Check Yourself: Are You Agenda Driven?

Do any of your primary news sources' names contain the title of your party or political leanings? (ex., liberal, conservative, republican, democrat, etc)
Do any of your primary news sources' names contain the title of the OPPOSING party or political leanings?
Do any of your primary news sources ever use nicknames for the opposition, such as "snowflakes" or "nazis"?
Do you personally ever use nicknames for the opposition?
Sometimes, but not usually
Do you refrain from making political statements online that you are unable to back up with unbiased sources, such as government websites or medical journals? (ex., if you were to say, "Black people are more likely to be killed for being black than anybody else is for any prejudice," are you able to provide statistics from the FBI or another crime-data collecting agency?)
If asked to classify your primary news sources as being conservative or liberal, would you be able to answer definitively, with no "maybe's" or "kind of's"?
Some of them
Are there any political or social issues on which you disagree with the party you usually agree with? (ex, being a pro-life liberal, anti-gun conservative, etc)
I'm actually about half and half.
Do you question news sources that agree with you as much as you question sources that disagree with you? (I.e., as a conservative, do you question Fox News the same way you question CNN?)
Yes, it's important to check every source, even if you think they're reliable.
No, I don't have time for that. I live by my gut. Usually, if something seems wrong to me, it is.
Only the stories that seem fishy to me.
Suppose you were on Facebook and you saw somebody who you know is part of your political party post something unverified and erroneous. Do you challenge them, agree with them, or ignore them?
Challenge them. People spreading misinformation doesn't help anything, even if they mean well.
Agree with them. We have to present a united front. Infighting won't help anybody.
Ignore them. I don't want to be seen contradicting them, but I also don't think it's true.
Do you find that victories for your political party are important to you?
Depends on the issue
Say you're out to lunch with a friend you enjoy debating with, and they bring up a story about your president doing something evil or stupid that you've never heard before. What is your response?
Immediately jump to my president's defense. I'm sure it's just another misunderstanding.
Wait to respond until I've had time to research the incident. Where did you say you saw this?
Jump on the hate bandwagon. Yeah, what a creep!
{"name":"Check Yourself: Are You Agenda Driven?", "url":"","txt":"Do any of your primary news sources' names contain the title of your party or political leanings? (ex., liberal, conservative, republican, democrat, etc), Do any of your primary news sources' names contain the title of the OPPOSING party or political leanings?, Do any of your primary news sources ever use nicknames for the opposition, such as \"snowflakes\" or \"nazis\"?","img":""}
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