Vote here for the Final Fur! Voting is live through March 24th!

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Choose a cat!
Likes: Bird watching, cuddles, hanging out with his feline brothers.
Other Things: Butter is a Maine Coon lion look-alike, with a fiesty sweet natured personality.
Likes: Pooping during mom’s conference calls; bullying 80 lb Labradors, and sleeping on 7’ tall cat trees.
Other Things: All the fluff, no stuff. Neuter your pets!
Choose a cat!
Likes: Hunting for mice, playing with toys, a calm lap to purr loudly and wildly on, and cozy cat beds.
Other Things: She’s sweet and patient with children.
Willard Mayhem
Likes: EATING! Especially watermelon, broccoli, and snuggling with his favorite human (me).
Other Things: Willard is the sweetest boy, who just loves to be loved (by me and occasionally his feline sister, Kismet). His purr is loud enough to make you turn the tv up and he purrs ALL of the time. Willard, however, is also a bit of a Chicken Little. Despite his loving nature, he is afraid of literally EVERYONE else. No one ever gets to see him in person because he hides whenever another human is nearby. He is also afraid of crying and sirens (both real and on tv).
{"name":"Vote here for the Final Fur! Voting is live through March 24th!", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address to begin., Please enter your email address, Choose a cat!","img":"","hash":"#MarchMeowness, #GWBE, #HartofMaine"}
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