Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Tue, 27 Jul 21
[2107.11401] Daewa Kim, Annalisa Quaini: A 2D kinetic model for crowd dynamics with disease contagion
[2107.11409] M.V. Bondarenco: Nuclear and electronic contributions to Coulomb correction for Moliere screening angle
[2107.11410] Alexander Ody, Sophie Crisp, Pietro Musumeci et al.: SHarD: A beam dynamics simulationcode for dielectric laser acceleratorsbased on spatial harmonic field expansion
[2107.11420] Mario Junior Mencagli, Dimitrios L. Sounas, Mathias Fink et al.: Static-to-dynamic field conversion with time-varying media
[2107.11429] Roberto Fedrigo, William P. Segars, Patrick Martineau et al.: Development of the Lymphatic System in the 4D XCAT Phantom
[2107.11450] Daan Stellinga, David B. Phillips, Simon Peter Mekhail et al.: Time of flight 3D imaging through multimode optical fibres
[2107.11462] LEGEND Collaboration: N. Abgrall, I. Abt, M. Agostini et al.: LEGEND-1000 Preconceptual Design Report
[2107.11463] L. Moriconi, T. Nascimento, B.G.B. de Souza et al.: Top-Down Model of Limescale Formation in Turbulent Pipe Flows
[2107.11489] Ryan Creedon, Bernard Deconinck, Olga Trichtchenko: High-Frequency Instabilities of Stokes Waves
[2107.11504] R. Ali, R. S. Dutra, F. A. Pinheiro et al.: Gain-assisted optical tweezing of plasmonic and large refractive index microspheres
[2107.11510] Xingyu Su, Weiqi Ji, Long Zhang et al.: Neural Differential Equations for Inverse Modeling in Model Combustors
[2107.11519] R. Ali: Lighting of a monochromatic scatterer with virtual gain
[2107.11523] Angelina Frank, Justin Zhou, James A. Grieve et al.: Mode-center Placement of Monolayer WS$_{2}$ in a Photonic Polymer Waveguide
[2107.11529] Junfeng Chen, Elie Hachem, Jonathan Viquerat: Graph neural networks for laminar flow prediction around random 2D shapes
[2107.11532] O.I.Berngardt, J.-P.St.Maurice, J.M.Ruohoniemi et al.: Seasonal and diurnal dynamics of radio noise for 8-20MHz poleward-oriented mid-latitude radars
[2107.11571] S. Galkin, I. Rybalka, L. Sidelnikova et al.: Performance of ZnSe-based scintillators at low temperatures
[2107.11647] Mariano Pascale, Sander A. Mann, Dimitrios C. Tzarouchis et al.: Lower Bounds to Quality Factor of Small Radiators through Quasistatic Scattering Modes
[2107.11654] Naman Jain, Hieu T. Pham, Xinyi Huang et al.: Second Moment Closure Modeling and DNS of Stratified Shear Layers
[2107.11657] Rohit Chhiber, Arcadi V. Usmanov, William H. Matthaeus et al.: Large-scale Structure and Turbulence Transport in the Inner Solar Wind -- Comparison of Parker Solar Probe's First Five Orbits wi...
[2107.11681] Manuel Ortega-Rodríguez: A Commentary on {\it The Knowledge Machine} by Michael Strevens
[2107.11702] Ricard Alert, Sujit S. Datta: Cellular Sensing Governs the Stability of Chemotactic Fronts
[2107.11704] Alex Nascimento Bitencourt da Silva, Marcia Regina de Moura, Rafael Zadorosny: Formation of Copper oxide II in polymer solution-blow-spun fibers and the successful non-woven ceramic production
[2107.11719] Yufei Huang, Di Xia, Pingyang Zeng et al.: Engineered Raman Lasing in Photonic Integrated Chalcogenide Microresonators
[2107.11742] Ping Zhu, Li Li, Yu Fang et al.: MHD analysis on the physical designs of CFETR and HFRC
[2107.11744] Hong Chen, Ee Hou Yong: How zealots affect the energy cost for controlling complex social networks
[2107.11782] Fabiano L. Ribeiro, Jose Lobo, Diego Rybski: Zipf's law and urban scaling: Hypotheses towards a Unified Urban Theory
[2107.11799] Nicola de Divitiis: Turbulent energy cascade through equivalence of Euler and Lagrange motion descriptions and bifurcation rates
[2107.11802] A. J. Rasmusson, Marissa D'Onofrio, Yuanheng Xie et al.: Optimized sideband cooling and enhanced thermometry of trapped ions
[2107.11808] Clemens Moritz, Phillip L. Geissler, Christoph Dellago: The microscopic mechanism of bulk melting of ice
[2107.11821] B. Najjari, A. B. Voitkiv: Photo fragmentation of large dimers into singly charged ions via the knockout mechanism
[2107.11826] L. Rodriguez-Sune, J. Trull, N. Akozbek et al.: Retrieving linear and nonlinear optical dispersions of matter: combined experiment-numerical ellipsometry in Silicon, Gold and Indium Tin Oxide
[2107.11855] G. Prabhudesai, S. Perrard, F. Pétrélis et al.: Coherence of velocity fluctuations in turbulent flows
[2107.11861] Yael Kfir-Cohen, Dana Vaknin, Shlomo Havlin: Optimization of robustness based on reinforced nodes in a modular network
[2107.11947] Zhao He, Ya-Nan Zhu, Suhao Qiu et al.: Low-Rank and Framelet Based Sparsity Decomposition for Interventional MRI Reconstruction
[2107.11959] Jared S. Ginsberg, M. Mehdi Jadidi, Jin Zhang et al.: Optically-Induced Symmetry Breaking via Nonlinear Phononics
[2107.11982] Mingqian Li, Panpan Xu, Suk-woo Lee et al.: Scalable Solvent-Based Fabrication of Thermo-Responsive Polymer Nanocomposites for Battery Safety Regulation
