Infection Prevention & Control Competency Assessment for Non Clinical Staff

When I touch the patient without performing hand hygiene, the mode of transmission will be:
Direct contact
Indirect contact
Most healthcare-associated pathogens are transmitted from patient to patient via:
Insufficient hand hygiene practices by healthcare personnel
Improper isolation practices
Inadequate sterilization of medical instruments
Ineffective disinfection of medical devices
Coughing etiquette includes:
Covering your mouth when coughing
Washing your hands after coughing
Turn your head away from food/people when coughing
All of the above
Which of the following does not promote effective cleaning of hands?
Keeping finger nails short
Having nail polish
Rolling up long sleeves above elbow
Not wearing watches, bracelets and rings
Which practices are in place to promote employee health?
Pre-employment screening
Infection Prevention & Control Training and Mask fit
Annual free flu vaccination
All the above
When a patient has an orange sticker beside their name, what does it mean?
The patient is a toxin-producing Clostridium difficile patient
The patient is a multidrug resistant organism (e.g. MRSA/VRE) carrier and contact precautions should be carried out
The patient requires Droplet Precautions
The patient requires Airborne Infection Isolation Precautions
{"name":"Infection Prevention & Control Competency Assessment for Non Clinical Staff", "url":"","txt":"Name, Date, When I touch the patient without performing hand hygiene, the mode of transmission will be:","img":""}

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