Where should you go on a day-trip from Tallinn?

Answer these easy questions to find out where you should go for a day-trip from Tallinn. Is it Tartu, Haapsalu, Narva or Pärnu?
Answer these easy questions to find out where you should go for a day-trip from Tallinn. Is it Tartu, Haapsalu, Narva or Pärnu?
Which one do you like the most?
Walking by the sea
Walking by the river
How long are you willing to travel to another city?
The closer the better, don't want to waste time sitting in a bus or train
I'm willing to spend more time traveling, when the destination is truly interesting
How do you like to explore a new destination?
On foot
By bike
I'm more interested in
History and culture
Activities and sport
What kind of destination interests you the most?
I'm interested in small and cosy places, with pretty views
I would like to visit a bigger town, where I can explore more
I would rather wear a
Leather jacket
I would rather
Explore an old fortress
Go on a river cruise
I want to explore places that are
Popular and polished
New with not too many tourists
On a night out I would rather go to an
Acoustic concert
Electronic dance music festival
What kind of architecture speaks to you the most?
Classical, romantic and picturesque
Industrial and edgy
Colourful wooden houses
Modern and functional
I would like to explore
Oxford (UK)
Los Angeles (USA)
Detroit (USA)
Livorno (Italy)
{"name":"Where should you go on a day-trip from Tallinn?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Answer these few easy questions to find out should you make a daytrip from Tallinn to Tartu, Haapsalu, Narva or Pärnu.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/31-1080861/20180617-152519-logo.jpg?sz=1200-00000023331000005300"}

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