BCP Survey

Do you come to the BCP regularly (at least 7 times in last 10 years)
Have you not come regularly because
You live far away
It is not important for me to be there
You don't like to come
Please Specify:
If you don't attend regularly because you don't like to come is it because
You don't know people well enough
The food is not to your liking
I have too many scheduled activities this time of year
It feels like an obligation to be there so I have no fun
All the scheduled activities make me crazy...it's too much
Please Specify:
If you do attend regularly do you enjoy coming?
If you do attend regularly but do NOT enjoy it, is the reason because
You don't know people well enough
The food is not to your liking
I have too many scheduled activities this time of year
It feels like an obligation to be there so I have no fun
All the scheduled activities make me crazy...it's too much.
Please Specify:
If you do attend regularly and enjoy yourself tell us which activities you like and participate in: Santa with gifts, Santa without gifts, Eating, Visiting with extended family, Visiting with siblings who lie far away, Crafts, Singing Christmas Carols together, Service Projects, Family Trivia Games, Nativity read or acted out or some other religious acknowledgement, Cleaning up.
{"name":"BCP Survey", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Do you come to the BCP regularly (at least 7 times in last 10 years), Have you not come regularly because, If you don't attend regularly because you don't like to come is it because","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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