Leadership Archetype Quiz

You have been promoted. How do you break it to your team?
You move on without so much as an email. They were all disappointments anyway.
Despite the CEO’s detailed explanation that the promotion is confidential, for the next 2 weeks you “accidentally” email the entire company repeatedly and explain why you deserved the promotion.
You are the company owner and can’t be bothered with matters that obviously apply to the working class.
You barge into a team meeting and shout, “Suck it monkeys! I’m going corporate!”
You send the team a memo, then check-in to make sure they read the memo, then send it again.
An employee asks for a promotion and a raise. Do you:
Make a comment with the words “blithely unaware”.
Babble incoherently.
Push the button for the trap-door.
Complain that they already make more than you do and that a promotion would essentially be your job, then give in anyway.
Say “Noooo, we won’t be doing that.” Then look sideways at the employee and walk away.
An employee is devastated by a breakup. Do you:
Stare at them in disgust and gesture towards the door.
Steal the employee’s phone, then text their estranged partner asking them to come by the office to reconcile.
Release the hounds.
Walk around the desk and fail at comforting the person by sharing detailed sob stories of your failed relationships.
Say, “That sounds like a great opportunity to come in on Saturday…and Sunday too.”
Your employee tells you that they will be turning in a late assignment. Do you:
Say, “By all means move at a glacial pace. That thrills me!”
Hold a meeting and embarrass them in front of the entire company.
Call security to have them escorted from the building.
Ask them for their notes, finish the assignment for them, then watch as they take credit for your work.
Sip your coffee. Shake your head in disappointment. Then walk away.
How do you introduce a new hire to your team?
Say, “This is your replacement. Train them or you won’t receive your meager severance.”
You hold a concert in the parking lot and have the new employees run through a giant sheet of paper, pep-rally style.
You have one of your underlings do it. Talking to front-line employees demeans you.
Hold a team meeting and excitedly introduce the newbies.
Explain to one employee that if they could pack up and move downstairs into storage to make room for the new person, that would be fantastic.
{"name":"Leadership Archetype Quiz", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"We've identified five leadership archetypes that are ineffective and likely to impel employee turnover. Take this fun quiz to determine your own management style - perhaps your blind spot - and discover if (and how) you are driving employees away...and how to fix it. Are you The Devil, The Idiot, The Invisible Man, The DIY Boss, or The Slave Driver? Find out now.","img":"https://cdn.poll-maker.com/17-688722/management-quiz-cover.png?sz=1200-00000001331000005300"}
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