Comprehensive for bio

Diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane:
A. Is an active process
B. Features net movement of water from a hypo-osmotic solution (or from pure water) to a hyper-osmotic slution
C. Is a good example of contransport
D. Depends on dissociation of water molecules into H+ ions and OH- ions
What monomers are used for construction of polypeptides?
A. Peptide bonds
B. Amino groups and carboxyl groups
C. Amino acids
D. Simple sugars
Which of the following best describes the general "framework" of a biological membrane, such as the plasma membrane?
A. A bilayer of phospholipid molecules, with the "tails" sequestered from water
B. A bilater of phospholipid molecules, with the phosphate groupds sequestered from water
C. A bilayer of cholesterol molecules
D. A bilayer in which one layer consists of phospholipid molecules and the other layer consists of protein molecules.
Which of the following allows a neutral atom to become an ion?
A. Gain of a proton
B. Loss of a neutron
C. Loss of an electron
D. Formation of a covalent bond
The organelle that makes most of the ATP used by a cell is the:
A. mitochondrion
B. lysososme
C. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
D. Golgi aparatus
Which of the following is not true regarding hydrogen bonds?
A. Water molecules interact with one another through hydrogen bonds
B. A hydrogen bond is the covalent bond that links 2 hydrogen atoms together to form a hydorgen molecule
C. Hydrogen bonds contribute to maintaining the 3-dimensional structures of protein molecules.
D. Hydrogen bonds are easily disrupted, for example by heat
What is true regarding both cilia and flagella?
A. If a cell has cilia, it also has a flagellum.
B. All cells have cilia, but only sperms cells have flagella
C. Cilia and flagella are the same length, but they move in different ways.
D. Cilia and flagella are composed primarily of microtubules
Most body fluids, including cytosol of cells, are buffered. The purpose of a buffer is to:
A. Maintain relatively constant temperature of the fluid
B. Maintain relatively constant pH of the fluid
C. Enhance solubility of ions and molecules
D. Protect the fluid from pathogens and toxic susbstances
Which of the following is not true regarding epithelial tissue?
A. Epithelial tissues are polarized
B. Cells in epithelial tissues are closely packed together, with little extracellular material.
C. Ducts are lined by epithelial tissues.
D. Epithelial tissues include extensive networks of narrow-diameter blood vessels.
Which of the following are characteristics of both bone and cartilage?
A. Lacunae in which cells of the tissue are found
B. Blood vessels within the extracellular matrix of fibers
C. Phosphate deposits on extracellular matrix fibers
D. Surrounding sheaths composed of epithelial tissues
A fundamental difference between neurons and glial cells is:
A. Glial cells are found only in the CNS, while neurons are found in the CNS and the PNS
B. Neurons are found only in the CNS, while glial cells are found only in the PNS
C, only neurons have negative plasma membrane potentials (inside negative with respect to outside)
D. Only neurons are excitable (i.e. Able to generate action potentials)
Which of the following is not true regarding initiation of an action potential?
