Dental Implant Dr. Poch sophearoth #Dr kang

Create an image of a dental professional examining dental implants with a patient in a clinical setting, blending elements of dentistry and patient care in a modern clinic.

Dental Implant Proficiency Quiz

Test your knowledge on dental implant procedures and considerations, particularly for patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. This comprehensive quiz covers a wide range of topics essential for dental professionals.

  • 64 Multiple Choice Questions
  • Focus on clinical guidelines and patient management
  • Designed for dental professionals and students
64 Questions16 MinutesCreated by EducatePatient27
1. The most important factors to consider for implant surgery in diabetic patient are:
σ� Duration of diabetes
All are correct
The implant surface and design 
The prevention of infections 
The control of diabetes over time: HbA1c should not exceed 7%.
Please Specify:
2. Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient if:
σ� The wound healing is altered 
All are correct
Plasma glucose level is 126 to 200 
The blood pressure is 180/80mmHg 
HA1c not exceed 7% 
Please Specify:
3. Dental Implant therapy for hypertensive patient is contra -indicated when:
σ� Maximum Blood pressure is above 160/90mmHg and 150/80mmHg for diabetic patients.
σ� Recent myocardial infarction
σ� Unstable angina pectoris
σ� Hypertensive patient with 180-209/110-119mmHg.
σ� All are correct
Please Specify:
4. Uncontrolled blood pressure increase the risk for cardiovascular during dental care or prolonged stressful:
σ� Myocardial infarction 
All are correct
Blood pressure: 180-209/110-119mmHg
Cardiovascular accident  
Angina pectoris 
Please Specify:
5. Patient with acquired bleeding tendency
σ� Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 2 days before surgery
σ� Should stop using aspirin or other antiplatelet agents 1 week before surgery
σ� Should prevent post operative bleeding
σ� Should discontinue anticoagulant before dental treatment
σ� Should not use local anesthesia contain with adrenaline.
Please Specify:
6. The statement below is correct, Except:
σ� Hyperglycemia impair the collagen metabolism and bind to monocyte and macrophage cell membranes, thus altering the wound healing.
σ� Glucose level fasting value > 126mg/dL and 2-hour postprandial >200mg/Dl are considered diagnostic criteria for diabetes.
σ� HbA1c value normal: 7%-7.5%
σ� The longer duration diabetes, the higher the failure rate for implant treatment.
σ� Implant placement is indicated for diabetes patient with HgA1C: 7%.
Please Specify:
7. The statement below is true, Except:
σ� Adrenaline in local anesthesia is not safe for hypertensive patients
σ� Patients with recent myocardial infarction, unstable angina pectoris are not candidates for surgical treatment
σ� IV bisphosphonate-treated patients have high incidence of ONJ.
σ� Platelet Count lower than 100,000/mm3 are considered a contraindication for elective surgical procedure
σ� INR is the most reliable test, its normal value is 1.
Please Specify:
8. The statement below is true, Except:
σ� The irradiation dose is the major limited factors which effects the osseintergration.
σ� Radiation effects both osteoblast and osteoclasts, reducing the bone’s capacity to heal.
σ� Irradiated bone does NOT have the potential to remodeling and regeneration
σ� Implant failure rate is low when irradiation dose below 45Gy.
σ� ORN is one of major complications of radiation therapy
Please Specify:
9. The statement below is true, Except:
σ� Schneiderian membrane is very thin, yellowish and extremely friable for smokers.
σ� Schneiderian membrane is elastic with the thickness: 0.45mm to 1.40 mm
σ� 15% of IAN is located in the middle of the mandibular ramus, posterior to the 2nd molar, then runs lingually to follow the lingual plate
σ� 15% of IAN canal follows the lingual cortical plate of the mandibular ramus and body
σ� 15% of IAN is located near the middle of the ramus and body
Please Specify:
10. The statements below are correct, Except:
σ� A. Certain areas of the implant surface are in direct contact with bone is called Primary bone contact.
σ� The remodeled bone and new bone contact with implant, termed secondary bone contact
σ� Primary bone contact is increased when Secondary bone contact occurred
σ� Primary bone contact is decreased when Secondary bone contact occurred.
σ� Immediate loading protocols were first described for the completely edentulous mandible
Please Specify:
11. The concept of prosthetic-driven implant dentistry mean:
σ� Implant selection is performed before prosthetic planning.
σ� Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement
σ� Implant selection is performed after prosthetic planning
σ� Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
σ� B and D Perform prosthetic immediately after implant placement, Immediate implantation into extraction socket.
