Baptist or Presbyterian?

A visually engaging illustration depicting a church divided into two sections: one representing Baptist beliefs with elements like immersion baptism and a pastor, and the other displaying Presbyterian beliefs with features such as infant baptism and elders. A serene backdrop with sunrays illuminating both sides, symbolizing a shared faith.

Baptist or Presbyterian?

Are you curious about the differences between Baptist and Presbyterian beliefs? Take our engaging quiz to explore your own views and see how they align with these two Christian traditions.

Join us to discover:

  • Your stance on baptism and its significance.
  • Your understanding of church governance and predestination.
  • How you relate to the sacraments like the Lord's Supper.
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectiveFaith12
Should babies be baptized?
Definitely Not!
I don't really have an opinion.
The covenant is for believers and their children, so yes!
How should people be baptized?
As long as it's with water by a Christian pastor, it's good.
Only by immersion.
Preferably by sprinkling or pouring.
Which is the correct definition of "predestination"
God chooses those he is going to redeem before he creates the world, on no basis other than his saving love.
God chooses those he knows are going to choose to believe in him.
Which of the 5 points of Calvinism do you believe
Total Depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the Saints
Should one man be in charge of the whole church?
Is the church government a democracy?
How many officers are given to the Church in Scripture?
Two: Pastors and Deacons
Two: Elders and Deacons
Three: Pastors, Elders, and Deacons
What happens in the Lord's Supper?
We remember Jesus' death on the cross for us.
We actually commune with Jesus over a meal by faith.
The bread and wine become Jesus' body and blood.
Should Christians drink alcohol?
Only in moderation, and not to the point of drunkenness.
Should Christians enjoy secular movies, music, and dancing?
Yes, but there are some forms of these things that Christians should avoid.
Who chooses who?
God chooses those who will be saved.
Christians choose to believe in God and accept him.
When does the rapture happen?
The rapture happens before a 7 year tribulation, but before Jesus fully returns.
The rapture happens after the tribulation, but before the 1,000 year reign of Christ.
The rapture happens when Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead in the final judgment.
Which of the following do you believe?
The church is God's "Plan B" after Israel rejected Jesus.
The church is heir to the promises of God to Israel.
God always planned for Israel to give way to a church made of all nationalities.
The church replaces Israel in God's plans.
The church is God's spiritual people, while Israel is God's physical people.
God rules over his Church through Jesus and the New Testament, and rules over Israel through the Law of Moses and the Old Testament
How do we explain Christians who fall away from the church and deny the faith?
They lost their salvation.
They were never saved to begin with.
{"name":"Baptist or Presbyterian?", "url":"","txt":"Are you curious about the differences between Baptist and Presbyterian beliefs? Take our engaging quiz to explore your own views and see how they align with these two Christian traditions.Join us to discover:Your stance on baptism and its significance.Your understanding of church governance and predestination.How you relate to the sacraments like the Lord's Supper.","img":"https:/images/course1.png"}
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