In your opinion, what are the most important factors in 'what it means to be human'? Select all that apply.
Building relationships, bonding
Thrillseeking, sense of discovery
Indulgance, pleasure
Knowledge and higher learning
Spirituality, faith
Profit, capitalist ideals
Empathy, compassion
Violence, conquoring
Please Specify:
Select the option which seems most logical to you.
A personality is a difficult blend of memories and biology
A personality is mostly , if not all, biology
A personality is mostly, if not all, experiences and memories
A personality is biology, but memories can bend it
A personality is memories, but biology can bend it
Please Specify:
Do you view human conciousness as 'divine' or special in any way from other life?
Yes, entirely
Yes, somewhat
I don't know
No, somewhat
No, entirely
Does the idea of a future tightly knit with AI induce fear in you?
Yes, entirely
Yes, somewhat
I don't know
No, somewhat
No, entirely
Would you feel useless in a world where machines can do every human skill significantly better?
Yes, entirely
Yes, somewhat
I don't know
No, somewhat
No, entirely
Can humans build a bond with a piece of technology?
Yes, entirely
Yes, somewhat
I don't know
No, somewhat
No, entirely
Is there a future worth living if all current industry were eventually automated, and humanity was given the freedom of time?
Yes, entirely
Yes, somewhat
I don't know
No, somewhat
No, entirely
{"name":"Artificial Intelligence & You", "url":"","txt":"How old are you?, What is your gender?, What's your level of education?","img":""}