A. Initiation of an action potential is preceded by occurrence of a graded potential
B. Initiation of an action potential requires opening of plasma membrane voltage-gated Na+ channels
C. Initiation of an action potential requires activation of the plasma membrane Na+, K+ pump
D. Initiation of an action potential requires plasma membrane depolarization to the threshold potential
The terms “regular” and “irregular” in dense connective tissue:
A. Are equivalent to “normal” and “abnormal”
B. Refer to orientation of collagen fibers in the extracellular matrices of the tissues
C. Refer to the stage of development of the tissue, with dense irregular connective tissue gradually becoming dense regular connective tissue
D. Refer to the shapes of fibroblasts, the primary cell type found in each kind of tissue
Unlike an action potential, a graded potential:
A. Is a change in membrane potential
B. Is proportional to the input (i.e. A stronger input results in a higher magnitude potential change
C. Depends on ion flux through the plasma membrane
D. Depends on voltage-gated ion channels
Exchange across the apical surface of an epithelial cell is enhanced by:
A. Making the cell longer in the apical-to-basal dimension
B. Coating the apical surface with keratin
C. Presence of microvilli on the apical surface
D. Presence of cilia on the apical surface
The central nervous system (CNS):
A. Is one of two separate human nervous systems – the peripheral nervous system is the other
B. Is protected by bones that make up the cranium and the vertebral column
C. Consists totally of interneurons
D. Consists of neurons that lack dendrites
An afferent neuron:
A. Has its nerve cell body in the CNS, but its axon extends into the PNS
B. Has its nerve cell body in the PNS, but its axon extends into the CNS
C. Is totally within the CNS
D. Generates graded potentials, but cannot generate action potentials
A neurotransmitter receptor in the postsynaptic membrane at a synapse:
A. Is a ligand-gated channel that opens to allow entry of neurotransmitter molecules into the postsynaptic cell
B. Is a ligand-gated channel that opens to allow ions to pass through the postsynaptic membrane
C. Opens to initiate action potential generation
D. Is also called an epsp or an ipsp, depending on the type of neurotransmitter it binds
Which property of muscle cells is also characteristic of nerve cells?
A. contractility
B. elasticity
C. extensibility
D. excitability
Which of the following is most unusual about a skeletal muscle cell?
A. Presence of a large number of nuclei (probably on average about 200) in a single cell
B. Ability to bind, through plasma membrane receptors, neurotransmitter molecules
C. Presence of mitochondria
D. Lack of smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Assuming that each of the following is a cylinder, which has the largest diameter?
A. A thin myofilament
B. A thick myofilament
C. A myofibril
D. A muscle fiber
A motor unit:
A. Is made up of all the proteins in a myofibril sarcomere
B. Consists of one somatic motor neuron and all the skeletal muscle cells that neuron innervates
C. Is the structural unit of a skeletal muscle cell
D. Consists of a the sarcolemma, sarcoplasm, and sarcoplasmic reticulum of a skeletal muscle cell
The functional unit of the nervous system is:
A. The neuron, which is also the structural unit of the nervous system
B. The brain
C. The reflex arc
D. The synapse
Related to each spinal nerve, which of the following is true?
A. The terms posterior root and anterior root are equivalent to the terms posterior ramus and anterior ramus, respectively.
B. The posterior root and the anterior root are each made up of dendrites only.
C. The anterior root includes a ganglion made up of the cell bodies of motor neurons.
D. The posterior root includes a ganglion made up of the cell bodies of sensory neurons.
When a muscle contracts, the force generated is transferred to bones by:
A. tendons, which are continuous with connective tissue sheaths within the muscle
B. myofibrils
C. Thick filaments
D. Fibrocartilage strands found within the muscle
In the embryo, the ______ develops as an outgrowth of regions that make up the brain stem and remains connected to these regions by paired stalks.
A. cerebellum
B. cerebrum
C. thalamus
D. Spinal cord
The ___separates the nuclear compartment of a cell from cytoplasmic compartment of the cell
An increase in H+ ion concentration of a solution results in a(n) _______pH of the solution.
A(n) ___bond between two atoms features sharing of electrons found in the valances shells of the two atoms.
Keratinized stratified squamous epithelium makes up the ___ of the skin
Any membrane potential change that results in a less negative (or more positive) membrane potential is called a(n)
By definition, the _______ of a neuron conducts impulses away from the nerve cell body.
The structural and functional unit of a muscle cell myofibril is a(n) ___
Within the spinal cord, ____matter is primarily associated with conduction of nerve impulses rather than with integration of information
At a neuron-neuron synapse, vesicles in the axon terminal of a presynaptic neuron are filled with _____molecules, whose release is essential for communication between the presynaptic neuron and the postsynaptic neuron.
{"name":"Comprehensive for bio", "url":"","txt":"Diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane:, What monomers are used for construction of polypeptides?, Which of the following best describes the general \"framework\" of a biological membrane, such as the plasma membrane?","img":""}
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