How well do you know your Mark?
What are the titles given to Jesus in Mark 1:1?
Ruler of the free world
Christ, Son of Man
Christ, Son of God
Son of God, Son of Man
Mark's gospel can be broken into 2 halves answering which 2 questions?
Who is Jesus? When will Jesus return?
Who is Jesus? What has Jesus come to do?
What is the source of Jesus' power? What does Jesus want from us?
Why does Jesus need to die? What is the fate of Israel?
Jesus is confessed as the Christ/The Son of God at 3 important points in the gospel. Who does the confession?
Peter, A woman, A scribe
A demon-possessed man, Peter, A child
Mark, Peter, The centurion
Simon, Alvin, Theodore
What were Jesus' first words in the gospel?
What are you seeking?
I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?
Your mike is on mute
The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand;[e] repent and believe in the gospel
Why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father's house
Who were the first disciples Jesus met?
Simon and Andrew
John and James
Simon and John
Andrew and James
How does Jesus show his authority in Mark 1?
Drives out unclean spirit, Calms a storm, Heals the Sick
Calls disciples, Forgives sin, Calms a storm
Calls disciples, Teaches with authority, Drives out unclean spirit, Heals sick
Teaches with authority, forgives sin, heals the sick
How do we know that Jesus' priority was to preach the gospel? (Vs healing, driving out demons)
He did very little healing and driving out of demons
He said that preaching the gospel is why he's come
We don't know this. Mark doesn't teach this
It can be inferred by how much time he spends preaching Vs the other things
When do we first see human opposition to Jesus' ministry?
Scribes who don't believe Jesus can forgive sins
Pharisees who see Jesus eating with sinners and tax collectors
Pharisees who question Jesus about his disciple's fasting
His mother when he changed water to wine
How does Jesus show that he has divine authority to forgive sins?
He heals a paralytic
He stops a woman's bleeding
He eats with sinners
He cleanses a leper
In 2:17, Jesus says "I didn't come to call the righteous, but sinners". Who do the righteous refer to?
Righteous people who make the grade to the Kingdom of God
Law-abiding Jews
Self-righteous people who think they don't need Jesus
Brothers who sang "You've lost that lovin' feelin'"
In the first sustained series of "attacks" on Jesus by his enemies in Mark 2:18-3:6, what are the issues?
Temple ritual, Healing, Jesus' preaching
Fasting, Picking grain on Sabbath, Healing on Sabbath
Washing of hands, Giving to God, Wine drinking
Ha, Du, Ken
Who are the people who start the first plot to "destroy" Jesus in 3:6?
Pharisees, Herodians
Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens
Scribes, Chief Priests
Sadducees, Pharisees
What does Jesus' biological family think of him in Mark 3?
He's out of his mind
He's tired from ministry
He's the Christ
He's hungry
He needs to wear a facemask
How does Jesus define who is part of his family? 3:34-35
Whoever shares the same bloodline
Whoever comes to listen to him
Whoever does the will of God
Whoever obeys the law
What does Jesus says is "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" (3:29-30)
Uttering curse words that are Spirit-related
Saying that the Spirit is evil
Saying that Jesus has as unclean Spirit I.e. rejecting Jesus' Kingship
What are examples of a Mark Sandwich?
Family-Accuse Jesus-Family (3:20-35)
Jairus daughter-Bleeding woman-Jairus daughter (5:21-43)
All the answers here
Fig tree-Temple-Fig Tree (11:12-21)
Why does Jesus tell parables? (4:11-12)
To confuse and obscure the truth from "those who are outside" I.e. People who reject him as King
To sound cool
To make complex teaching simple to understand
To encourage his disciples with everyday truths
According to Jesus, what is the key to being like the soil which bears a fruitful harvest?
Proclaim the gospel
Serve actively in ministry
Love God and love others
Hear and accept his word
Mark 4:35-5:43 shows what it looks like to respond rightly to Jesus. What are the 2 contrasting responses?
Serve Jesus. Don't be a bystander
Name it & Claim it. Don't be a loser
Faith in Jesus & Fear Him. Don't fear your circumstances.
Lay down your life. Don't save it
In the fierce storm of Mark 4:35-41, what did the disciples say to Jesus when they woke him up?
Master! Pls save us!
Lord! Please help our unbelief!
Rabbi! The boat is about to sink!
Teacher! Don't you care that we're going to die?
Do you need another pillow?
Where was the Man possessed by Legion from?
How long had the bleeding woman bled for? (Mark 5)
8 years
12 years
10 years
14 years
According to Jesus, what made the bleeding woman well?
Her calling out to him
Her touching his robes
Her faith
What did Jesus say to Jairus when the report came that his daughter was dead?
