. Provision of an earth for the antenna
C. Protection of personnel working underneath
D. Improvement of the radiation pattern of the antenna
71. Yagi-Uda array has_______(false statement)?
A. Good bandwidth
B. Parasitic elements
C. Folded dipole
D. High gain
72. Which antenna is circularly polarized?
A. helical
B. Rhombic antenna
C. Parabolic reflector
D. Yagi-Uda
73. Considered as a standard reference antenna for directive gain
A. Marconi antenna
B. Isotropic antenna
C. Elementary doublet
D. half-wave dipole
74. The purpose of using top loading is to increase the antenna’s_______.
Effective height
75. A statement describing a parabolic reflector with cassegrain feeding
A. Increases the gain of the system
B. Increases the beamwidth of the system
C. Uses the focus for feeding
D. Allows the feed to be placed at a convenient point
76. Zoning is used with a dielectric antenna in order to
A. Reduce the bulk of the lense
B. Increase the bandwidth of the lens
C. Increase the size of the lense
D. Correct the curvature of the wavefront from a horn that is too short
77. Because of its_______ helical antennas are used for satellite tracking
A. Circular polarization
B. maneuverability
C. Broad bandwidth
D. Immunity to noise
78. Discone antennas are
A. Useful as direction-finding antenna
B. Used as a radar receiving antenna
C. Useful for submarine communications
D. Useful as UHF receiving antennas
79. Which of the is not an omnidirectional antenna?
A. Half-wave dipole
B. Log-periodic
C. Discone
D. Quarterwave monopole
80. A rectangular waveguide has a width of 0.65 in and a height of 0.38 in. What is the cutoff frequency?
A. 9.085 GHz
B. 12.98 GHz
C. 8.95 GHz
D. 21.22 GHz
81. An air-dielectric waveguide has an inside cross section of 2 cm by 4 cm. Find the cutoff frequency for the TE10
A. 3.75 × 10^9 Hz
C. 1.75 × 10^9 Hz
B. 4.75 × 10^9 Hz
D. 7.5 × 10^9 Hz
82. Over what maximum frequency range is the waveguide usable for dominant mode?
A. 3.75 × 10^9 Hz
B. 4.75 × 10^9 Hz
C. 1.75 × 10^9 Hz
D. 7.5 × 10^9 Hz
83. Find the group velocity for the waveguide at a frequency of 5 GHz.
A. 259×10^6 m/s
B. 198×10^6 m/s
C. 112×10^6 m/s
D. 453×10^6 m/s
84. Find the phase velocity for the waveguide at a frequency of 5 GHz.
A. 259×10^6 m/s
B. 198×10^6 m/s
C. 112×10^6 m/s
D. 453×10^6 m/s
85. Find the guide wavelength.
A. 2.23 cm
B. 4.67 cm
C. 9.08 cm
D. 7.05 cm
86. A waveguide has a cutoff frequency for the dominant mode of 10 GHz. Two signals with frequencies of 12 and 17 GHz propagate down a 50 m length of the guide. Calculate the group velocity for 12GHz
A. 165.83 x 10^6 m/s
B. 242.6 x 10^6 m/s
C. 111.42 x 10^6 m/s
D. 288 x 10^6 m/s
87. Calculate the group velocity for 17GHz.
A. 165.83 x 10^6 m/s
C. 111.42 x 10^6 m/s
B. 242.6 x 10^6 m/s
D. 288 x 10^6 m/s
88. Calculate the arrival time for the 12GHz.
A. 95.41 ns
B. 233.65 ns
C. 301.51 ns
D. 206.1 ns
89. Calculate the difference of the arrival time between the two signals.
A. 95.41 ns
B. 233.65 ns
C. 301.51 ns
D. 206.1 ns
90. A dipole antenna has a radiation resistance of 67 Ω and a loss resistance of 5 Ω, measured at the feed point. Calculate the efficiency.
A. 92 %
B. 97 %
C. 88 %
D. 93 %
91. Two antennas have gains of 5.3 dBi and 4.5 dBd, respectively. Which has greater gain?
A. 5.3 dBi
B. 4.5 dBd
C. Both have equal values
D. Lacks data
92. A dipole antenna has an efficiency of 85%. Calculate its gain in decibels.
A. 1.39
B. 3.19
C. 1.99
D. 5.12
93. An antenna with a gain of 13.95 dBi has a gain of _____ in dBd.
A. 7.23 dBd
B. 11.81 dBd
C. 16.1 dBd
D. 8.22 dBd
94. A transmitter power of 30W is fed to an antenna with a gain of 12.4 dBi. Find the EIRP in dBm.
A. 75.5 dBm
B. 57.17 dBm
C. 42.4 dBm
D. 22.77 dBm
95. A ground plane antenna connected to a 50Ω cable has an SWR of:
A. 2.2
B. 1
C. 1.36
D. 0.73
96. Calculate the length of the bow tie antenna at 310 MHz.
A. 2.3 ft
B. 0.258 m
C. 7.25 m
D. 3.2 ft
97. Calculate the radiation resistance of the bow tie antenna at 310 MHz and φ = 35°.
73.5 Ω
288 Ω
343 Ω
53.5 Ω
98. Find the beam width of an antenna with a gain of 15 dB.
A. 90 deg
B. 36.1 deg
C. 12.34 deg
D. 22.15 deg
99. An antenna has a gain of 14 dB. It is fed by an RG- 8/U transmission line 250 ft long whose attenuation is 3.6 dB/100 ft at 220 MHz. The transmitter output is 50 W. Calculate the transmission line loss
A. 3 dB
B. 6 dB
C. 9 dB
D. 10 dB
100. Calculate the ERP.
A. 123.98 W
B. 331.5 W
C. 78.87 W
D. 158.1 W
{"name":"Microwave Devices and Antennas", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"1. Which of the following factors is not used to determine a mode of energy transmission?, 2. The type of wave propagated by a waveguide is:, 3. The side arm of the shunt tee is used to shunt the E field in which mode?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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