#1. According to the text, what term best describes the relationship between biology and culture?
#2. A set of behavior expectations for males and females is called
Gender schema.
Gender role.
#3. The text suggests that most religions encourage us to view ourselves as _______ and others as _______.
Free agents; influenced by their environments
Influenced by our environments; influenced by their environments
#4. Studies suggest that most women, if they stress one factor more than any other, tend to prefer men who
Appear to be young and strong.
Have substantial resources and status.
#5. Much of the style we attribute to men is
Typical of people of both sexes of higher status and power.
Based on genetics.
#6. According to research conducted by Leung and Bond (2004), those people who espouse ______ express lower life satisfaction as well as right-wing politics.
Social complexity
#7. Women are typically _____ leaders. Men are typically _____ leaders.
Task, transformational
Transformational, task
#8. Which of the following is NOT one of the universal big five social beliefs?
Social complexity
Status hierarchies
#9. What cultural differences or similarities were found in the research on pedestrian interaction in the U.S. and Japan?
Japanese were more likely to greet the research confederate who greeted them.
Both Japanese and Americans did not smile back when the confederates smiled at them
#10. Research has found that _______ are generally superior at decoding others' emotional messages.
The elderly
The young
#11. Higher than normal levels of testosterone have been found in
Violent male criminals.
Male lawyers.
#12. The enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next are called
#13. We tend to feel more sadness when we learn about one person's death on the news than we feel when we hear of thousands killed in a natural disaster. This is
Because we have problems thinking in large numbers.
Because of personalization of the victim.
#14. In Milgram's research, when the experimenter gave the commands by telephone instead of in person, full obedience
Dropped to 21 percent.
Increased to 73 percent.
#15. In Western individualistic societies, the word "conformity" carries
A positive value judgment.
A negative value judgment.
#16. Asch's studies of conformity show that
Many people tend to conform even to temporary groups.
Most people are independent, free thinkers.
#17. Conformity is greater when people feel incompetent. This pattern reflects
#18. In his classic study of _______, Sherif had participants in groups call out estimates of the distance that a small point of light appeared to move in a dark room.
Group cohesiveness
Norm formation
#19. The Werther effect is most likely to occur
In places where the suicide story is publicized.
In older adults.
#20. Milgram's studies explored _______; Asch's studies explored _______.
Conformity; obedience
Obedience; conformity
#21. In one variation of his original experiment, Milgram arranged for a confederate "clerk" (posing as a fellow participant) to assume command in the experimenter's absence. As a result of this manipulation,
Most teachers agreed to comply with the orders of their fellow group member
Participants became more positive about their roles in this cohesive group, and some even became enthusiastic.
#22. A concern for _______ produces normative influence, while a concern for _______ produces informational influence.
Social roles; authority figures
Social image; being correct
#23. A person who both acts and believes in accord with social pressure is demonstrating
#24. Even though you really dislike wearing a dress, you decide to wear one to your cousin's wedding. This is an example of
#25. Which of the following is NOT one of the verbal prods used in Milgram's studies to keep participants going?
You have no other choice; you must go on.
If you do not continue, you will need to take the "learner's" place.
#26. Which of the following best explains why students typically dislike group projects in their classes?
Social loafing
Social facilitation
#27. People in groups will loaf less when the
Task is difficult.
Task is challenging, appealing, or involving.
#28. An example of someone who is involved with co-actors is
A group of people working on a class project.
Someone involved with planning a party.
#29. Triplett (1898) conducted one of social psychology's first laboratory experiments by asking children to wind string on a fishing reel. The results of the study indicated that there was a positive relationship between the speed at which the children wound the reel and the presence of other children. Later studies found the same pattern and dubbed it
The groupthink effect.
The social facilitation effect.
#30. The process by which certain group members motivate and guide the group is called
Peripheral route persuasion
Central route persuasion.
#31. While sitting in a meeting, John is becoming more and more uncomfortable with the group consensus. Not wanting to make waves, though, he withholds his opinion in favor of the group's comfort. This is an example of
Having a mindguard
#32. According to social psychologists, a group exists when two or more people interact with and influence each other, and
Also perceive themselves as "us."
Are also in the same place.
#33. When people learn about others' positions, without making a prior commitment and without discussing their own position, they will
Adjust their responses to be more in line with the others' position.
Pretend they "knew it all along."
#34. Research on group polarization began with the erroneous conclusion that group discussion leads to
Enhanced group members' initial leaning.
More risk than the average individual would take.
#35. People are more likely to exhibit social loafing if
Rewards are divided equally regardless of individual effort.
Rewards are divided according to individual effort.
#36. Your psychology professor has assigned group projects to your class. She has chosen to individually grade each student's contribution to the assignment as an attempt to reduce
Social facilitation.
Social loafing.
#37. Which of the following is a comment you are LEAST likely to hear being made within a group characterized by groupthink?
"Let's weigh all the alternatives carefully before we proceed."
"It seems to me we are all in agreement on this, so let's proceed."
#38. Professional athletes often perform better in front of a large crowd during a game than alone during practice. This finding supports the theory of
Social loafing.
Social facilitation.
#39. When Asch (1946) presented students with a description of someone as "intelligent, industrious, impulsive, critical, stubborn, and envious," they rated the person more positively than if the opposite order of adjectives was presented. This demonstrates the _______ effect.
#40. Exposing people to weak attacks on their attitudes, which then stimulates thinking in support of the initial attitude, is known as
Central route persuasion.
Attitude inoculation.
#41. You are attending a lecture by a banker and you expect her to advocate bank savings accounts. However, she advocates stock investments instead. Since her message goes against her own self-interest, you perceive her as _______ and the message as _______.
Sincere; not persuasive
Insincere; not persuasive
#42. Darley and Cooper (1972) found that when students were invited to write essays advocating a strict dress code, which was against the students' own positions, the students were not willing to write the essays even if they were paid. After turning down the money, the students became
Less confident in their decision.
More confident in their decision.
#43. Speaking to a huge anti-union retail store, an anti-union political candidate's expertise seems to
#44. According to Myers, advertisers for computers tend to adopt marketing strategies that use the ____ route to persuasion.
#45. A cult has all of the following characteristics EXCEPT
Isolation from the surrounding culture.
The use of mind-altering drugs.
#46. A communicator is said to be _______ when he or she is perceived as both an expert and trustworthy.
#47. Which statement is NOT true about the best way to deal with media information?
Messages are best comprehended and recalled when spoken.
Messages are best comprehended and recalled when written.
#48. Darla wants to persuade her parents to help pay for a study trip abroad. She will have a more difficult time succeeding if
Her parents have a moderate level of self-esteem.
Her parents are forewarned of her intent to convince them.
#49. When an initially discounted message becomes effective, a delayed impact of the message occurs. This is called the _______ effect.
Delayed reaction
#50. We tend to like people who are like us. This exemplifies which characteristic of attractiveness?
{"name":"PSYC 2319 MAJOR EXAM 2", "url":"","txt":"#1. According to the text, what term best describes the relationship between biology and culture?, #2. A set of behavior expectations for males and females is called, #3. The text suggests that most religions encourage us to view ourselves as _______ and others as _______.","img":""}
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