Which Soul of Light and Shadow character are you?

What is your favorite color out of these options?
Sky Blue
I really don't care, you fool.
*rolls eys* Idiot.
Which one applies to you the most?
I try, but I always seem to fail. I will do anything for those I love, but when it comes to taking care of myself, I don't do too well.
I am friendly and usually pretty happy. Also, I am very accepting.
One badaft mofo.
I try to be kind, and do what I can for generally everyone.
I am highly intelligent, cold, cruel, and calculating. I will do whatever it takes to succeed.
I love music, art, writing.... Just not many people. However, if you earn my trust, I will stay by you until the bitter end. And I have such a fantastic sense of humor.
I laugh at everything, and have an unhealthy obssession with video games... I'm just not that great at them.
Verrrrrry attractive (physically), occasionaly compassioniate but hates feeling compassion, and tries to push all emotion down.
How do other people percieve you?
Strong, suffers silently, tortured, sad.
Amazing! Wonderful human being and very social.
Compassionate, puts up a front to hide deep inner fears.
Warm, loving, open, angelic.
Warm exterior to those who don't know you as well, cruel to subordinates, intelligent, will do anything for personal gain, conceited.
Mad genius, would benifit from seeing a shrink, ridiculous in a good way.
Lazy and quirky. A good friend.
Vain, but not incorrectly so.
Which *real* animal (out of these options) do you prefer?
Any canine
Something small and fuzzy that doesn't bite
An animal to disect? Human.
Puppy! Kitten! Anything cute.
Twin swords
Since I recognize that a weapon is necessary to defend myself, how about a taser?
Guns. Ba-Bang! Bang bang!
I prefer not to fight...
My henchmen.
Lazer sharks!!! And dragons with killer bunnies!!!
Sniper rifle
My own wicked good looks and devilish charm
Would you give up your life for someone you love?
Even if they didn't love me back, I would.
Yeah, what of it?
No hesiation, yes.
I love no one but myself.
If I get a cookie first! JK yes.
If the time ever comes, I hope so.
Of course not! Self-sacrifice is just stupid.
Which, out of these types of music, do you prefer?
Hard rock
Pretty much anything
I love soundtrack.
Atonal music
Honestly, classical.
Whatever is on the radio!
What is your opinion on capital punishment? (Execution)
It is too easy of a penalty. Some of those sickos nees something worse than death.
Some really do deserve it, but if there is any chance of them being innocent, I would not go through with it.
I think everyone deserves another chance, as everyone has the potential for good.
Don't care, as long as its not me who's going to be executed.
I think it needs to be slower and more painful. Also, their bodies should be denied a proper resting place.
Who would be your ideal romantic partner out of these options?
Someone with a good heart who will put up with me, but I really don't deserve anyone
Someone who loves me for me
Someone I can take care of
Someone passionate who loves life and people
Someone who will change for me and is completely submissive
Someone who loves music and my sense of humor
Anyone who will cherish me and shows their love through big romantic gestures
Someone who is as hot as I am
{"name":"Which Soul of Light and Shadow character are you?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What is your favorite color out of these options?, Which one applies to you the most?, How do other people percieve you?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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