Active Dog Owner Personality

Do you walk your dog?
Never. No Need
A few times a year
A few times a week
Do you pick up your dog's waste on walks?
Nope. Not my problem
If I can reach it, I bag it, but typically leave it
I bag it, then pick it up on my return
I bag, carry, then throw away
What kind of waste bags do you use?
Whatever is free
Plastic vegetable and shopping bags I save
Whatever is cheapest on Amazon
Compostable bags
Don't use bags
Do you always have bags in your pocket on walks?
Nope. Never
Usually get bags at the bag dispenser
Do you think dog waste is as dirty as human waste?
Nope. Not gross
Kinda, but not sure
Definitely a pathogen problem
Do you think it is okay to leave a full dog waste bag on the side of a sidewalk or trail?
Sure. I already did the hard part
I'm coming back
No. I carry out my own trash
Why do you think some people leave full dog waste bags?
Have no idea
Don't care
Too smelly to carry
Too awkward to carry a swinging bag
Would you like to see dog waste bag composting
Don't care
Not sure it would change anything
Yeah. Absolutely
Do you think dog waste decomposes?
Yep. It vanishes
Nope. Meat doesn't decompose
{"name":"Active Dog Owner Personality", "url":"","txt":"Please enter your email address, Do you walk your dog?, Do you pick up your dog's waste on walks?","img":""}
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