[2107.11996] Xiao Lin, Hao Hu, Sajan Easo et al.: A Brewster route to Cherenkov detectors
[2107.12006] Umberto Lucia, Giulia Grisolia, Thomas S. Deisboeck: Thermodynamics and SARS-CoV-2: neurological effects in post-Covid 19 syndrome
[2107.12057] Maxime Descampeaux, Gilles Feugnet, Fabien Bretenaker: New method for residual amplitude modulation control in fibered optical experiments
[2107.12097] Shahzad Akhtar Ali, Abdullah Irfan, Aishani Mazumder et al.: Helicity-selective Raman scattering from in-plane anisotropic α-MoO$_3$
[2107.12099] Alexey V. Kuznetsov, Adrià Canós Valero, Mikhail Tarkhov et al.: Transparent Hybrid Anapole metasurfaces with negligible electromagnetic coupling for phase engineering
[2107.12114] Giuseppina Pace, Michele Serri, Antonio Esau del Rio Castillo et al.: Nitrogen-doped graphene based triboelectric nanogenerators
[2107.12132] N. Tabatabaei, G. Fahland, A. Stroh et al.: Tripping and laminar--turbulent transition: Implementation in RANS--EVM
[2107.12139] André C. R. Martins: Opinions and dark energy: A mechanism of long-range repulsion in a toy opinion particle model
[2107.12140] Lorenzo Zaninetti: Sparse formulae for the distance modulus in cosmology
[2107.12151] Alena Zemanová, Petr Konrád, Petr Hála et al.: Experimental study on the gradual fracture of layers in multi-layer laminated glass plates under low-velocity impact
[2107.12152] Yujuan Chen, Xianmin Xu: Self-propulsion dynamics of small droplets on general surfaces with curvature gradient
[2107.12153] Alexander A. Chernitskii: Gravitation in Theory of Space-Time Film and Galactic Soliton
[2107.12157] J. T. Matta, A. J. Rowe, M. P. Dion et al.: Maximum Likelihood Spectrum Decomposition for Isotope Identification and Quantification
[2107.12158] Mario G. Silveirinha: Time-Crystal Model of the Electron Spin
[2107.12159] Omid Hemmatyar, Sajjad Abdollahramezani, Ioannis Zeimpekis et al.: Enhanced Meta-Displays Using Advanced Phase-Change Materials
[2107.12170] Leonardo Vicarelli, Alessandro Tredicucci, Alessandro Pitanti: Micromechanical bolometers for sub-Terahertz detection at room temperature
[2107.12176] Madeleine O'Keefe, Ellen Bechtol, Jim Madsen et al.: Neutrino Education, Outreach, and Communications Activities: Captivating Examples from IceCube
[2107.12179] E. Bechtol, K. Bechtol, S. BenZvi et al.: Towards Equitable, Diverse, and Inclusive Science Collaborations: The Multimessenger Diversity Network
[2107.12180] G. Dimarco, G. Toscani, M. Zanella: Optimal control of epidemic spreading in presence of social heterogeneity
[2107.12184] A. Asadi, A. Akhavanallaf, S. A. Hosseini et al.: Development and validation of an optimal GATE model for proton pencil-beam scanning delivery
[2107.12185] A. Asadi, A. Akhavanallaf, S. A. Hosseini et al.: Dosimetric Comparison of Passive Scattering and Active Scanning Proton Therapy Techniques Using GATE Simulation
[2107.12206] Jonathan Viquerat, Philippe Meliga, Elie Hachem: A review on deep reinforcement learning for fluid mechanics: an update
[2107.12210] Albert Mink, Kira Schediwy, Clemens Posten et al.: Comprehensive computational model for coupled fluid flow, mass transfer and light supply in tubular photobioreactors equipped with glass sponges
[2107.12258] C. Ferrari, M. Borghesi, M. Faverzani et al.: Processing of non-constant baseline pulses: a matrix technique
[2107.12261] Moumita Rana, Nicola Boaretto, Anastasiia Mikhalchan et al.: Composite fabrics of conformal MoS2 grown on CNT fibers: tough battery anodes without metals or binders
[2107.12282] Aleksandar Nesic, Matthias Blaicher, Pablo Marin-Palomo et al.: Ultra-broadband polarization beam splitter and rotator based on 3D-printed waveguides
[2107.12296] Sylvio R. Bistafa: Euler Analysis of a Machine for Raising Waters Proposed by Mr. de Mour
[2107.12307] A. Cemmi, A. Colangeli, B. D'orsi et al.: Radiation study of Lead Fluoride crystals for the Crilin calorimeter
[2107.12324] Aakash Mishra, Alain Pumir, Rodolfo Ostilla-Mónico: Exploring the parameter space of vortex ring head-on collisions and wall interactions
[2107.12326] Euijae Shim, Andres Gil-Molina, Ohad Westreich et al.: Tunable narrow linewidth chip-scale mid-IR laser
[2107.12327] Amalia Meza, Guillermo Bosch, Maria Paula Natali et al.: Ionospheric and geomagnetic response to the total solar eclipse on 21 August 2017
[2107.12337] Fernando Soldevila, Armin Lenz, Alberto Ghezzi et al.: Giga-voxel multidimensional fluorescence imaging combining single-pixel detection and data fusion
[2107.12354] Gilberto Jonas Damião, Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues: The Maxwell-Boltzmann Velocity Distribution Function in Detail
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Tue, 27 Jul 21","img":""}
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