Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 17 Sep 21
[2109.07485] Norman Y. Yao, Andrew C. Potter, Ionut-Dragos Potirniche et al.: Reply to Comment on "Discrete Time Crystals: Rigidity Criticality and Realizations"
[2109.07508] Hatem Barghathi, Caleb Usadi, Micah Beck et al.: Balls and Walls: A Compact Unary Coding for Bosonic States
[2109.07515] Ankur Das, Ribhu K. Kaul, Ganpathy Murthy: Coexistence of Canted Antiferromagnetism and Bond-order in $ν=0$ Graphene
[2109.07520] Alexander A. Zyuzin, A. Yu. Zyuzin: Preformed Cooper Pairs in Flat Band Semimetals
[2109.07527] Tine Curk, Jiaxing Yuan, Erik Luijten: Accelerated simulation method for charge regulation effects
[2109.07533] Michele Pizzochero, Nikita V. Tepliakov, Arash A. Mostofi et al.: Electrically Induced Dirac Fermions in Graphene Nanoribbons
[2109.07550] Igor N.Karnaukhov, Kateryna Levchuk, Igor N.Dubinski: Mott-Hubbard phase transition in 2D electron liquid
[2109.07599] Jack Edwards, Peter Berg: Pore-network models and effective medium theory: A convergence analysis
[2109.07608] Kyuil Cho, M. Konczykowski, S. Teknowijoyo et al.: Intermediate scattering potential strength in electron - irradiated $\text{YBa}_{2}\text{Cu}_{3}\text{O}_{7-δ}$ from London penetration dept...
[2109.07613] L. F. Man, W. Xu, Y. M. Xiao et al.: Terahertz magneto-optical properties of graphene hydrodynamic electron liquid
[2109.07616] Russell Giannetta, Antony Carrington, Ruslan Prozorov: London penetration depth measurements using tunnel diode resonators
[2109.07617] Pedram Tavadze, Reese Boucher, Guillermo Avendaño-Franco et al.: Exploring DFT$+U$ parameter space with a Bayesian calibration assisted by Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling
[2109.07631] Franklin Liou, Hsin-Zon Tsai, Andrew S. Aikawa et al.: Imaging reconfigurable molecular concentration on a graphene field-effect transistor
[2109.07640] Yichen Huang: Adding boundary terms to Anderson localized Hamiltonians leads to unbounded growth of entanglement
[2109.07641] D. X. Li, Y. Shimizu, A. Nakamura et al.: Disappearance of spin glass behavior in ThCr2Si2-type intermetallic PrAu2Si2
[2109.07654] Qiangqiang Gu, Hai-Hu Wen: Superconductivity in nickel based 112 systems
[2109.07667] Joel O'Brien, Guochu Deng, Xiaoxuan Ma et al.: Giant shifts of crystal-field excitations in ErFeO3 driven by internal magnetic fields
[2109.07671] Zhihua Liu, Kaile Xie, Fusheng Ma: Strong Coupling between Propagating Magnons and High-order Gyrotropic Skyrmion Modes
[2109.07675] S. Wu, T. Solano, K. Shoele et al.: Formation of a strong negative wake behind a helical swimmer in a viscoelastic fluid
[2109.07677] Muftah Al-Mahdawi, Tomohiro Nozaki, Mikihiko Oogane et al.: Quadratic magnetoelectric effect during field cooling in sputter grown Cr$_2$O$_3$ films
[2109.07693] David Freeman, Shunsuke Yamada, Atsushi Yamada et al.: High order harmonic generation in semiconductors driven at near- and mid-IR wavelengths
[2109.07709] Juan José Mendoza-Arenas: Dynamical quantum phase transitions in the one-dimensional extended Fermi-Hubbard model
[2109.07736] Yong Zhang, Xinliang Huang, Wenshuai Gao et al.: Large Magnetoresistance and Weak Antilocalization in V1-delta Sb2 Single Crystal
[2109.07742] Subhadip Chakraborti, Abhishek Dhar, Sheldon Goldstein et al.: Entropy growth during free expansion of an ideal gas
[2109.07769] Wataru Kobayashi: Thermopower in transition-metal perovskites
[2109.07784] Jan Schultheiß, Tadej Rojac, Dennis Meier: Unveiling AC electronic properties at ferroelectric domain walls
[2109.07786] Nicolas Cuny, Éric Bertin, Romain Mari: First-principle predictions for the rheology of soft jammed suspensions
[2109.07789] Xiangying Shen, Chenchao Fang, Zhipeng Jin et al.: Achieving adjustable elasticity with non-affine to affine transition