Talitha koum!
Don't be afraid. Only believe.
Don't be afraid. She will rise again for God's glory
She is not dead but asleep
What are the following 3 stories in 6:1-29 meant to teach? Jesus' rejection at Nazareth, Jesus sending out his 12 disciples, Herod beheading John the Baptist
Rejecting Jesus' word results in his word being withdrawn from you (i.e. Lesson from parable of soils)
Sometimes you lose in ministry
There is growing hostility to the Word
Many people will not get Jesus
What the message of the disciples when Jesus sent them out to preach (Mark 6)?
Come and be healed!
Your sins are forgiven!
Stay home! Stay safe!
The time is here!
What do we learn about Jesus' identity from the feeding miracles?
He's the rock that supplies his people with good things
He's the bread of life that we need
He's Jehovah Jireh the provider
He's the divine shepherd who rescues his sheep in the ultimate exodus
After the 1st feeding miracle, the disciples see Jesus walking on water and are terrified. How does Mark describe the state of their hearts at this point?
Their hearts were worshipful
Their hearts were in awe
Their hearts were hardened.
Their hearts were fearful
What is the main difference between the 1st feeding miracle (Mark 6) and 2nd feeding miracle (Mark 8)?
Before Sabbath, After Sabbath
5000, 4000
To Jews, To Gentiles
5 loaves 2 fish, 7 loaves
Why is Mark 7 inserted in between the 2 feeding miracles?
That's the chronology of the stories
To show what Jesus rescues from: dead religious ritualism
To show that both Jews and Gentiles have the same problem (an unclean heart) that Jesus the shepherd needs to rescue from
To contrast the people who accepted Jesus and the people who rejected Jesus
According to Jesus in Mark 7, what defiles a person?
What a person touches or eats
What comes out of a person's heart
The unclean places (e.g. Idol temples) a person goes to
What is significant about Tyre, Sidon in 7:24-37?
Gentile territory
Place with many worship shrines
Place of Jewish pilgrimage
Cheap wheels
What's the difference between the disciples and Jesus' enemies in the first half of Mark?
Enemies are blind. Disciples see
Enemies have CPF. Disciples don't.
Enemies attack Jesus. Disciples stick to Jesus
Enemies have hard hearts. Disciples have soft hearts
In Mark 8:22-26, why does Jesus need to heal a blind man in 2 stages?
He wanted to stretch the blind man's faith
He wanted to encourage the blind man to take active steps
The blind man had unbelief in his heart
The blind man is like the disciples whose spiritual sight needs to be healed in 2 stages
When Jesus asks "Who do people say I am?" in 8:27, what do the disciples say?
John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the prophets
John the Baptist, Elijah
Elijah, one of the prophets
John the Baptist, one of the prophets
How did Peter come to the conclusion that Jesus is the Christ? 8:29
He evaluated the evidence he saw in Chap 1-7
Jesus healed his spiritual blindness
He attended a CCG bible study
He took a lucky guess
Jesus told him
How many times in Mark's gospel does Jesus predict his suffering, rejection, killing and resurrection?
Why does Jesus rebuke Peter saying "Get behind Satan!" in 8:33
Peter is showing a lack of faith
Peter is not thinking about God's concerns I.e. the Christ who must die
He saw a tail growing from Peter's behind
He can see Peter's future betrayal
He can see Peter's hunger for a position of power
Immediately after the revelation that he is the Christ (8:29), what does Jesus call his disciples to do?
Follow him by denying himself and taking up the cross
Come follow me and be fishers of men
Go and preach the gospel in the villages
Arrange a Zoom webinar to tell the world
What is the future event that Jesus introduces to motivate his disciples to follow him?
He will bring them to Macdonalds when CB ends
The future new creation
The future resurrection
The future coming of the Son of Man
Who were the 2 Old Testament characters beside Jesus at the Transfiguration?
Jeremiah and Moses
Elijah and Isaiah
Moses and Elijah
Moses and Jeremiah
Who did Jesus say these words to? "Everything is possible to the one who believes"
A father with demon-possessed son
Manchester United fans
Disciples who were afraid
A blind man calling out to be healed
An unbelieving Pharisee
Who came up to Jesus asking "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?"
A guy
A rich guy
A influential guy
A young guy
All of the answers here
According to Jesus, how does one enter the Kingdom of God? (Mark 10)
Follow Jesus whole heartedly
Get the key from Joseph
Impossible with men. God must make it possible
Try to be as righteous as possible
Try your best to live God's way
What does Jesus promise those who have left houses, family and belonging for him and the gospel? (10:29-31)
Blessings now
Blessings in the future
All of the above
What is it that James and John ask Jesus to do for them?
