V2 Crew Does A Test (and so does you)

(Some options may seem redundant, just pick the ones that match you better by tone.)
(Some options may seem redundant, just pick the ones that match you better by tone.)
"You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people."
Prff, nah.
I'd be starving if I did.
... yeah.
Lol naw
No, it's actually quite annoying.
"You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings."
Mostly, no. But doesn't everyone do that sometimes?
Yes. Definitely. Ignore the mess, please.
Surroundings...? What is that?
Hm, I feel I'm quite grounded.
Nope, not really, I'm in the moment.
Fuck no.
"You try to respond to your e-mails as soon as possible and cannot stand a messy inbox."
WHEN I check my e-emails, yes.
Hahahahahahaha *has forgotten to answer e-mails for 2 weeks now*
I do try to answer them as quick as possible, but I don't much care for organization.
Uh, I don't really... Check my e-mail. Unless I need to.
Yeah! Not much for organization, though.
If the e-mails demand my attention. And organization is pointless.
"You find it easy to stay relaxed and focused even when there is some pressure."
I work very well under pressure.
A little bit.
No... Not at ALL.
Don't put pressure on me, I'll run.
Lol it's the only way it works.
"You do not usually initiate conversations."
I do make small talk when I'm bored.
I talk all the time, to everyone and to no one.
I only initiate conversations when necessary. Probably for networking.
Yeah... I don't. At all.
Nope, I love meeting new people!
People tire me. So no.
"You rarely do something just out of sheer curiosity."
I'm not a sporadic person. I don't care.
That's all I do!
I'm fine with just observing.
I'd like to, but new situations scare me.
I love doing new cool things!
Hell no, life is boring if you don't go out there and do stuff.
"You feel superior to other people."
No, I don't.
Much the opposite...
I don't have time for that.
With all the scum that exists in this world? You bet.
"Being organized is more important to you than being adaptable."
It depends?
Tasks usually require both.
I like organized, it brings stability...
Naw, keep your options open.
Don't look, just take the chance.
"You are usually highly motivated and energetic."
Motivated, yes. Energetic? No.
Energetic, yes. Motivated? lol
HIGHLY motivated is a stretch. And I live on coffee.
Uh... no.
Winning a debate matters less to you than making sure no one gets upset.
Depends... do I agree with what I'm arguing for? If yes, then no. If not... Then it's not worth it.
I don't like to upset people.
I'll agree to disagree.
I don't give a crap, get rekt.
"You often feel as if you have to justify yourself to other people."
Not at all.
Eh, used to, not anymore.
... Yes.
I don't owe other people anything.
"Your home and work environments are quite tidy."
Very. Tidy.
*coughs* Not. At. All.
Oh, I wish.
I try.
Eh, it's an organized mess.
"You do not mind being at the center of attention."
I don't care, though I'd rather not be.
I don't care at all.
I don't like it, but I have no qualms with doing so.
I love it.
If I'm fighting someone...
Harry: "All of Violet's answers sound like ME3 Renegade options."
Violet: "Oh, shut up. And I did play Renegade."
Harry: "Of course you did."
Harry: "All of Violet's answers sound like ME3 Renegade options."
Violet: "Oh, shut up. And I did play Renegade."
Harry: "Of course you did."
"You consider yourself more practical than creative."
No way.
I... can I consider myself neither?
Can't you be practical AND creative?
Uh, no.
70% of the time.
"People can rarely upset you."
True. I'm only easily pissed off.
You'd need to try really hard.
Depends. Do I value this person?
Mostly untrue.
Strongly agree.
"It is often difficult for you to relate to other people’s feelings."
That... Is true.
Feelings are weird.
Feelings ARE weird.
I'm very empathetic.
I kinda disagree.
"You rarely worry about how your actions affect other people."
I worry in a healthy dosage.
I try to...
Strongly disagree.
I must admit that's true.
True. Should I?
"Your work style is closer to random energy spikes than to a methodical and organized approach."
No, I have a tight schedule.
