Anatomy Chapter 3

Intracellular structures which have specific shapes and functions are called
Cytoplasmic aggregates
Inclusion bodies
The cytoskeleton
Is a network of polysaccharide filaments extending throughout the cytoplasm
Includes microtubules composed of actin that assist in moving chromosomes
Includes micro filaments composed of tubulin that are involved in movement and support
Maintains the shape of a cell and helps organize intracellular contents
Includes intermediate filaments that serve as intracellular conveyor belts
Most micro filaments are composed of:
The advantage of the presence of microvilli on cell membrane is :
Such cells can move
Materials can be pushed across the cell surface
The membranes has a greater surface area for an increased rate of diffusion
The microvilli can extend out to engulf solid particles
The membrane is more permeable to polar substances
Cilia and flagella are made mostly of:
Intermediate filaments
The sub units of a ribosome are produced in the:
Golgi complex
Endoplasmic reticulum
Secretory proteins and membrane molecules are synthesized mainly by the
Rough ER
Golgi complex
Which cell organelle is the site of a fatty acid, phospholipid and steroid synthesis?
Golgi complex
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
The golgi complex is most extensive in cells that:
Do not reproduce
Have many mitochondria
Move fluids across the surfaces
Secrete proteins in the ECF
Frequently change shape
Recycling of worn organelles is accomplished by autophagy, which is carried out by:
The golgi complex
Smooth ER
The barrier between a cell and its environment is the
Nuclear envelope
Plasma membrane
How are phospholipid molecules arranged within the lipid bilayer of the plasma membrane?
The hydrophobic lipid tails and the hydrophilic polar phosphate heads are arranged randomly
The hydrophobic lipid tails are oriented toward the ECF and the ICF
The hydrophobic phosphate heads are oriented toward the ECF and ICF
The hydrophobic lipid tails are oriented toward the ECF and the ICF
The hydrophobic phosphate heads are oriented toward the ECF and the ICF
The reason the lipid bilayer of a plasma membrane is asymmetric is that:
Glycolipids appear only on the extracellular side of the membrane
The phospholipids are randomly arranged
Cholesterol molecules line up on the inner surface of the membrane
The phospholipids in the outer layer are larger molecules than those of the inner layer
Glycolipids make up the outer layer, while phospholipids make up the inner layer
An electrochemical gradient requires a difference in the
Concentration of a substance on one side of the plasma membrane vs the other
Charge distributions on one side of the plasma membrane vs the other
Number of glycolipids on one side of the plasma membrane vs the other
Both A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
Mechanisms that allow movement of materials across a plasma membrane include:
Kinetic energy
Transporter proteins
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
The cell does not need to expend energy (ATP) in order to preform:
Simple diffusion
Active transport
Both A and C are correct
The places where receptors bind to ligands
The "rivers" of water flow throughout the cytosol
Sites of hydrolysis within the cytoplasm
Water channels in a plasma membrane
The sugar molecules that attract a fluid layer to the cell's surface
Osmosis is considered a special case of diffusion because:
A solute moves against its gradient
It is the movement of water down its own gradient
It is the movement of water against its own gradient
Water requires a transporter protein to get through the lipid bilayer
Both C and D are correct
Red blood cells membranes are not normally permeable to NaC1, and maintain an intracellular concentration of NaC1 of 0.9%. If these cells are placed in a solution containing 9% NaC1, what would happen?
Nothing will happen because the membrane is not permeable to NaC1
Water will enter the cell because the intracellular fluid has a higher osmotic pressure
The cell will undergo hemolysis due to membrane damage from the 9% NaC1 solution
The cell will crenate because the extracellular solution has a higher osmotic pressure
The cell will generate NaC1 to make up the difference in concentrations
Solutes move "down" a concentration gradient in:
Primary active transport
Secondary active transport
Facilitated diffusion
Tiny organelles that contain many kinds of proteases and are responsible for destruction of damaged or unnecessary proteins are the
Powerhouses of the cell, most important site of ATP production is found in
Plasma membrane
Golgi apparatus
The end result of mitosis is production of
One cell with twice as many organelles as the parent cell
Two cells with half as many chromosomes as the parent cell
Sperm cells and egg cells
Four cells with twice as much DNA as the parent cell
Two cells identical to the parent cell
Which of the following lists the phases of the cell cycle in the correct sequence?
S-phase, G1 phase, G2 phase, cytokinesis, S phase
Mitosis, cytokinesis, G1 phase, G2 phase, S phase
Cytokinesis, G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, mitosis
G1 phase, S phase, G2 phase, mitosis, cytokinesis
G1 phase, G2 phase, mitosis, S phase, cytokinesis
Begins after the chromosomes are separated and moving in opposite directions
Results in the division of the cytoplasm
Is followed by interphase
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
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