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New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 28 Apr 21
[2104.12778] Po-Wei Lo, Krishanu Roychowdhury, Bryan Gin-ge Chen et al.: Topology in non-linear mechanical systems
[2104.12779] Shouryya Ray, Lukas Janssen: Gross-Neveu-Heisenberg criticality from competing nematic and antiferromagnetic orders in bilayer graphene
[2104.12782] Francesco Ferri, Rodrigo Rosa-Medina, Fabian Finger et al.: Emerging dissipative phases in a superradiant quantum gas with tunable decay
[2104.12791] Arijit Haldar, Geremia Massarelli, Arun Paramekanti: Higher-Order Topology and Corner Triplon Excitations in 2D Quantum Paramagnets
[2104.12812] M. Fidrysiak, J. Spałek: A unified theory of spin and charge excitations in high-$T_c$ cuprates: Quantitative comparison with experiment and interpretation
[2104.12818] Vladimir A. Sablikov, Aleksei A. Sukhanov: Conductance suppression by nonmagnetic point defects in helical edge channels of two-dimensional topological insulators
[2104.12823] A. Sapkota, T. C. Sterling, P. M. Lozano et al.: Reinvestigation of crystal symmetry and fluctuations in La$_2$CuO$_4$
[2104.12829] Foroozan S. Koushan, Nobuhiko P. Kobayashi: Impact of the nucleation of charge clusters on the retention of memristors: a self-consistent phase field computational study
[2104.12841] Mengchun Wu, Karin J. Bichler, Bruno Jakobi et al.: On the Determination of the Transition to Pure Reptation by Dielectric Spectroscopy
[2104.12843] Andrea Trombettoni, Francesco Scazza, Francesco Minardi et al.: Quantum simulating the electron transport in quantum cascade laser structures
[2104.12851] Silas Hoffman, Yiyuan Chen, Hai-Ping Cheng et al.: Universal quantum operation of spin-3/2 Blume-Capel chains
[2104.12857] Sebastian Bindgen, Florian Weik, Rudolf Weeber et al.: Lees-Edwards boundary conditions for translation invariant shear flow: implementation and transport properties
[2104.12879] Wei-Chih Chen, Chia-Min Lin, Joseph Maciejko et al.: LaN Structural and Topological Transitions Driven by Temperature and Pressure
[2104.12887] Zekun Zhuang, J. B. Marston: Spin Transport in Quantum Spin-Orbital Liquids
[2104.12899] Avinash Kumar, Raphael Chetrite, John Bechhoefer: Anomalous heating in a colloidal system
[2104.12921] D. Zvyagintseva, H. Sigurdsson, V. K. Kozin et al.: Machine learning of phase transitions in nonlinear polariton lattices
[2104.12930] Sen Jin, Qianku Hu, Aiguo Zhou: Composition and hydrogen storage structure of Ti2CTx MXene with ultrahigh hydrogen storage capacity
[2104.12933] Arjun Rana, Chen-Ting Liao, Ezio Iacocca et al.: Direct observation of 3D topological spin textures and their interactions using soft x-ray vector ptychography
[2104.12935] Shi-Qing Jia, Ya-Min Quan, Hai-Qing Lin et al.: Finite-temperature properties of the anisotropic AFM Kitaev model in the magnetic field
[2104.12944] Michael S. Lodge, Shengyuan A. Yang, Shantanu Mukherjee et al.: Atomically Thin Quantum Spin Hall Insulators
[2104.12957] Jing Liu, Qing-Wei Wang, Liang-Jian Zou: Orbital driven two-dome superconducting phases in multiorbital superconductors
[2104.12967] Xiaoquan Yu, P. B. Blakie: Anomalous dynamics of magnetic field-driven propagating magnetic domain walls
[2104.12990] Linming Zhou, Yongjun Wu, Sujit Das et al.: Local Manipulation of Polar Skyrmions and Topological Phase Transitions
[2104.13007] Can Onur Avci, Charles-Henri Lambert, Pietro Gambardella: A two-terminal spin valve device controlled by spin-orbit torques
[2104.13008] Vadym Zayets: Mechanism of parametric pumping of magnetization precession in a nanomagnet. Parametric mechanism of current-induced magnetization reversal
[2104.13016] Hongyu Gao, Tobias P. W. Menzel, Martin H. Mueser et al.: Comparing simulated specific heat of liquid polymers and oligomers to experiments
[2104.13027] Arun Kumar Maurya, Md. Tahir Hossain Sarder, Amal Medhi: Mott transition, magnetic and orbital orders in the ground state of the two-band Hubbard model using variational slave-spin mean field f...
