Universal Match & Engine Quiz (APAC)

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[ENGINE] Is it possible to have different COS targets per category ?
Yes, and it is highly recommended to optimize performance
Yes, but you should ask your AX for recommendation
No, ARO can only be set at campaign level
No, ARO can only be set at advertiser level
[ENGINE] How do you increase / decrease volume and spend?
You need to liaise with your AX to perform a back end change
You need to revert to COSO and change CPCs manually
You can influence volume with ARO by increasing or decreasing the COS Target, the same way you would do with CPC
You cannot, the purpose of ARO is that volumes are steady
[ENGINE] What is the impact if not all of a customer’s products have a value in the feed?
It doesn’t have any impact, you can launch
It would impact performance as the Engine would not properly understand the highest priority
We don’t need to add value in the feed, they need to be added through the trackers
None of the above
[ENGINE] With VO do we still need CPCs per category?
Yes and it is highly recommended
No as the Engine will directly optimize based on the value of the product and push for the highest value
No as it would lead to poor performance
None of the above
[ENGINE] What is the expected uplift from ARO?
+10% better performance
+5% better performance
+3% better performance
No impact has been observed
[ENGINE] What is the impact of VO on other metrics?
No impact on other metrics is to be expected
VO activation could impact the COS as we would prioritize the value of the product over its price
VO activation could impact all metrics in a negative way
VO will only increase the share of displays on high value products
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] What will an advertiser with DD parameter see in Management center in the Same device sales column?
The regular same device sales Criteo counts + the FB same device sales
Only the regular same device sales Criteo counts
The regular same device sales Criteo counts + a percentage of FB same device sales based on the average attribution rate of the advertiser
The regular same device sales Criteo counts + a percentage of FB same device sales based on the average attribution rate observed at Criteo
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] What will an advertiser with DD parameter see in Management center in the Cross device sales column?
The Same device sales + cross device sales monitored by Criteo
The Same device sales + FB Same device sales + cross device sales monitored by Criteo
The same device sales + a percentage of cross device sales based on the average attribution rate of the advertiser
The same device sales + a percentage of cross device sales based on the average attribution rate observed at Criteo
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] How many profiles can a user have on average?
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] How many devices are taken into account in the prediction?
All the user’s browsed devices
None, we don’t take into account cross device in the prediction
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] How many users cookies/IDFA are taken into account in the product recommendation?
All the user’s browsed devices
None, we don’t take into account cross device in the product recommendation
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] Pick the main sales arguments to pitch Universal match! (Multiple correct answers)
Universal match enables a better user experience
Online users constantly switch between environments, universal match enables advertisers to find the right users at the right time and display the right ad
Universal match enables relevant messages to be displayed throughout the user journey
As an advertiser, you can only benefit from universal match if you share your hashed emails, Criteo has a no free rider policy
Universal match is privacy safe
[UNIVERSAL MATCH] Pick the main arguments to deal with the client objection “I don’t think MD5 is safe enough” (Multiple correct answers)
MD5 is a strict encryption method that is a market standard and that is hard to revert
It is technically impossible to decrypt emails hashed in MD5
If you are particularly sensitive about this topic you can double the encryption with Sha2 of MD5
Google and FB have moved to other encryption methods because the data they need to encrypt is extremely sensitive, whereas emails are not
{"name":"Universal Match & Engine Quiz (APAC)", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Is it possible to have different COS targets per category ?, How do you increase \/ decrease volume and spend?, What is the impact if not all of a customer’s products have a value in the feed?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}

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