[2109.07796] Michael Zaiser, Ronghai Wu: Pinning of dislocations in disordered alloys: Effects of dislocation orientation
[2109.07805] Miaomiao Wei, Bin Wang, Yunjin Yu et al.: Nonlinear Hall effect induced by internal Coulomb interaction and phase relaxation process in a four-terminal system with time-reversal symmetry
[2109.07837] W.I.L. Lawrie, M. Russ, F. van Riggelen et al.: Simultaneous driving of semiconductor spin qubits at the fault-tolerant threshold
[2109.07881] Aagam Shah, Deepak Dhar, R. Rajesh: The phase transition from nematic to high-density disordered phase in a system of hard rods on a lattice
[2109.07895] Ai-Lei He, Wei-Wei Luo, Yuan Zhou et al.: Anomalous bulk-boundary correspondence in dimerized topological insulators
[2109.07972] Tommaso Chiarotti, Nicola Marzari, Andrea Ferretti: A unified Green's function approach for spectral and thermodynamic properties from algorithmic inversion of dynamical potentials
[2109.07973] N. Swain, M. Shahzad, G. V. Paradezhenko et al.: Skyrmions drive topological Hall effect in a Shastry-Sutherland magnet
[2109.07976] Cong Wang, Shi-Jun Liang, Chen-Yu Wang et al.: Scalable massively parallel computing using continuous-time data representation in nanoscale crossbar array
[2109.07993] A. Deppman, J. A. S. Lima: Thermofractals and the Nonextensive Finite Ideal Gas
[2109.07997] Alistair Duff, John Sipe: Microscopic polarization and magnetization fields: Including spin effects
[2109.08005] Nina Andrejevic, Zhantao Chen, Thanh Nguyen et al.: Elucidating proximity magnetism through polarized neutron reflectometry and machine learning
[2109.08041] Shadan Ghassemi Tabrizi, Carlos A. Jiménez-Hoyos: Ground States of Heisenberg Spin Clusters from Projected Hartree-Fock Theory
[2109.08054] Y. M. Xiao, W. Xu, B. Van Duppen et al.: Infrared to terahertz optical conductivity of $n$-type and $p$-type monolayer MoS$_2$ in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling
[2109.08070] D. Fu, D. Nicoletti, M. Fechner et al.: Terahertz phase slips in striped La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_4$
[2109.08072] Erdem Eren, Jeremy Kyle Mason: A constant of motion for ideal grain growth in three dimensions
[2109.08073] Athby H. Al-Tawhid, Jesse Kanter, Mehdi Hatefipour et al.: Oxygen vacancy-induced anomalous Hall effect in a non-magnetic oxide
[2109.08082] Md Nazmul Alam, Joseph R. Matson, Patrick Sohr et al.: Interface quality in GaSb/AlSb short period superlattices
[2109.08089] Jing Xu, Fei Han, Ting-Ting Wang et al.: Extended Kohler$^,$s Rule of Magnetoresistance
[2109.08093] Chao-Kai Li, Xu-Ping Yao, Gang Chen: Fractionalization on the surface: Is type-II terminated 1T-TaS$_2$ surface an anomalously realized spin liquid?
[2109.08098] A. Nandy, G. Terrones, N. Arunachalam et al.: MOFSimplify: Machine Learning Models with Extracted Stability Data of Three Thousand Metal-Organic Frameworks
[2109.08102] Frédéric Bonell, Alain Marty, Céline Vergnaud et al.: High carrier mobility in single-crystal PtSe2 grown by molecular beam epitaxy on ZnO(0001)
[2109.08104] Derek Churchill, Hae-Young Kee: Two quadrupolar orders in Osmium double-perovskites
[2109.08117] Xinwei Wang, Zhenzhu Li, Seán R. Kavanagh et al.: Lone pair driven anisotropy in antimony chalcogenide semiconductors
[2109.08126] Sébastien Becker, Emilie Devijver, Rémi Molinier et al.: Unsupervised topological learning for atomic structures identification
[2109.08136] Sri Sai Phani Kanth Arekapudi, Daniel Bülz, Fabian Ganss et al.: Highly Tunable Magnetic and Magnetotransport Properties of Exchange Coupled Ferromagnet/Antiferromagnet-based Heterostructures
[2109.08142] Xue-Yang Song, Ya-Hui Zhang, Ashvin Vishwanath: Doping a moiré Mott Insulator: A t-J model study of twisted cuprates
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Fri, 17 Sep 21","img":""}