[2104.13033] K. Huang, A. Y. Luo, C. Chen et al.: Observation of the topological Dirac fermions and surface states in superconducting BaSn3
[2104.13034] Anjan Roy, Serena Di Santo, Matteo Marsili: The rise and fall of hubs in Self-Organized Critical learning networks
[2104.13042] Masahiro Suyama, Sunseng Pyon, Yasuhiro Iijima et al.: Trapping a magnetic field of 14.8 T using stacked coated conductors of 12 mm width
[2104.13076] A. Shvaika, M. Shpot, W. Schirmacher et al.: Absence of a boson peak in anharmonic phonon models with Akhiezer-type damping
[2104.13079] Minji Lee, Yejin Kim, Ahmed Yousef Mohamed et al.: Direct evidence of electronic interaction at the atomic-layer-deposited MoS2 monolayer/SiO2 interface
[2104.13099] Ignasi Fina, Florencio Sanchez: Epitaxial Ferroelectric HfO2 Films: Growth, Properties, and Devices
[2104.13104] Katarina E. Blow, David Quigley, Gabriele C. Sosso: The Seven Deadly Sins: when computing crystal nucleation rates, the devil is in the details
[2104.13110] Thibault Roch, Efim A. Brener, Jean-Francois Molinari et al.: Velocity-driven frictional sliding: Coarsening and steady-state pulse trains
[2104.13116] Jorge R. Espinosa, Carlos Vega, Chantal Valeriani et al.: Heterogeneous versus homogeneous crystal nucleation in hard spheres
[2104.13120] A. Chaves, G. O. Sousa, K. Khaliji et al.: Signatures of sub-band excitons in few-layer black phosphorus
[2104.13125] Matthieu Mangeat, Heiko Rieger: The Narrow Escape Problem in two-shell spherical domains
[2104.13136] Janne Kotilahti, Pablo Burset, Michael Moskalets et al.: Multi-particle interference in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer
[2104.13142] Ling Zhang, Yinqiao Wang, Yangrui Chen et al.: Disorder-induced vibrational anomalies from crystalline to amorphous solids
[2104.13151] Leilei Zhang, Hua Y. Geng, Q. Wu: Prediction of anomalous LA-TA splitting in electrides
[2104.13156] Danny E. P. Vanpoucke: Linker Functionalization in MIL-47(V)-R Metal-Organic Frameworks: Understanding the Electronic Structure
[2104.13157] Gongzheng Chen, Jin Lan, Tai Min et al.: Narrow waveguide based on ferroelectric domain wall
[2104.13161] Haoran Xue, Ding Jia, Yong Ge et al.: Observation of dislocation-induced topological modes in a three-dimensional acoustic topological insulator
[2104.13194] Mesfin Asfaw Taye: Effect of viscous friction on entropy, entropy production and entropy extraction rates in underdamped and overdamped media
[2104.13203] Vladimir N. Gladilin, Michiel Wouters: Vortex unbinding transition in nonequilibrium photon condensates
[2104.13205] Suvadip Das, Igor I. Mazin: Renormalized q-dependent Spin Susceptibility by inverting the Random Phase Approximation: Implications for quantitative assessment of the role of spin fluctuations...
[2104.13217] Guido Giachetti, Nicolo Defenu, Stefano Ruffo et al.: Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transitions with long-range couplings
[2104.13218] H. Schlüter, F. Gayk, H.-J. Schmidt et al.: Accuracy of the typicality approach using Chebyshev polynomials
[2104.13233] Qing-Rui Wang, Shang-Qiang Ning, Meng Cheng: Domain Wall Decorations, Anomalies and Spectral Sequences in Bosonic Topological Phases
[2104.13235] Chao-Kai Li, Xu-Ping Yao, Gang Chen: Twisted magnetic topological insulators
[2104.13252] V.D. Esin, A.V. Timonina, N.N. Kolesnikov et al.: Magnon modes as a joint effect of surface ferromagnetism and spin-orbite coupling in CoSi chiral topological semimetal
[2104.13264] Miguel Frías-Pérez, Michael Mariën, David Pérez García et al.: Collective Monte Carlo updates through tensor network renormalization
[2104.13271] Benjamin L. Walker, Katherine Newhall: Numerical computation of effective thermal equilibrium in Stochastically Switching Langevin Systems
[2104.13272] Bethany Matthews, Michel Sassi, Christopher M. Barr et al.: Percolation of Ion-Irradiation-Induced Disorder in Complex Oxide Interfaces
[2104.13273] Peter Thalmeier: Induced order and collective excitations in three-singlet quantum magnets
[2104.13275] J. Werner, C. Neef, C. Koo et al.: Exceptional field dependence of antiferromagnetic magnons in LiFePO$_4$
[2104.13278] S.E. Panasci, E. Schilirò, G. Greco et al.: Strain, doping and electronic transport of large area monolayer MoS2 exfoliated on gold and transferred to an insulating substrate
[2104.13300] A. V. Bubis, N. N. Mikhailov, S. A. Dvoretsky et al.: Localization of the Helical Edge States in the Absense of External Magnetic Field
[2104.13301] Zheng Jie Tan, Vrindaa Somjit, Cigdem Toparli et al.: Electronegative metal dopants improve switching consistency in Al2O3 resistive switching devices
[2104.13311] S. Spachmann, A. Elghandour, M. Frontzek et al.: Magnetoelastic Coupling and Phases in the Skyrmion Lattice Magnet Gd2PdSi3 Discovered by High-resolution Dilatometry
[2104.13313] Brian R. La Cour, William C. Schieve: Macroscopic Determinism in Interacting Systems Using Large Deviation Theory
[2104.13314] Kazuki Ikeda, Shoto Aoki, Yoshiyuki Matsuki: Hyperbolic Band Theory under Magnetic Field and Dirac Cones on a Higher Genus Surface
[2104.13319] Gwenael Atcheson, Katarzyna Siewierska, J. M. D. Coey et al.: Stability of Mn2RuxGa-based Multilayer Stacks
[2104.13329] G. P. Mikitik: Critical current in thin flat superconductors with Bean-Livingston and geometrical barriers
[2104.13334] Brian R. La Cour, William C. Schieve: Derivation of the Onsager Principle from Large Deviation Theory
[2104.13338] Daniele Tusi, Lorenzo Franchi, Lorenzo Francesco Livi et al.: Flavour-selective localization in interacting lattice fermions via SU(N) symmetry breaking
[2104.13344] Thomas Hahn, Naoto Nagaosa, Cesare Franchini et al.: Diagrammatic quantum Monte Carlo study of an acoustic lattice polaron
[2104.13349] D. Raftrey, P. Fischer: Field-driven dynamics of magnetic Hopfions
[2104.13360] Ali G. Moghaddam, Dmitry Chernyavsky, Corentin Morice et al.: Engineering spectral properties of non-interacting lattice Hamiltonians
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 28 Apr 21","img":""}
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