Criminology Final

Trials where for the first time war leaders were responsible in an international legal setting?
Loradine trials
Nurember Trials
International criminal court ICC
Extermination, deportation for slavery and genocide are all examples of
Crimes against humanity
War crimes
Both a and B
None of the above
The mass destruction or annihilation of a group
Forced deportation
Mass destruction
A secret CIA program to investigate activities of domestic groups
Propostition 128
Operation CHAOS
Project X21
None of the above
Extreme idiologists
The misuse of power by the intelligence agencies to dissapear people who represent a risk
FBI program of counter intelligence to discredit legit social movements
A and C
None of the above
Islamic - iranian backed terrorist group whose name means “party of god”
None of the above
Who was responsible for the oklahoma city bombing?
Richard nixon
No one was caught
Timothy Mcvey
Charles manson
David vaccaro
Crimes of public order are also reffered to as
Crimes against the state
Crimes without a victim
Crimes against the government
White collar crime
None of the above
Traffic violations are an example of
Petty crime
Folk crime
None of the above
Approach to crime control that advocates that police should not ignore small or minor disturbances because they lead to bigger crimes
Secondary deviance
Strain theory
Community policing
Broken windows
Abnormal sexual practices involving sexual interest in non human objects
None of the above
Getting sexually excited by secretly observing unknowing victims these offenders are also called “peeping” and “toms”
amphetamines, nicotine, caffeine, methamphetamine, cocaine are all
Anti drug act passed in 1914 that required doctors prescriptions for narcotics and cocaine
Nixon's anti- drug campaign
Harrison Act
Davidson act
The US fight agains drug abuse
According to the book those who benefit from labeling activity as “criminal”
The government
The DA
Moral entrepeneurs
The process of lessening the penalties attached to particular offenses
Restorative justice
Community relations
None of the above
A secret malicious computer program hidden within other programs
Software malware
Trojan horse
Coding and decoding
Entails a hacker stealing, password, account and credit card information
Unwanted, uninvited electronic guests regardless of their motive
Creates a fake website or version that is controlled by the attacker
All of the above
Creates a fake website or version that is controlled by the attacker
Hackers ethic
Onion browsing
Procedures that ask experts to predict the future
Zodiac study
Socratic convetion
Delphi techniques
Formal accusation made by the prosecutor is called information, the same accusation made by the grand jury is
Habeas corpus
Nolo prosequi
Premtory challenge
The right to be told your rights --- you have the right to remain silent and not incriminate yourself
Due process
Miranda rights
2nd ammendment
14th amendment
Which of the following is NOT an accurate way to get out of prison/ jail
Pre-trial release
Unofficial writ of habeas corpus
ROR release on recognizance
None of the above
Habeas corpus
A plea of no contest
A formal accusation by the judge
The person holding you, needs to show they have legal reason to hold you
A petition for the circuit courts
When the court keeps the person pre trial to avoid them committing crimes before trial
Preliminary hearing
Preventative detention
Preventative deterrance
Court system used by the united states where the person is innocent until proven guilty
Adversarial system
Inquisitorial system
Statue of limitations
Juridic system
The inquisitorial court system is used in
The united states
A and c
C and d
None of the above
The US currently has ------ federal prisons
Appelate courts are also called
Distric courts
What court deals with local minor disputes?
State court
Circuit court
Municipal court
District court
Local court
Should the judge be retained? Is determined by
Just Judges act
Missouri plan
The green party
The senate
The questioning of prospective jurors
Nolo contendere
Voir dire
Peremptory challenge
None of the above
A defendant's or lawyer's objection to a proposed juror, made without needing to give a reason
Peremptory challenge
Juror annulment
Partake jury
None of the above
Right to a speedy and public trial with an impartial jury
4th ammendment
6th ammendment
5th ammendment
14th ammendment
Due process
Miranda rights
In Gideon VS Wainwright
The right against unreasonable searches and seazures
Provide counsel in criminal cases to represent defendants who are unable to afford to pay their own attorneys
The right to education
Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments
Case in where the head of department of corrections was found to have plagarized his thesis (hint: florida)
Brown vs Board
Gideon VS Wainwright
Furman vs Georgia
Gregg vs Georgia
Atkins vs Virginia
Eddie joy lloyd
Convicted for raping and killing a young girl, and coerced to give a false testimony
Got his sentence commuted from death to LWOP
His supreme court case transformed the justice system
Got pardoned
Executing people with intellectual disabilities violates the Eighth Amendment's ban on cruel and unusual punishments, but states can define who has intellectual disability
Baker vs Carr
Atkins vs virginia
Roe vs wade
Miranda vs arizona
Clemancy was granted because of his low IQ
Joe ride
Nathan dunlap
Mathew brown
Anthony porter
Due to his diagnosis, his death sentence has been placed on hold
Mathew brown
Joe waters
Nathan dunlap
Joe ride
None of the above
At the end of her trial, Lizzie Borden was
Granted clemancy
Senteced to life in prison
Got aquitted
The case didnt make it to trial
White man who killed a black civil rights activist from missisipi
Byron de le beckwith
Medgar evers
Charles bass
Timothy mcvey
Richard goldberg
a skilled carpenter who was charged with burglarizing the baby's pajamas
Nico bohorquez
Bruno richard hauptmann
Charles lebruce
Herbert erhman
Joe ride
After what execution did governor of massachusets Michael Ducacus issued an apology?
Pat sonnier
Nicola sacco and bartolomeo vanzetti
Richard loeb and Nathan leopold
Stanley tookie williams
Charles linburgh
Attorney who worked in the case of Richard loeb and Nathan leopold
Joseph Darby
Clarence darrow
Charles brooks
herbert erhman
Charles brooks
First person to get a pardon
Governor of nyc during furman vs georgia
First man to get executed using lethal injection
Last man to be publicly executed
Ramy bethea
Last man to be publicly executed
Last man to be executed in the electric chair
First man to get executed using lethal injection
Last man to get executed in colorado
Top death row attorney in colorado
Ruled that race may not be used to exclude jurors based solely on their race.
Atkins vs virginia
Brown vs board
State vs ohio
Batsom vs kentucky
Roe vs wade
The sixth ammendment was created after which supreme court rulling
Atkins vs virginia
Furman vs georgia
Miranda vs arizona
Witherspoon vs illinois
None of the above
Only people who would NEVER consider the death penalty cannot be a juror in a capital punishment case
Batson vs kentucky
Gegg vs georgia
Witherspoon vs Illinois
Joe vs michigan
None of the above
Can one serve as a juror in colorado if she/he has been convicted of a felony?
Yes in petty jury but not in grand jury
Yes in grand jury but not in petty jury
What is the avarage wait from the time convicted to execution?
10 years
12 years
19 years
22 years
6 years
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