F0019 Thanks Niga For Typing

A student studying with medical books, a laptop open with quiz questions, surrounded by notes and a cup of coffee, soft academic lighting.

Medical School Success Quiz

Test your knowledge and prepare yourself for the journey towards medical school with our engaging quiz!

Featuring a variety of questions to assess your understanding:

  • Passive voice and grammatical constructs
  • Vocabulary and pronunciation
  • Logical reasoning and comprehension
54 Questions14 MinutesCreated by LearningEagle412
Yes I can succeed and go to medical school
Read the above passage and answer the following questions.
Who found the writer's bag?
The writer herself.
The inn-keeper's dog .
The inn-keeper
It's not mentioned in the passage.
Where did the writer have lunch?
At the village inn
In the garden of the village inn.
At a farmer's house
The place is not mentioned in the passage.
Why did the inn-keeper apologize to the writer?
Because the meal was bad.
Because his dog has taken her bag
Because his dog had attacked her
Because he found her bag too late
Where did the dog take the bag?
To the house of the owner of the inn
To the main street of the village
To the garden
It's not mentioned in the passage
Which of the following is a correct passive voice sentence?
The car has hit the old lady.
The old lady has hit by the car
The old lady has been hit by the car
The old lady has being hit by the car
The sentence "We went 20 metres for groundwater to irrigate our crops “was said by________
Rosa Gomez
Maria Rodas
Neelam Reddy
Joseph Noujoma
The doctor said that Jim could help their group more than anyone because_________
The men in Hispaniola liked him and he was good at noticing things
He was good at repairing ships
He knew where Flint's treasure was
None of them
That is the village______my father was a teacher.
We heard them_________ the problem with the manager.
He decided_____smoking to avoid______cancer.
To give up / to catch
To give up / catch
Giving up / catching
To give up / catching
Before they_______we_______.
Begin / arrived
Began / arrive
Began / arrives
Begin / will arrive
There is no /j/ in_________.
The underlined letters in the words ( please) and ( speech) are pronounced as_______ and _________
/z/ and / ʃ /
/z/ and /tʃ/
/s/ and /ʃ/
/s/ and /tʃ/
The squire bought a ship_______
To find Flint’s treasure
To go on a voyage with Silver
To go on a voyage with Dr Livesey and his men
None of them
The vowel sounds in the words_______and______ are /ei/ and /a/.
Bread and park
Hate and bad
Hard and catch
meal and sad
The doctor said to the squire________
We'll find that treasure
I don't like this voyage
You can't keep a secret
You fear a mutiny
The opposite of (forget) is________
The mayor was there __________ opening the conference.
In order to
So that
For the purpose of
According to one of Dr. Sally Dale's tips, a grade 12 student should be strong enough to_________
Say no to working hard before exams
Say no to time wasters
Revise all the time
Leave all their revision to the night before the exam
Which of the following sentences can be changed to a reduced relative clause?
I didn't know the lady who helped you with your luggage.
I don't know the lady who helps you with your luggage t.
I didn't know the lady who you helped with her luggage.
You must never forget the lady who saved your life.
They need to act more politely, or they will be dismissed. If we use (If) we say________
If they don’t act more politely, they will be dismissed.
If they don’t act more politely, they will be dismiss.
If they act more politely, they will be disrnissed.
If they don't acts more politely, they will be dismissed
It's a sunny day.
___________some photos.
Let's take
Why not take
What about taking
I suggest we taking
Almost all the buildings in Erbil's ancient Citadel need________.
Urgent repairs
Urgent rebuilding
No repairs
New furniture and lighting
The underlined letters in (trouble) are pronounced as _______.
If you had told me about Aram's illness, I______him.
Would visit
Had visited
Would have visited
___________the bridge next month.
They will be building
Will they be building
They be will building
Will be they building
He is too weak to cimb the mountain. If we use (enough) to express the same meaning we say_______
He is strong enough to climb the mountain
He is enough strong to climb the mountain.
He is not enough strong to dimb the mountain.
He is not strong enough to climb the mountain.
Parents have encouraged their children to work hard, ________they?
Don't they
Do they
Had they
They finally got used to_________everyday.
Takes exams
Take exams
Taking exams
Took exams
Which one of the following is a noun person?
Silver ______Tom because he_______
Rewarded/ agreed to join Silver's grouP
Blocked / did not take exams
Killed/ refused to join Silver’s group
None of them
The Great Pyramid of Khufu was buift nearly______years ago.
The doctor said that ________was the best thing Jim had ever done.
Cutting the anchor rope of Hispaniola.
Finding Benn Gun
Bringing the map to hirn and the squire
Removing and blocking students who do not take exams
Hydroponics is ________
Growing plants in liquids
Overusing lands
Farming land unsustainably +D. None of them
None of them
The noun from of (safe) is_______
The opposite of the word (health) is
Mending old chairs and tables is an example of __________.
Chris Carr learned from Dr. Haval Sherzad that the kurdish people_______
Used chemical weapons
Committed massacres in many parts
Suffered war and persecution
brought war and persecution
Chris Carr learned a lot about Kurdish people from Dr. Haval Sherzad. According to your book, the past tense of (learn) is_____
Azad Qadir and Stella visited_________ together. (7ayrani)
The Empire State building
Sami Abdurrahman Park
The big apple hostel
The Statue of Liberty
The silent letters in (thumb) and (design) are__________
Captain Smollet said that he didn't like Mr. Arrow because Mr Arrow was_______.
Wearing earrings
Too friendly with the crew to be a good officer
A better sailor than Captain Smollet.
Saying too much QQB in the SmartStudy groups.
As Jim was cutting the anchor rope of Hispaniola he could hear two men_____above him.
Arguing and fighting
_______had an account book with the names of the ships he sank and the money he'd taken from them.
The blind man
The man with one leg
Billy Bones
He had an account book with the names of the ships he sank and the money he'd taken from them. The phrase (he'd taken) is equal to_____
He would take
He would taken
He had taken
He had took
Tim Berners-Lee invented________and gave it to the world for________
Fibre optics / nothing
Computer / millions of dollars
The world wide web / free
Telephone / free
We all want a life that is ________than before.
The students are in the library. (possibility)
They may be borrow books
They may borrows books
They may be borrowing books
They may have borrows books
_________is to find the answer to a problem or puzzle.
____________constructed Stonehenge.
The people who used the Silk Road
A long-forgotten people
One of the Pharaohs
None of them
Why did you leave the meeting?
They asked me____________________.
Why I had left the meeting
Why I left the meeing.
Why had I left the meeting
Why I did leave the meeting
The correct fraction for (forty per cent) is_______
A fifth
An eighth
A ninth
Two fifths
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