When faced with an unexpected roadblock do you tend to …?
Calmly accept the situation
View it as a chance to find new opportunities
Think about all the problems you may now encounter
Talk to others about your concerns
Carefully analyze every detail of the situation
When my boss calls me into his office I immediately assume…?
I am fired
I am about to get a promotion!
There must be a problem with my work
I honestly don’t have any idea why he/she wants to talk to me
He/She wants to discuss the great progress I am making on my current project
When I am not picked for something (a team, a group, a project at work, etc.) I automatically assume…?
I must not have been the right fit
I am ok with it, because I know the right opportunity for me will come along
No one likes me
They must not think I am able to pull my weight
When someone lets you down your first reaction is to …?
Get angry and swear never to count on them again
Give them the benefit of the doubt
Figure out a way to rationally tell them how you feel and try to find a way to prevent it from happening again
Pretend that nothing happened and continue the relationship as usual.
Simply never talk to them again
When you make a mistake are you able to laugh at yourself?
Sometimes, it depends on the mistake.
Yes, absolutely, when it’s appropriate.
Absolutely not, making mistakes means I’m a failure
No, making mistakes is not an option.
Yes, as long as others aren’t laughing too.
Do you tend to like new people when you meet them?
Yes, I like most people, and they like me.
No, I don’t trust anyone until they’ve earned it.
Sometimes, it depends on how I met them.
Most of the time I like the new people I meet.
Not really, people in general are distrustful.
Do you tend to offer more praise or criticism?
Criticism. How do people learn if you don’t tell them what they do wrong?
Praise, I don’t like to hurt people’s feelings even when they need a little help figuring out what they are doing wrong. Plus I always avoid confrontation.
I only offer praise when someone has gone above and beyond to earn it. People work better when under pressure and criticism.
I only criticize when its absolutely necessary.
I offer a balance of both. Praise and constructive criticism.
Do you believe that next year will be better than this one?
We will see what happens.
Yes, absolutely, next year will be what I make it.
Probably, things are going well and I only see the improving.
No, things can only go downhill from here.
Probably not, life isn’t fair.
Are you happy?
Yes, for the most part.
Yes, I look on the bright side of life!
Not really
I don’t feel happy very often.
What is your first thought when you fail?
I can definitely do better next time.
Failure is a great learning experience, and I can use it to my advantage when I try again.
I’ll probably fail at the next thing I try to.
Better luck next time.
I fail at everything I do.
{"name":"ARE YOU A POSITIVE OR A NEGATIVE THINKER?", "url":"","txt":"When faced with an unexpected roadblock do you tend to …?, When my boss calls me into his office I immediately assume…?, When I am not picked for something (a team, a group, a project at work, etc.) I automatically assume…?","img":""}
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