Day 4 - Gryffindor challenges Ravenclaw

Day 4 - KEEPER - The points from today's quiz will be used to subtract the points your opponent has earned. You are blocking their points. You will have 1 minute to answer each question, and there are 5 questions. Good Luck!
Day 4 - KEEPER - The points from today's quiz will be used to subtract the points your opponent has earned. You are blocking their points. You will have 1 minute to answer each question, and there are 5 questions. Good Luck!
The Chief Death Eater can move faster than…
Severeus Snape confronted with shampoo
Dolores Umbridge chased by centaurs
Peeves responding to mischief
Dudley Dursley running to a candy shop
What did Percy NOT call himself?
A big head twit
A pompous prat
An idiot
A power hungry moron
The order that the dead speak to Harry is
Lily James Sirius Lupin
James Lupin Lily Sirius
Sirius Lupin Lily James
Lily Lupin James Sirius
Speakers on Potterwatch are, in order, …
River, Royal, Romulus, Rapier
River, Romulus, Royal, Rodent
River, Rapier, Royal, Rodent
River, Rodent, Romulus, Royal
In the circle of Death Eaters, who had a bleeding lip?
{"name":"Day 4 - Gryffindor challenges Ravenclaw", "url":"","txt":"KEEPER - The points from today's quiz will be used to subtract the points your opponent has earned. You are blocking their points. You will have 1 minute to answer for each question, and there are 5 questions. Good Luck!, Where did the Potter wealth come from?, What age group was Remus Lupin when he was Bitten?","img":""}
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