Recommendation Guide (Information gathered is for product recommendations only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or treatment.)

Which products would you be interested learning more about?
Products to support brain fog/mental clarity/focus
Products to boost energy
Products to support mood stabilization
Products to support mental clarity/focus
Products to support the calming of anxious thoughts
Products to support healthy joints
Products to support decreased inflammation in the body
Products to support decreased sugar cravings
Products to support weight loss journey
Products to support increased vitamin absorption
Are you looking for weight loss? If so, how much would you like to lose? (If no, skip to Question 9)
What programs/diets have you tried in the past? How did they work for you?
How quickly are you looking to lose the weight? (special event coming up, wedding, reunion, birthday, etc?)
Tell me about your daily routine and what you eat in a typical day. Breakfast? Exercise?
Do you struggle with will power over food?
How much water do you drink each day?
Would you be willing to take a before photo? (not to be shared publicly, for your own use)
Would you like to learn more about products that support gut health?
Would you like to learn more about products that support healthy hormone balance?
Would you like to learn more about products that support healthy sleep?
Would you like to learn more about products that support mental/brain health?
{"name":"Recommendation Guide (Information gathered is for product recommendations only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition or treatment.)", "url":"","txt":"Which products would you be interested learning more about?, Are you looking for weight loss? If so, how much would you like to lose? (If no, skip to Question 9), What programs\/diets have you tried in the past? How did they work for you?","img":""}
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