Are You CPR Strong? Test Your CPR Knowledge!

CPR stands for...
Compression Resuscitation
Cardiopressure Resuscitation
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Cardiacpulmonary Resuscitation
What is the best position for the victim to be in when you are performing CPR?
Seated in a chair
Flat on sofa
Flat on the floor
Seated against a wall
What is the best way to open up the airway prior to performing ventilations?
Tilt the head back and press on the neck
Tilt the head back and lift the chin up
Tilt the head forward and press on the chest
Tilt the head forward and lower the chin
The recommended depth for chest compression for adults is...
At least 2 inches but not greater than 2.4 inches
At least 3 inches
At least 1.5 inches but not greater than 2 inches
At least 1 inch
The recommended chest compression rate is...
120 to 140 times/min.
100 to 120 times/min.
60 to 80 times/min.
{"name":"Are You CPR Strong? Test Your CPR Knowledge!", "url":"","txt":"Characteristics of high-quality CPR include which of the following?, The recommended chest compression rate is...","img":""}
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