SMS 108 Final Quiz

A scenic coastal landscape featuring tidal marshes, sand dunes, and a vibrant sunset, showcasing the beauty of marine ecosystems and coastal education.

Tidal Insights: The Ultimate Coastal Quiz

Test your knowledge about coastal ecosystems, tidal dynamics, and marine biology with this comprehensive quiz! Whether you're a student, a teacher, or just a curious individual, this quiz offers a variety of engaging questions that challenge your understanding of the coastal environment.

Prepare to explore:

  • Salt marsh ecosystems
  • Beach erosion and preservation
  • Tidal movements and their effects
  • Storm dynamics and impacts
51 Questions13 MinutesCreated by WavingOcean52
The volume of water that enters a tidal inlet on a flooding tide is called:
A) high tide
B) flood dominated
C) the tidal prism
D) ebb dominated
E) none of these
An erosional cliff on the seaward side of a sand dune is called a:
A) scarp
b) ramp
C) blowout
D) lag
E) none of these
The point around which the earth and moon rotate is called the:
A) amphidromic point
B) nodal point
C) barycenter point
D) point of contention
E) none of these
The coast of the United States with the most salt marshes is:
A) the Gulf Coast
B) the Atlantic Coast
C) the Pacific Coast
D) they are all about the same
The dominant plant of the high salt marsh in Maine is:
A) eelgrass
B) cordgrass
C) salt hay
D) cattails
E) Phragmites
Very well sorted dune sand is __________:
A) all the same size sand grains
B) high in organic content
C) a broad range of grain sizes
d) high in shell content
E) all the same mineral
The low salt marsh lower boundary is at:
A) mean tide
B) mean low water
C) mean high water
D) lowest high water
E) none of these
How many high tides occur in the Gulf of Maine daily?
A) five (5)
B) one (1)
C) sometimes none (0)
D) three (3)
E) two (2)
What does a radiocarbon date tell us?
A) when an animal lived
B) when an animal died
C) when material containing carbon was used by people
D) when cosmic rays were active
A part of a flood tidal delta is:
A) marginal flood channels
B) the ebb shield
C) the terminal lobe
D) the swash platform
If one fills in a bay connected to a tidal inlet what happens to the inlet?
A) it erodes
B) it fills
C) nothing, it migrates
Salt marshes thrive:
A) when sea level rises
B) when sea level falls
C) when sea level remains the same
D) all of these
E) none of these
An extratropical storm:
A) is a super big hurricane
B) comes out of the tropics
C) needs warm and cold air to form
D) happens in the summer
E) none of these
Maine beaches:
a) erode more in the winter
B) generally do not change from the winter to the summer
c) are immune from storms
d) all of these
E) none of these
How many times on average does syzygy occur monthly?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
E) 5
A _________ deposit forms when storm water washes sand across a barrier island.
A) channel
B) washover
C) erosion
D) debris
Storm surge is:
A) mostly caused by inverted barometer effect
B) is predicted by tide tables
C) mostly caused by wave setup
D) none of these
e) all of these
What is a storm surge of 5 m?
A) water levels 5 m above the beach
b) water levels 5 m above low tide
c) water levels 5 m above predicted tide level
D) water levels 5 m above mean sea level
Isostasy can result from:
A) tectonic compression
B) earthquakes
C) an increase in spreading rates of the mid-oceanic ridge
D) loading of the earth's crust by glaciers
Plants rapidly colonize new dune areas through growth of their __________:
A) stems
B) rhyzomes
C) tap roots
D) flowers
E) none of these
A) relies on federal rules to control beach development
B) does not get involved in beach development
C) has stopped regulating beach development
D) strongly regulates beach development
E) has too few beaches to be concerned with beach development
The outer area of tidal flats is generally
A) muddy
b) rocky
C) sandy
D) none of these
The purpose of a seawall is to:
A) protect property
B) save the beach sand
C) trap sand in front of the structure
D) protect navigation channels
E) all of these things