Yes, totally. I can't keep a schedule.
I don't have a schedule, but I have a stable pacing... Usually in the middle of the night...
Some days I feel more motivated than others.
I do stuff when I feel like doing it...
Schedules are for losers, but procrastinating gets you nowhere in life.
"An interesting book or a video game is often better than a social event."
I'll do anything to avoid a social event, to be honest.
Slightly agree... though, I like going to cons.
*sigh* Very true, but I can't avoid them.
I'd rather stay home... To not deal with people.
No, I like being social.
As much as I love a good game... I like going out.
"Being able to develop a plan and stick to it is the most important part of every project."
Eh, it's good to keep your options open.
I'm inclined to agree.
I know that's true... Doesn't mean I do it.
"You do not let other people influence your actions."
I've been told I'm extremely stubborn.
I'll take critique into some consideration...
Not true. At all. I have regrets.
It... depends.
I don't!
I AM stubborn.
"Your emotions control you more than you control them."
N-no. Absurd. I am a highly logical person. *crosses arms*
I've become a master in hiding my emotions.
They do get the better of me sometimes...
When I'm angry.
"You are more of a natural improviser than a careful planner."
No, just no. Planning comes first.
Yes, very much.
I'm bad at improvising.
I'm a planner.
Improvising is an art.
I'm 100% an improviser. And quite good at it.
You are a relatively reserved and quiet person.
"You often contemplate the reasons for human existence."
That's utterly pointless.
Existentialism is fun!
Existentialism is my nightmare.
Too deep for me.
Not very often.
"If your friend is sad about something, you are more likely to offer emotional support than suggest ways to deal with the problem."
Why would you tell me about your problems if you don't want help fixing them?
True. It tends to piss people off.
Both are good.
Sometimes people just want to vent.
I'm really bad at giving advice...
Does "get your shit together" count?
"You think that everyone’s views should be respected regardless of whether they are supported by facts or not."
Respect, maybe, but without facts to back up your claims, you can't win an argument.
Reality is fake, anyway.
Most abstract theories can't be proven by facts, doesn't mean they're wrong.
Everyone should be respected.
Every scientific "fact" we know could be wrong outside of our known systems. Food for thought.
Harry: "Did that get too deep?"
Dave: "Just a bit."
Louis: "Te vs Ti discourse."
Dave: "Please, don't. Not those letters again."
Harry: "Louis, I'm so proud."
Angela: "Is the test over yet?"
Harry: "No, but I kinda wanna do another one now..."
Dave: "HARRY, NO--"
Harry: "Did that get too deep?"
Dave: "Just a bit."
Louis: "Te vs Ti discourse."
Dave: "Please, don't. Not those letters again."
Harry: "Louis, I'm so proud."
Angela: "Is the test over yet?"
Harry: "No, but I kinda wanna do another one now..."
Dave: "HARRY, NO--"
Shh, believe me, this one is better. "Freely follow your gut instincts and exciting physical impulses as they come up."
I'm not answering ANOTHER 30 questions, fuck off.
But I swear this one is better!
Oh, god... I have work to do...
*scrolling down instagram*
Ok, that's it, I'm leaving. Good luck. (ends the quiz)
Harry: "Hey, wait a second!"
Eric: "She's already gone."
Harry: "Wow. I can't believe Violet ABANDONED me like this. It's ok, though, I'll fill in in her place."
Angela: "That's gonna go well..."
Harry: "Hey, wait a second!"
Eric: "She's already gone."
Harry: "Wow. I can't believe Violet ABANDONED me like this. It's ok, though, I'll fill in in her place."
Angela: "That's gonna go well..."
"You compassionately take on someone else's needs as your own."
I'm not a doormat, but I'm helpful.
All the time.
Uh, I try to help as much as I can?
"Helping people is for loserrsss."
Do you help old ladies cross the street?
That's not from the quiz? But I don't mind helping others, if that's what you're asking.
I've never MET an old lady that needed help to cross the street... Maybe I wasn't paying attention.
