Benefits of Prayer

€�The Spirit bears us up; He props us” is gotten from which scripture reference? .
1 Corinthians 14:14
Romans 8:26
Philippians 4:1
Genesis 7:17
Proverbs 25:7
What is the highest kind of Prayer?
Praying in Tongues
Calling Down Holy Ghost Fire
The Holy Ghost Taking Over
Praying with tears
What does prayer cover when you pray and commune with God? (You may select more than one answer)
It covers us with the blood of Jesus
It covers spiritual matters because life is spiritual
It covers those that are faithful
It covers our communication, the content of the prayer, our meditation during times of prayer and the seclusion
It covers our body and soul
Your Character is a reflection of your thoughts. What scriptures lists the things you should set your mind on?
Hosea 12:2
Philippians 4:8
Genesis 32:24
Colossians 2:7
Hosea 2:12
There are certain things that will not change until you ......
Read The Bible
Go for deliverance
Go for counselling
Remove The Curse
It is important to set goals. Through what do you set goals?
Through Your Ability And Intellect
Through The Spirit By Faith
Through Your Emotions
Through Task Analysis
All Of The Above
Isaiah 54:7 says "no weapon formed against you shall prosper" If the weapons are prospering against someone, who is the cause?
God because it would not happen if God did not allow it
The person who the weapons are prospering against.
Strong Demons
Witches and Wizard
All Of The Above
Which part of a man prays in tongues?
His Body
His Spirit
His Mind
His Intellect
The Spirit of God in Him
Learn to speak ................about your finances
Why is it important to speak in tongues when faced with challenging situations?
So that demons will flee
Because you stir your spirit to pick the right words to deal with situation
So that fear will leave you
So that you protect your spirit
So that missiles will be sent
What do you have to do to become a channel for God to bless others?
Pray in your understanding
Don't accept the message
Listen to the Holy Spirit and get a hold of the message
Ask God
Bind the devil
What scripture states the heritage of the servants of the Lord?
1 Peter 2:9
Isaiah 54:17
Ezra 5:11
1 peter 2:16
Revelation 7:3
You become a stable person, when you are...........?
Born again
The Holy Spirit takes the next step when you do what?
Memorize the scriptures
Recite the scriptures
Pray in the Spirit
Quote the Psalms
Confess that the Spirit is taking over
What happens when the Gospel becomes important to you?
You become more righteous
You become more important to God
Your house becomes God's headquarters; his centre of operation
What do you do when there is a serious issue to deal with? You may select more than one answer
Take it to the Lord in Prayer
Don't let the matter take your attention
Worry about it
Go on a prolonged fast
Bind the devil
Rom 8:26  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  Rom 8:27  And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Why do many not experience this kind of prayer? You may select more than one answer
They dont fast long enough
They don't pray long enough
They are not holy enough
They don't yield themselves to the Holy Ghost
Some are afraid of it
Rom 8:26  Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.  When you pray like this you: (You may select more than one answer)
Are combating the forces of darkness
Will always win
Are settling things for the future
Are creating new Gods within you to fight your battles
You are causing the stars to fight for you
The more you give in the house of God, the should be
Don't spend time thinking about the ..........set your mind on........
Negatives, good thoughts
Spiritual, the physical
Problem, the causes
Devil, Angels
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