To accommodate sea-level rise usually means that a beach community:
A) builds a sea wall
B) replenishes the beach with sand
C) moves property landward
D) waits until the last minute
E) does nothing
Of the following cities which has been most impacted by hurricanes:
A) Boston
B) Galveston
C) Atlantic City
D) San Diego
E) Savannah
What are the 2 main causes of the rise in the sea?
A) earthquakes and faulting
B) ocean warming and ice melting
C) land sinking and oil production
D) none of these
Placement loss of beach due to a seawall means:
A) the house gets destroyed
B) waves scour under the seawall
C) the seawall occupies what was beach space
D) the seawall gets outflanked
An important mechanism by which barrier islands move landward as sea level rises is:
A) dune erosion
B) washover
C) time-velocity asymmetry
D) wind
E) avulsion
Uplift of the continental margin due to the growing weight of rising sea on the continental shelf is called:
A) continental levering
B) equatorial ocean siphoning
C) eustasy
D) none of these
Modern sea level is measured with a:
A) altimeter
B) wave gauge
C) tide gauge
D) theodolite
E) none of these
The average lifetime of a beach replenishment project in the United States is:
A) more than 25 years
B) less than 1 year
C) less than 5 years
D) more than 10 years
E) 6 months
If the moon’s gravity causes the bulge of water that faces it, what causes the bulge of tidal water on the other side of earth?
A) intertia
B) continents
C) amphidromic point
D) the sun
E) none of these
What do we call the earth’s closest approach to the moon?
A) tropical tide
B) perihelion
C) syzygy
D) apogee
E) perigee
What is a breaking tsunami called?
A) plunging
B) spilling
C) a bore
D) collapsing
E) none of these
Tidal inlets:
A) are dynamic
B) migrate
C) exchange water between bays and the sea
D) none of these
E) all of these
The tidal wave has a period of:
A) 6 hrs and 15 minutes
B) 12 hrs and 50 minutes
C) 8 hours
D) 4 hours and 12 minutes
In Maine, time-velocity asymmetry leads to:
A) longer duration flood tides compared to ebb
B) longer duration ebb tides compared to flood
C) flood and ebb tides of equal length
D) no flood tides with syzygy
e) none of these
Which of the following materials can be radiocarbon dated?
A) coal
B) limestone
C) salt marsh peat
D) sand
E) none of these
Salt marsh pools:
a) always mark the death of a salt marsh
B) can both expand and contract in area over time
C) are all expanding in Maine
D) none of these
E) all of these
The high salt marsh landward boundary is at:
A) mean tide
B) mean low water
C) mean high water
D) highest high water
E) none of these
The high salt marsh is covered by tides:
A) about two times/month
B) every day
C) once a year during a storm
D) none of these
a) over long time, impact all places equally
B) happen about as often each year
c) are a big threat to the Maine coast
D) all of these
E) none of these
When water from a coastal storm is higher than predicted for the daily tides it is called:
A) a drowning
B) a washover
C) a storm surge
D) there is no name for such an event
Withdrawal of a lot of fluid (water, oil, gas) from the deep earth leads to:
A) uplift of the land
B) subsidence of the land
C) global sea level fall
D) global sea level rise
What is the best estimate of the modern global rate of sea-level rise?
A) 1 m/yr
B) 3mm/yr
C) 1cm/yr
D) 0.2 m/yr
If Greenland were to melt, sea level near Greenland would:
A) fall
B) rise
C) stay the same
The land in coastal Maine is:
A) sinking rapidly
B) rising rapidly
C) not changing much
D) we do not know whether Maine is rising, falling or steady.
A eustatic change of sea level can involve:
A) earthquakes
B) oil and gas withdrawal
C) glacial melting
D) all of these
E) none of these
Salt marsh plants are:
A) halophytes
b) marine aquatic plants
C) unable to live in salt water
D) unable to live anywhere but salt water;
E) none of these
O’Brian’s relationship relates:
A) syzygy and mean tide height
B) tidal prism and inlet cross sectional area
C) inlet depth and length
D) dredge frequency and tidal range
E) none of these
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