Funny French Phrases

A whimsical illustration of various funny French phrases in cartoon style, featuring a cow, a goat, and other humorous elements, with a vibrant background representing French culture.

Funny French Phrases Quiz

Think you know your way around some amusing French idioms? Test your knowledge with our Funny French Phrases Quiz! Discover quirky expressions that showcase the playful side of the French language.

  • 7 entertaining questions
  • Multiple choice format
  • Perfect for language enthusiasts
7 Questions2 MinutesCreated by LaughingLemon42
Oh my god!
Ah, la vache! (Oh, my cow!)
Ah, le serpent! (Oh, my snake!)
Ah, le hibou! (Oh, my owl!)
To do something ridiculous
Pleurer des spaghettis (To cry spaghetti)
Faire l’andouille (To make a sausage)
Nager dans un lavabo (To swim in a sink)
To be driven mad
Devenir une table (To become a table)
Devenir chêvre (To become a goat)
Devenir un rocher (To become a stone)
To lose consciousness
Tomber dans les carottes (To fall in carrots)
Tomber en chaussettes (To fall in socks)
Omber dans les pommes (To fall in apples)
It is extremely cold
Faire un froid de canard (Does a cold of duck)
Secouer dans ta maison (To shake in your house)
Voler au-dessus de Londres (To fly above London)
To have trouble speaking
Avoir un furet dans la bouche (To have a ferret in the mouth)
Avoir un chat dans la gorge (To have a cat in the throat)
Avoir un papillon dans le nez (To have a butterfly in the nose)
To give your best
Être au taquet (To be at a piece of wood)
Manger du bois (To eat wood)
Chanter à un arbre (To sing to a tree)
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