Kafli 2

Create an image of a professional aircraft maintenance technician working on an aircraft in a hangar, surrounded by tools and aviation equipment, showcasing an environment of precision and care.

Aircraft Maintenance Licence Quiz

Test your knowledge of aircraft maintenance licensing with our interactive quiz designed for aviation professionals and enthusiasts. Prepare yourself for vital certification questions that will challenge your understanding and application of part-66 regulations.

This quiz covers essential topics including:

  • Certification Privileges
  • Experience Requirements
  • Category Specific Regulations
  • Maintenance Authorization
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by FlyingEngineer421
The part 66 aircraft maintenance licence is only valid when
A) the holder is employed by a part 145 approved maintenance organisation.
B) issued or amended by a competent authority, and is signed by the holder.
C) validated by the competent authority, and is signed by the holder.
2) Aircraft maintenance license holders are not to use their certification privileges unless they have :
A) had six months of relevant maintenance experience within the previous two years.
B) had twelve months of relevant maintenance experience within the previous three years.
C) held a company approval for more than six months.
3) The competent authority will accept aircraft maintenance experience in support of a part-66 licences application provided it:
A) is not with military aircraft.
B) is with any aircraft type of category.
C) covers work which includes the civil aircraft maintenance environment.
4) a part 66 category C licence confers on the holders the privilege to issue:
A) a crs following base maintenance, for those systems and sub-systems covered by their original basic category b licence.
B) a certificate of release to service (crs) for an entire aircraft after base maintenance within a part 145 approved maintenance organisation.
C) crs for aircraft undertaking line or base maintenance whether within a part 145 organisation or not, after conducting a maintenance review.
5) an applicant who wishes to gain a category ‘c’ licence through the academic route should hold an academic degree:
A) in any subject but not mechanical engineering.
B) and have evidence of five years of maintenance.
C) which has been approved by the competent authority.
6) at base maintenance the category ‘c’ engineer will certify :
A) within his/her trade boundary only.
B) within the mechanical trade boundary only.
C) for the aircraft in its entirety.
7) certification privileges in category A is restricted to :
A) mechanical and avionic certifying staff authorisation without task training.
B) mechanical certifying staff authorisation with task training.
C) category C certifying staff authorisation without task training.
8) if an applicant for a B2 aircraft maintenance license has no previous aeronautical engineering experience, then he will need to have gained:
A) one year of practical maintenance experience on operating aircraft and the completion of a task training course.
B) two years of practical experience and the completion of a part-145 approved basic training course.
C) three years of practical experience and the completion of training as a skilled worker in a technical trade.
9) a category C applicant who holds an academic degree must :
A) have 2 years of civil aircraft maintenance experience and completed tasks which included line maintenance.
B) have 1 year of civil aircraft maintenance experience and completed tasks which include observation of approved spare parts control.
C) have 3 years of civil aircraft maintenance experience and completed tasks which include the observation of aircraft record keeping.
10) The requirements for the application of a subcategory b1.2 licence must include :
A) exemption certificates for any previous, aviation related qualifications.
B) documentary evidence of any formal technical training and five years of aviation maintenance experience.
C) documentary evidence of at least two years of aviation maintenance experience.
11) so that a part 66 aircraft maintenance engineering licence holder can issue a certificate :
A) all relevant maintenance documentation, and current part 145 requirements must be translated to English.
B) the licence holder must be able to communicate in the language which the maintenance documents, and part M requirements are written in.
C) the licence holder must be able to read and write in one or more European languages and comply with the current part-M requirements.
12) extensions to basic aircraft maintenance licence categories will be granted when:
A) the holder satisfies the knowledge and minimum experience requirements for the additional category.
B) supported by the licence holders holder employers, in writing, providing justification for the issue of the additional category.
C) licence holders can provide evidence of a minimum of 12 months appropriate maintenance experience in the additional category.
13) a b1 licence holder could certify replacement of avionic line replaceable units providing :
A) the associated serviceability test is simple, and uses standard test equipment or built-in test equipment (BITE).
B) a company authorisation (avionic extension) is held and is entered on the b1 holder’s licences.
C) the task is overseen by a b2 avionic licence holder, who will countersign the certificate of release to service.
14) if an applicant for a category C aircraft maintenance licence has three years of line maintenance experience as a b1 engineer, it is recommended that he :
A) qualifies as a b2 engineer after a further 2 years.
B) completes a further 2 years of line maintenance experience.
C) completes one year or more of base maintenance engineering.
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