Please Specify:
12. Implant selection is involve:
σ� clinical examination, 
All are correct
Prosthetic planning 
Surgical evaluation 
Radiographic examination 
Please Specify:
13. Implant characteristics include the following:
σ� Length and diameter, 
All are correct
Position 
Number 
Shape and roughness, 
Please Specify:
14. Guidelines for implant selection are based on:
σ� Dimensions of the edentulous area  
All are correct
Bone volume and Bone quality 
Biomechanics 
Adjacent teeth and Anatomical structures
Please Specify:
15. Interdental distance for single tooth replacement using standard implant
σ� 7mm 
All are correct
10mm 
9mm 
8mm 
Please Specify:
16. Interdental and inter-occlussion distance for multi teeth replacement
σ� 7mm is required between the centers of two implants. 
Vertical dimension of 6mm is required.
05-1mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth 
1.5mm is required from implant to adjacent tooth 
3mm is required between implant heads 
Please Specify:
17. A standard implant requires
σ� 7mm mesiodistal distance, 
All are correct
7mm bone width at esthetic area. 
6mm bone width. 
10mm bone height, 
Please Specify:
18. The role of the temporary prosthetic restoration
σ� Maintain esthetic 
All are correct
Preview for future restoration 
Function 
Provide stabilization 
Please Specify:
19. The provisional prosthetic can be elaborated
σ� Prior to extraction 
All are correct
After implant osseointergration 
After implant placement 
Before implant placement 
Please Specify:
20. General specifications of temporary prosthetic restorations
σ� Not traumatic to adjacent teeth and soft tissues 
All are correct
Acceptable esthetics 
Easy to modify if necessary 
No negative interference with osseointergration 
Please Specify:
21. Minimal buccal –lingual bone volume for 4mm diameter implant is:
σ� 5mm in esthetic areas 
All are correct
7mm in esthetic area 
6mm in esthetic areas 
5mm in non-esthetic areas 
Please Specify:
22. In term of biomechanics, implant should be placed in the direction of axial forces, because:
σ� The bone/implant interface is well adapted to axial compressive forces 
To get enough vertical dimension.
To improve esthetic 
To induce shear force 
To improves the mechanical strength of the implant body 
Please Specify:
23. Wide diameter of implant should be use in strong occlusal forces because:
σ� Increase primary stability 
Prevent loosening abutment
Prevent implant fracture 
Improve esthetic 
Improves the mechanical strength of the implant body 
Please Specify:
24. Prerequisite for success for immediate or early loading of implants is
σ� Implant brand 
Implant brand, Implant SLA surface and Sufficient primary stability
Implant brand, Implant SLA surface 
Sufficient primary stability 
Implant SLA surface 
Please Specify:
25. To improve primary stability in type 3 and 4 bone, surgeon may adapt with
σ� implant dimension 
All are correct
Drill sequence 
Rough/bioactive surface 
Implant design 
Please Specify:
26. Removable provisional may be unstable solution because
σ� Compressive on mucosa 
All are correct
May not comfortable 
May loss of osseointergration 
Cause marginal bone loss 
Please Specify:
27. Implant placement in anterior single tooth is predictable treatment outcomes if
σ� Patient with high smile line
σ� The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
σ� Patient motivation
σ� Patient with high smile line and The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency
σ� Patient with high smile line, The sites without hard and soft tissue deficiency, Patient motivation
Please Specify:
28. Dental implant therapy in the anterior is a complex procedure, which base on a comprehensive preoperative evaluation. An optimal esthetic result depends on
σ� Patient selection 
All are correct
Soft tissue stability 
Correct three dimensional implant positioning 
Implant selection 
Please Specify:
29. Single tooth implant in the anterior area is a surgical risk procedure if
σ� Buccal bone deficiencies 
All are correct
Buccal cortical bone plate <1mm 
Distance between the proximal bone and CEJ of the adjacent teeth >2mm 
Soft tissue deficiencies 
Please Specify:
30. The provisional fixed restoration plays a major role in esthetic outcome because:
σ� It can be modified to create emergence profile 
It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate , It improve osseointergration
It can be modified to create emergence profile, It is easy to fabricate
It improve osseointergration  
It is easy to fabricate 
Please Specify:
31. Selection of the abutment depends on:
σ� Peri-implant gingival margin and the longitudinal implant axis 
Bone implant contact
Mechanical strength of implant body 
Implant surface 
Implant design 
Please Specify:
32. Implant-supported FPD, when possible, is the treatment of choice for partially edentulous patients in the situation:
σ� Healthy adjacent teeth 
All are correct
Extended edentulous segments 
Posterior reduced arch 
Intact adjacent tooth restoration 
Please Specify:
33. In cases of restoration of each los unit with an implant, when it is indicated to splinting the implant ?
σ� Narrow-diameter implants in the posterior area 
All are correct
Poor bone quality 
Bruxism 
Short implants 
Please Specify:
34. There are some disadvantages of screw retain, Except:
σ� Bacterial Colonization 
σ� Esthetics
Cost 
More screw loosening 
Please Specify:
35. Immediate and early loading protocols should focus on
σ� The amount of primary bone contact.    
