India Under Imperialism Quiz

Under British imperial rule, India was governed
As an independent sovereign state, but subject to British authority in foreign affairs.
As the private domain of the East India Company.
With British bureaucrats and officers overseeing Indian civil servants.
By a viceroy working in collaboration with Indian princes.
Marriage precedes all other duties of life. The different kinds of marriage are: the giving in marriage of a bride well-adorned [with a dowry] . . . The giving in marriage of a bride [in exchange] for a couple of cows the giving in marriage of a bride to a priest the voluntary union of a maiden and her lover the giving in marriage of a bride after receiving plenty of wealth from the groom’s family the abduction of a bride by a suitor Of these, the first three are ancestral customs of old and are valid on their being approved of by the father [of the bride]. The rest are to be sanctioned by both the father and the mother. . . . Any kind of marriage [that meets the above conditions] is approvable. . . . Sons begotten by men of higher caste and women of lower caste are called anuloma and are considered to be of mixed caste. Sons begotten by men of lower caste and women of higher caste are called pratiloma and originate on account of kings violating all norms of proper behavior.” -Arthashastra, a legal and political treatise produced for Chandragupta, a Hindu ruler of the Mauryan dynasty in India, circa 300 b.c.e. Which of the following conclusions about the period 600 b.c.e. to 600 c.e. Is most directly supported by the passage?
The emergence of new religious traditions often challenged long-standing social norms.
Religious traditions were unaffected by the rapidly changing social norms of the period.
The codification of religious traditions reinforced existing social norms.
Religious traditions and social norms were transformed by cross-cultural interactions.
One social goal of the British authorities in India was to
Abolish the caste system.
Ensure Indians drank tea so that they could profit from its export.
Convert the local population to Christianity.
Establish English-style schools for children of Indian elites.
British rule undermined the Indian cotton industry by
Undercutting the cost of Indian cloth with cheap British textiles.
Forbidding the manufacture of cotton cloth in India.
Imposing tariffs on cotton cloth imported into India.
Means of the monopolistic practices of the East India Company.
Marriage precedes all other duties of life. The different kinds of marriage are: the giving in marriage of a bride well-adorned [with a dowry] . . . The giving in marriage of a bride [in exchange] for a couple of cows the giving in marriage of a bride to a priest the voluntary union of a maiden and her lover the giving in marriage of a bride after receiving plenty of wealth from the groom’s family the abduction of a bride by a suitor Of these, the first three are ancestral customs of old and are valid on their being approved of by the father [of the bride]. The rest are to be sanctioned by both the father and the mother. . . . Any kind of marriage [that meets the above conditions] is approvable. . . . Sons begotten by men of higher caste and women of lower caste are called anuloma and are considered to be of mixed caste. Sons begotten by men of lower caste and women of higher caste are called pratiloma and originate on account of kings violating all norms of proper behavior.” -Arthashastra, a legal and political treatise produced for Chandragupta, a Hindu ruler of the Mauryan dynasty in India, circa 300 b.c.e. The views expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence of which of the following in Mauryan society?
The persistence of patriarchy
The absence of inter-caste marriages
The social acceptance of children born out of wedlock
The rulers’ lax enforcement of religious doctrine
{"name":"India Under Imperialism Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Under British imperial rule, India was governed, Marriage precedes all other duties of life. the different kinds of marriage are: the giving in marriage of a bride well-adorned [with a dowry] . . . the giving in marriage of a bride [in exchange] for a couple of cows the giving in marriage of a bride to a priest the voluntary union of a maiden and her lover the giving in marriage of a bride after receiving plenty of wealth from the groom’s family the abduction of a bride by a suitor Of these, the first three are ancestral customs of old and are valid on their being approved of by the father [of the bride]. the rest are to be sanctioned by both the father and the mother. . . . Any kind of marriage [that meets the above conditions] is approvable. . . . Sons begotten by men of higher caste and women of lower caste are called anuloma and are considered to be of mixed caste. Sons begotten by men of lower caste and women of higher caste are called pratiloma and originate on account of kings violating all norms of proper behavior.” -Arthashastra, a legal and political treatise produced for Chandragupta, a Hindu ruler of the Mauryan dynasty in India, circa 300 b.c.e. Which of the following conclusions about the period 600 b.c.e. to 600 c.e. is most directly supported by the passage?, One social goal of the British authorities in India was to","img":""}
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