Which of my ocs is most relatable to you?? Find out now!

Lets get straight to it! What words would describe you the most?
How well do you get along with other people?
Youre easily intimidated by others and try to avoid them
You dont care about others
You love other people and making new friends!
You can be social if you want to be
You absolutely detest being around other people
You force yourself to get along with everyone
Do you get jealous easily?
Yes, to the point its unhealthy
Not sure
Yes, but not over the board
How much do you crave attention?
You live for attention, you'd do anything to get it
You dont want to attract attention at all
The usual healthy much
Never thought of it
One thing you love doing the most
Hanging out with friends!
Being at home doing ur own things (like reading, drawing, watching tv etc.)
Partying all night long!!
Spending time with your loved one<3
Exploring places
Social media 24/7
What kind of colors do you adore the most?
Pastels and soft colors
Dark shades
Very bright colors!
Calm, earthy tones
Dark shades mixed with pastels
How would you handle an argument that gets ridiculous?
You easily blow up and you'd scream at their face!!
You get physically violent or at least want to
You'd cry at some point
You'd deal with it as calm as possible
You just leave. Youre done.
You have no idea
You accept what the other is saying because you want to please them
Opinion on physical touch?
You love it no matter who touches you!
You love it but only by certain people!
Never though about it
You hate it you hate it!!
You don't mind it
You hate it.. Unless its that one person
You let anyone touch you no matter how uncomfy it makes you feel
If you could choose to be one, which one would you be?
An angel
A deity
A demon
A ghost or some kind of entity
A doll
A virtual game character
A human being...
Things you'd like to collect or do collect?
Phone numbers
Cute notebooks
Teeth and/or bones
Medical things (like plasters!)
Place you'd like to be
Your own room
Abandoned town or building
At a club or something!
Your friends/lovers place
Virtual world
In nature
Your loved ones arms
How screwed up is your sleeping schedule??
Not at all!
Kind of??
How do you deal with uneasy events?
You sleep it off. Once you wake up everythings okay, right?
You take it all on yourself, you're the one to be blamed
You blame it all on others, you never do anything wrong!
If you just.. Cry for a while it should fix it..
Guilt trip yourself out of it!! Manipulate others!!
Remain calm and find a way to work through it
You just dont care. It'll be over soon enough.
What?? You dont understand anything.
You try to deal with it in a way so no-one gets mad at you
How do you feel about being in a relationship?
You arent a fan of the idea
You want to be in one so bad!!
All the ones you love never love you back...
You're happily in one and love it!
You're in one and you don't enjoy it..
You cant commit to one yourself
What kind of people attract you the most?
Shy, quiet ones
Confident, outgoing ones
Messy ones
Ones who are cool and collected
Those who shine with positivity
Literally everyone
Anyone who shows you kindness
Nobody at all
The ones who adore you so much they'd die for you
The ones who look good
How do you treat other people?
They only exist for you, so..
With love and care!!
Again, you avoid them
Same way how they treat you
You'd do anything for others
You dislike them so you come off as rude
You love to tease others and might even make fun of them
How easily do you control your emotions anyway??
You dont. Once you feel something you Feel It and Hard
You dont let them control you
What damn emotions
It might get over the board fast but you're able to keep yourself together somehow
Sometimes its easy sometimes its not
How devoted can you be to someone you love?
Extremely! You'd do anything for them.. Anything
Arent you the person people should be devoted to instead??
Very! You love them after all!
Not at all.
Uhh maybe little?
Ideal date(s)?
Idc as long as you get free food or stuff
Partying?? yeah!
A walk with your date in a lovely place..
Drawing each others!
Watching tv together
Movies or dinner or something!!
Anything anything anything at all!!! You dont care!!
Not really into the dating thing..
Shopping together!
Playing games
As long as we're together and in love..!
Napping together
Telling the weirdest stories to each others
Exploring places/traveling
Last question! I swear! How much do you love yourself??
A lot!! (good!! Ur the best!!)
Not much.. (you should!! You're so great I love you!!)
Never thought of it.. (well guess what you're lovely and ur doing so well so lov urself!)
{"name":"Which of my ocs is most relatable to you?? Find out now!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"lets get straight to it! what words would describe you the most?, how well do you get along with other people?, do you get jealous easily?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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