Allow them to sit at Jesus' left and right in his glory
Help their unbelief
Cure their blind eyes
Tapow char kway teow with extra hum
Drink the cup for them
What does the cup that Jesus has to drink refer to?
The cup of God's blessing
The cup of the New creation feast
The cup of God's wrath
Bubble tea
Jesus gives his life as a ransom for many (10:45). What new thing do we learn about Jesus' death through this verse?
Jesus' death is for others
Jesus' death is not for his own sin
All of the answers here
Jesus' death sets others free
What does blind Bartimaeus call Jesus? (10:46-52)
Son of David
Son of Man
The Christ
Son of God
Where do the events of Chap 11-13 take place?
The temple
Serangoon Ave 3
What's the significance of Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey?
Shows that he's a humble King
A fulfillment of Zechariah 9 about God's King
He means business. He's not horsing around
Shows that he's a King of peace (he doesn't ride a war horse)
What does the fig tree in Mark 11 represent?
The final harvest
Unbelieving Israel
The human heart
Why is Jesus so angry at what is happening in the Temple in Mark 11?
The commercialisation of temple worship
They didn't sell figs
No prayer is happening there
People practicing empty religion while having fruitless lives
What Psalm does Jesus quote in the parable of the Vineyard owner?
Psalm 2
Psalm 110
Psalm 45
Psalm 118
How does Jesus answer the question of whether it's lawful to pay taxes to Caesar? Mark 12
Brings out a fish
Shows a coin
Shows his CPF statement
Refers to John the Baptist
Points to a widow
Jesus says to a scribe (Mark 12) "To love God and love neighbour is far more important than...."
The festivals
Burnt offering and sacrifice
Celebrating passover
Which item does not appear in the list of things the empty-religion scribes do, according to Jesus in 12:38-40?
Wear long robes
Want to be greeted
Give defective offerings
Want the best seats
Devour widows' houses
Say showy prayers
What is Mark 13 about?
The judgment of the temple
The final judgment of the world
The judgment of the temple & the final judgment of the world
The Endgame
Mark 13:7 "When you hear of wars and rumours of wars....."
Don't be alarmed; these things must take place, but the end is NOT YET.
That's a sign that the END is near
Flee to the mountains for the days of tribulation are near
You know that He is near, at the door
What is the main thing Jesus wants his hearers to do as they wait for the Day of his return? (Chap 13)
Be alert
Build a career
Make a lot of money
Live for this world
Have your best life now
Who is being compared and contrasted in Mark 14:1-16?
Judas and Disciples
Perfume woman and Judas
Chief priests/scribes and Disciples
Jesus and Judas
What is the Jewish event that Mark emphasises is happening around the time of the Last Supper?
Yom Kippur
Festival of Weeks
When Peter denies Jesus the 3rd time, how many times has the rooster crowed?
"I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered". Who is "I", the "shepherd" and the "sheep"?
Chief priest, Jesus, Disciples
God, Jesus, Disciples
Jesus, Judas, Disciples
What does Judas call Jesus just before he gives the kiss of betrayal?
When Jesus faces the Sanhedrin, what is the question that Jesus finally answers?
What is the truth?
Don't you have an answer to what these men are testifying against you?
Are you guilty of these blasphemies of which you are accused of?
Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?
What is the most repeated phrase in Chap 15?
Save yourself
Social distancing
The King of the Jews
Crucify Him!
My God
What did the soldiers hit Jesus' head with?
A rod
A reed
Their spears
How long was the darkness over the land for?
3 hours
6 hours
9 hours
12 hours
Who were the women who saw Jesus die?
2 Marys
2 Marys + Salome
3 Marys
2 Marys + Joses
What was Joseph of Arimathea (guy who buried Jesus) looking forward to?
The end of Covid 19
The Kingdom of God
The Parousia
Who told Pilate that Jesus was already died?
The Jewish leaders
Channel News Jersusalem
A centurion
One of his servants
When the women arrived at the tomb, what is the first thing they saw?
The stone had been rolled away
An angel sitting on top of the rolled away stone
A young man dressed in a long robe
Sleeping Roman soldiers
When the women saw a young man sitting on the right side of the tomb, dressed in a white robe, what was their reaction?
They were overjoyed!
They asked "Are you a doctor?"
They were alarmed!
They were silent!
They fell down on their faces!
What instructions did the young man give the women?
Tell everyone the gospel
Keep calm and carry on
Tell the disciples and Peter that Jesus is going to Galilee
Don't be afraid! Just believe.
Repent and believe the gospel
Why have we not studied 16:9-20?
It makes the CCG bible study series longer
It doesn't appear in the earliest manuscripts and so unlikely to be part of the original scriptures
We don't like the theology it teaches
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