Are you in need of a digital detox?

How often do you check your phone right before bed?
Almost daily
How many social media platforms do you actively use?
What is your attention span like?
Pretty good
Alright, I guess
Not great
What was the question again?
How often do you use more than one device at a time? E.g. Scrolling Instagram on your phone while watching Netflix on your laptop.
All the time
Pretty often
Every now & then
Almost never
How often do you compare yourself to others on social media platforms?
All the time
Quite often
Sometimes, but I try to avoid it.
How much of your day is spent on social media?
Less than 30 minutes
30 - 60 minutes
1 - 2 hours
2+ hours
How likely are you to check your work emails on the weekend or on holiday?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Not very likely
I don't do that
How often does you device use result in back back or eye-strain?
All the time
Quite often
From time to time
That never happens
How do you feel when the Wi-Fi goes down?
It doesn't really bother me unless I was working on something urgent
It annoys me a little
Fairly frustrated
I'm consumed by anxiety
{"name":"Are you in need of a digital detox?", "url":"","txt":"How often do you check your phone right before bed?, How many social media platforms do you actively use?, What is your attention span like?","img":""}
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