All are correct
The quality of bone at the implant site.
The rapidity of bone formation around the implant
The quantity of bone at the implant site.
Please Specify:
36. Cochrane reviews are recognized as a gold standard in evidence-based health care, Except
σ� Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 week after their placement. No distinction was made between occlusal and nonocclusal loading.
σ� Early loading was defined as putting implants in function between 1 week and 2 months after placement.
σ� Conventional loading was defined as putting implants in function after 2 months
σ� Immediate loading was defined as implants in function within 1 days after their placement
σ� All are exceptional
Please Specify:
37. What’s fibro-intergration?
σ� Implant is fully intergrated to the bone. 
Implant is fallen out.
Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone. 
Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue 
σ� Implant is intergrated and attached via dense fibrous tissue, Implant is 70% intergarted to the bone, Implant is fallen out.
Please Specify:
38. To prevent implant from fibro-intergration, Must
σ� Curettage the osteotomy site before place implant 
Torque should not exceed 35Ncm. 
Drill slowly 
Drill with irrigation copiously 
Please Specify:
39. Clinician should be perform proper technique when placing implant in poor bone type IV, Except:
σ� Drill sequence technique 
Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique, Bone slitting technique
Drill sequence technique, Bone condensation technique 
Bone slitting technique 
Bone condensation technique 
Please Specify:
40. There many reasons in implant failures, Except:
σ� Implant design 
Excessive force
Contaminated osteotomy 
No primary stability 
Overheating bone 
Please Specify:
41. Malposition of implant poses many complications, except:
σ� Damage to adjacent teeth 
Poor esthetics
Fit for prosthetic restoration 
Impossible to load 
Damage to important anatomic structure 
Please Specify:
42. There are some pre -surgical steps to prevent implant from malposition. Except:
σ� Proper pre-operative planning 
Soft or hard tissue augmentation procedure to obtain optimum anatomy.
Surgical guide template 
Radiographic analysis 
Financial planning 
Please Specify:
43. Bleeding during and after implant surgery can be managed, Except:
σ� Compression with plain gauze  
Immediate referral to hospital
Ligation of vessel 
Incision in the mucosa to relieve the hematoma 
Post operation mouth rinse with tranexamic acid (4-6 times daily x 3 days)
Please Specify:
44. Nerve injury is due to occurred, Except:
σ� Drill procedures or compression of implant body into canal. 
Mechanical, chemical and thermal
Prosthetic design 
Direct trauma 
Post surgical intra-alveolar oedema 
Please Specify:
45. Infection is the most common cause for loss of implant. To prevent this occurrence, we have to respect the surgical protocol, Except:
σ� Rule out medical history 
Prophylactic antibiotics 1 hr before surgery
Pre-operative mouth rinse with clorhexidine 
Surgery under aseptic conditions 
σ� Sedation
Please Specify:
46. Pain after implant surgery is normal physiologic response to tissue damage. Pain intensity comes to the peak after:
σ� 3-5 hours 
72 hours
24 hours 
12 hours 
8 hours 
Please Specify:
47. The statements below are true, Except
σ� The design of the restoration is a key factor for implant selection.
σ� In esthetic areas the provisional should have a design aiming to guide tissue healing.
σ� A standard implant requires 5mm mesiodistal distance, 10mm bone height, and 5mm bone width
σ� Wide implants are preferred for molars, and when high occlusal loading is expected.
σ� Long implants (>10mm) are indicated when poor primary stability is expected with standard implants
Please Specify:
48. The statements below are true, Except
σ� Cemented restorations are advisable used for the implant shoulder located deep under the mucosa in esthetic areas
σ� Implant-supported FPD is the dominant strategy for partially edentulous patients.
σ� There is no evidence to support the concept of one tooth, one implant.
σ� Splinting implant provides better force distribution, fewer technical complications.
σ� Single units allow a better prosthetic passive fit and easier plaque control.
Please Specify:
49. The statements below are true, Except
σ� Autogenous graft is a graft from patient own bone.
σ� Allograft is a graft between genetically dissimilar member of species.
