Educate digitala

Create an engaging and informative illustration depicting a diverse group of children using laptops and smartphones, highlighting themes of online safety, cyberbullying awareness, and positive digital interaction.

Cyberbullying Awareness Quiz

Test your knowledge on cyberbullying and learn how to stay safe online. This quiz is designed to educate you on the various forms of bullying, their impacts, and the importance of online safety.

Key topics covered include:

  • Understanding cyberbullying
  • Identifying safe online practices
  • Recognizing the signs of bullying
  • Learning how to cope with bullying situations
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by EngagingLearner317
Numele si prenumele:
Cyberbullying inseamna:
Agresiune fizica
Agresiune pe internet
Agresiune sexuala
Agresiune domestica
Ofera 4 exemple de informatii/continut care nu trebuie oferite pe internet:
Ce reguli respecti pentru siguranta ta online?
Accepti cereri de prietenie de la oameni necunoscuti
Oferi poze oricui iti cere
Deschizi fiecare link primit
Esti atent la persoanele cu care interactionezi online
Ofera 3 exemple de bullying:
Bullyingul poate fi fizic, social, verbal, electronic si psihologic.
Ofera 4 exemple de sentimente traite in urma unei situatii de bullying
Sunt exemple de cyberbullying:
Mesajele intimidante
Furarea identitatii
Copiii cu risc de a fi agresati (bullied) sunt:
Copiii care agreseaza (bullies) sunt:
Vad violenta ca pe ceva pozitiv
Respecta cu dificultate regulile
Au prieteni care agreseaza la randul lor
{"name":"Educate digitala", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on cyberbullying and learn how to stay safe online. This quiz is designed to educate you on the various forms of bullying, their impacts, and the importance of online safety.Key topics covered include:Understanding cyberbullyingIdentifying safe online practicesRecognizing the signs of bullyingLearning how to cope with bullying situations","img":"https:/images/course4.png"}
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