Niggers are to black

Ignore this question 9+10 is 21
What the fuck is a zombie
A person who went through military training but chose to serve home duty.
A person who went through military training but chose to serve in overseas combat.
A corpse or a dead person who has somehow been reanimated and now can move and shit.
Do not buy from this man this man is a freud.
What was at Pearl Harbour that made it a strategic location for the Japanese to attack?
American Pacific Air Base
Hawaii is a tourist destination
American Pacific Fleet
Gay people.
What did the NSS stand for?
National Service Station
National Selective Service
Natural Selection
Nationwide Sex Services
How much was the total amount money that was donated by Aboriginals for the war effort, and where did the money come from?
$20 000, Selling Traditional Items and Farming
$37 000, Selling Traditional Items, Farming and Donating their treaty money.
$9 000, Donating their treaty money
$23 000, Selling Traditional Items, Farming and Donating their treaty money
French Politician that helped ease the tension about conscription after riots broke out
Mackenzie King
Louis Louis Frenchman Laroque
Louis St. Laurent
Louis Mont St. Michel Luigi
What is a plebiscite?
A general national referendum.
A vote held only amongst politicians.
When parliament is dissolved so as to allow for quicker political shifts.
An election in which new representatives of regions inside a state are sent to parliament and make up a majority government.
When was the plebiscite on conscription held?
April 25th, 2002
April 24th, 1941
April 19th, 1945
April 27th, 1942
Who was the Prime Minister who apologized for the atrocities committed towards Japanese Canadians during WW2?
Brian Mulroney
Jean Chretien, world record holder for most amount of choking victims as a world leader
Pierre Trudeau
Mrian Bulroney
No cheating! Who is the freud whom you shall not buy from?
How long did it take for Mackenzie King to establish conscription after the plebiscite?
~2 years
~6 months
~1 year
~3 years
What was NOT manufactured in Canada because of WW2?
Roller Bearings
Diesel Engines
Synthetic Rubber
Gasoline and Other Fuels
Electronics Equipment
WHeRe WeRe JaPaNeSe CaNaDiAn InTeRnMeNt CaMpS lOcAtEd
Inland BC
Further Inland, Ontario and Manitoba
All of the Above
None of the above, Quebec
What did the War Measures Act allow the government to do with Japanese Canadians?
Obtain rights to their property, often times to auction it off
Intern Japanese Canadians
All of the above
How many women chose to stay and work on the farms?
80 000
800 000
8 000
0.8x1 000 000
What was the NRMA (National Resources Mobilization Act)?
It conscripted men into enduring military training, but conscripts could choose between home duty or combat duty.
It was a resource to direct Canadians to jobs where labour was needed the most, and if one didn't use it to find work, they'd get fined $500 and the possibility of being sentenced to up to one year of jail time.
It was an act which was used to force citizens into duties they did not wish to undergo by our oppressive government. #Resist-Statism
Ok so I dont know how to ask this question so Im posting this statistic.
23 000 infantrymen were lost overseas.
This, being 1944 at this point, is when King decides to kick in conscription, and promises to send over 16 000 men.
Only 12 000 men were conscripted from the NRMA.
However, only 2 500 ever made it to the front lines as the war was close to over, and only 69 ever lost their lives.
What was King quoted as saying when the plebiscite results were in favour of conscription?
"Fuck, I lost."
"Not necessarily conscription, but conscription if necessary."
"Traps aren't gay"
"Shut the fuck up Andrew, Squarepusher is a brilliant and critically acclaimed musician regardless of your opinion of him."
What is NOT a reason Japanese people settled in Canada?
To build the Trans Canada Railroad
To Mine
To go into forestry
To get the fuck away from all the hentai
Which statistic is NOT true?
260 000 women had jobs in munitions plants
25 000 women had jobs in aircraft plants
8 000 women had jobs in ship building and construction (4000 in both)
The wage gap statistic is the average income of men and women combined, which does not take into account different job positions and industries or amount of hours worked, and is in no way indicative that women are paid less than men for the same work.
Rosie Riveter was a real woman who lived from 1891 to 1963, and she ended up riveting over 10 000 rivets!
What is NOT true about Japanese Internment Camps?
The men were separated from the women and children.
They ended up building the Trans Canada Highway as part of their labour.
Some of the shacks were as little as 4mx8m, had no running water or electricity, and had several inmates crammed into their tiny space.
As punishment to misbehaving inmates, guards would blast Corey Feldman over the PA system over and over again. Some inmates couldn't take listening to him and actually dug knifes into their ears to stop the pain.
After internment ceased, as many as 4 000 Japanese Canadians were deported up until the law that allowed the government to do so was repealed in 1947.
David Suzuki, modern scientist, was once an inmate at one of these camps.
Originally, only non-Canadian citizens of Japanese descent were interned, this later broadened to include Japanese men with citizenship, and then finally to all Japanese Canadians.
The reason why they were sent so far away from where they had originally settled, which was in British Columbia, was so that they were further away from the coast and therefore further than Japan itself.
What did the federal government do about Japanese Canadians before the attack on Pearl Harbour?
While the people of BC became increasingly hostile towards and spread nasty rumours about Japanese Canadians, the RCMP surveyed them in 1938 and determined that Japanese Canadians were just normal people.
How many Canadians voted in the 1942 conscription plebiscite?
3 000 000
4 000 000
2 000 000
5 000 000
Just before their internment, what did most Japanese Canadians do?
Owned small businesses
Were fisherman
All of the above
None of the above, damn Japs didn't do shit for our economy
What are some things that happened in British Columbia shortly after the attacks on Hong Kong and Pearl Harbour?
Although nasty rumours about Japanese Canadians being spies for their homeland, paranoia and fear of these people became even more severe than they were before.
Donald J Trump himself wept for America.
Black people gained civil rights
There was a short blackout in Vancouver for a few days following the attacks
Canadian children were drilled for gas attacks in schools
1, 4
2, 3
1, 3, 4
2, 3, 5
5, 6
What's in your heeeaaaadd, in your heeeeaddd?
Zombie, ie, ie
Was working on the farm instead of working in a factory more financially feasible for women?
Yes, suprisingly
Once again, do not buy from this man he is a freud and he is out to get you.
This man is a freud do not buy from this man!!!!!
{"name":"Niggers are to black", "url":"","txt":"Ignore this question 9+10 is 21, What the fuck is a zombie, What was at Pearl Harbour that made it a strategic location for the Japanese to attack?","img":""}
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