σ� Xenograft is a graft taken from a donor of another species
σ� Alloplast graft is the combination of Autograft and other type of graft material
σ� Autogenous is a Gold standard for grated bone
Please Specify:
50. There are some crestal approaches limitations, except
σ� Residual bone height >6mm 
Inadequate ridge width
Inability to repair perforations 
Present of septa 
Oblique sinus floor 
Please Specify:
51. How do we prevent pressure necrosis of the cortical bone
σ� By under preparing the osteotomy 
All are incorrect
By placing chlorhexidine in the saline 
By using the cortical drill and the drill tap to prepare the cortical bone 
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed 
Please Specify:
52. What is important in the preparation of type 1 bone?
σ� A. Under-preparation of the osteotomy site 
By using the 1 drill larger than the implant to be placed.
Use of both the cortical and the drill taps where applicable. 
Use of the cortical drills 
Use of osteotomes to prepare the osteotomy 
Please Specify:
53. Why is it important to take an X-ray after your pilot drill.
σ� To increase the profit margin of the procedure 
All are correct
To check the width of the osteotomy 
To make sure that you do not hit any vital structures with your initial drill 
To check vitality of the adjacent teeth 
Please Specify:
54. Why is the mid-crestal incision the most ideal incision type?
σ� Its the most aesthetic incision 
All are correct
Reduces risk of wound dehiscence by improving the blood flow to the wound edges 
Improves your ability to move soft tissue around 
Allows movement of palatal tissue to the buccal side 
Please Specify:
55. Accessing the posterior wall of the Maxillary sinus through a vestibular incision may injure one or more of the following vital structures:
σ� Origin of Buccinator muscle. 
All are correct
All are incorrect 
Posterior superior alveolar nerve. 
Posterior superior alveolar artery. 
Please Specify:
56. Spontaneous recovery from nerve injury to the inferior alveolar nerve (IAN) is more frequently observed compared to the lingual nerve due to:
σ� The position of the IAN in the bony canal serves as a conduit for nerve regeneration
σ� The IAN has a larger diameter
σ� The IAN has better regenerative capability
σ� The IAN is closer to the CNS at the point of injury
σ� Wallerian degeneration is delayed for the lingual nerve
Please Specify:
57. Which one of the following is not an acceptable complication of third molar surgery:
σ� Mandible fracture 
All are acceptable
TMJ pain 
Fracture of adjacent teeth 
Tuberosity fracture 
Please Specify:
58. Which of the following is most likely to result in implant failure
σ� Utilizing bovine derived augmentation material for sinus lift
σ� A perforation of the Schnederrian membrane measuring 6 by 5 mm repaired with a PRP membrane prior to grafting
σ� Placing implants in a patient with a 40 pack year smoking history who quit 4 weeks ago
σ� Performing a sinus lift with simulataneous implant placement in a patient with chronic sinusitis without addressing the sinusitis preoperatively
σ� All are correct
Please Specify:
59. What is the minimum recommended distance between the most inferior aspect of an implant and the superior aspect of the mandibular canal
σ� 3mm 
D.1.5mm 
4mm 
2mm 
Please Specify:
60. A 30 year old male is one week status post placement of 3 right mandibular posterior implants. He is complaining of parasthesia of his right mental branch that has been present since the implants were placed. A panoramic radiograph demonstrates that all 3 implants are less than 0.5mm superior to the mandibular canal. What is the most appropriate next step
σ� Obtain a CT scan to identify the exact relationship of each implant with the canal before proceeding with any treatment
σ� Back up all 3 implants an additional 2 mm 
Schedule the patient for a IAN lateralization procedure
Reassure the patient and follow up again in 2 weeks
Remove all implants  
Please Specify:
61. In the aesthetic zone, the only place where two implants are acceptable is:
σ� Between the central and lateral 
All are acceptable
None of all 
Between the two centrals 
Between the lateral and canine 
Please Specify:
62. What are the advantages of the customized impression coping technique?
σ� It is an impression coping that is customized to the impression tray.
σ� It is an impression coping that transfers the exact transgingival emergence profile of a given implant site
σ� It requires less time chair-side.
σ� It reflects a more accurate spatial position of the implant
σ� It helps to create stippling in the soft tissue
Please Specify:
63. Which is the best material to use for the fabrication of a provisional restoration
σ� Bisacryl 
None of them
All of them 
Composite 
Please Specify:
64. The most common problem following provisional restoration removal before impression making is?
σ� Expansion of the peri-implant mucosal tissues 
None of the above
All of the above 
Bleeding of mucosal tissue 
Collapse of the peri-implant mucosal tissues 
Please Specify:
{"name":"Dental Implant Dr. Poch sophearoth #Dr kang", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge on dental implant procedures and considerations, particularly for patients with systemic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension. This comprehensive quiz covers a wide range of topics essential for dental professionals.64 Multiple Choice QuestionsFocus on clinical guidelines and patient managementDesigned for dental professionals and students","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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