Does this even happen in real life...?
Um, yes, it does. And yes, I do.
It does???
"I FIGHT old ladies."
How fabulous is your hair?
... How strangely specific. I know my hair is great, but I'm an outlier.
Shut up, I'm IMPROVISING. And my hair is a little shit.
Mine's nothing special. And I've had the same haircut for 30 years.
My hair is okay...?
My hair is trash.
"I have long purple violet hair (that’s how I got my name) with blue streaks and red tips that reaches my shoulders..."
Do you like cooking?
You don't want me near a stove.
I eat pizza. Everyday.
Cooking Is My Passion.
I usually eat out, can't really cook.
"Cooking is for LOSEEERRRS!" *cough* Outch.
How many languages do you speak?
More than two.
Do you excercise?
I enjoy running.
Nah... I tried. Once. Didn't work.
Ha. Funny.
A little everyday.
Sometimes... but I slack off.
"I excercise my fINGERS. Um. Playing video games." Wow, I'm disgusted with myself.
Coffee or tea?
Honestly, I only drink one kind of tea. I'm a fake englishman.
Tea for me.
*squints* Both.
Uh, not a tea or coffee fan, actually...
Coffee. Tea tastes like grass.
"I'll drink coffee and tea at the sAME TIME."
Opinion on pizza with pineapple?
An eldritch aberration.
If there's any type of food I shame... That's it.
I've never tried it? Sounds, uh, like something.
"Pineapple pizzas burned my crops and poisoned my water supply."
Harry: "Ok, fine. No more of those questions. Happy now, Dave?"
Dave: "Extremely."
Harry: "But I don't have enough answers for the quiz yet."
Louis: "You could sum it up in like... Five questions..."
Harry: "Ok, fine. No more of those questions. Happy now, Dave?"
Dave: "Extremely."
Harry: "But I don't have enough answers for the quiz yet."
Louis: "You could sum it up in like... Five questions..."
What should I fill the quest of the quiz with, then?
If you must... Copy paste another quiz with only Yes and No answers.
I was thinking more MBTI test...
... Why don't we just stop the quiz here and go eat something? (skip test)
Up to you.
I'm down for food, actually. (skip test)
MBTI it is, then. "Determine success by measurement or other objective method such as the time taken."
Efficiency is extremely important.
Measuring "success" is relative.
"Offer various unrelated ideas and see what potential they might suggest."
Little me... Unless under stress.
Exactly me.
Not me.
Little me.
"Experience a premonition or foresee the distant future."
Not me.
Exactly me.
Little me.
"Notice whether the details in front of you match what you are accustomed to."
Exactly me.
Mostly me.
Not me.
"Recognize and usually adhere to shared values, feelings, and social norms to get along."
Not me.
Little me.
Mostly me.
Exactly me.
Harry: "Alright, alright, Louis. Go cook, whatever."
Louis: "Harry... What the fuck. The fridge is EMPTY."
Harry: "Ah... That's right... I may have forgotten to buy groceries."
Dave: "Honestly, how do you live?"
Harry: "Take-out? Luck? *shrug* I don't know either."
Harry: "Alright, alright, Louis. Go cook, whatever."
Louis: "Harry... What the fuck. The fridge is EMPTY."
Harry: "Ah... That's right... I may have forgotten to buy groceries."
Dave: "Honestly, how do you live?"
Harry: "Take-out? Luck? *shrug* I don't know either."
And this is how in that day, the V2 squad had to go eat lunch in the bar across the street, and Dave had no pancakes. A tragic story.
As to the quiz results...
And this is how in that day, the V2 squad had to go eat lunch in the bar across the street, and Dave had no pancakes. A tragic story.
As to the quiz results...
{"name":"V2 Crew Does A Test (and so does you)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"(Some options may seem redundant, just pick the ones that match you better by tone.), \"You find it difficult to introduce yourself to other people.\", \"You often get so lost in thoughts that you ignore or forget your surroundings.\"","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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