Final Exam Quizzes

Sediment pollution is caused by:
Disease-causing agents
Heated water
Toxic compounds
Impairs the ability of producers to photosynthesize
Is caused by toxic chemicals
Is directly correlated to bacterial contamination
Increases light penetration
Lowers the water temperature
Which of the following heavy metals contaminates water and can accumulate in human muscle tissue?
None of these can accumulate
Mercury and lead:
Are radioactive
Are components of acid precipitation
Can cause mental impairment
Affect only small organisms
Do not cause serious problems in the United States
All of the following conditions can be transmitted through contaminated food and water except:
Infectious hepatitis
Bacterial dysentery
Is a component of acid precipitation
Is produced by industries in large quantities
Is a radioactive gas
Causes nutrient enrichment of water
Causes mental impairment
Lowers the dissolved oxygen content of water
Is caused by nutrient enrichment
Lessens biodiversity
Results in increased photosynthetic productivity
All of the above
Lakes with naturally occurring low levels of nutrients are called:
One major problem with sewage is that it adds which of the following to water:
Soil and microorganisms
Sodium chloride and dissolved oxygen
Nitrogen and phosphorous
Human wastes and heavy metals
Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
A large amount of sewage:
Does not affect the BOD
Generates a high BOD, which lowers the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Generates a low BOD, which lowers the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Generates a high BOD, which raises the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
Generates a low BOD, which raises the level of dissolved oxygen in the water
The "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico is:
A large zone of hypoxia caused by excessive decomposition of algae
Due to regular dumping of untreated human sewage into the gulf
The largest oxygen-free zone identified to date
Present year round
Home to numerous bacteria and bottom dwellers, such as sea stars and spiny lobsters, but no fishes
Coastal hypoxia can be reversed through:
Controlling the mercury emission from power plants
Regulating the disposal of medical wastes
Building dams to create reservoirs
Eliminating pesticide use
Restoring former wetlands in the watershed to reduce the nitrate and phosphate load from fertilizers
Which of the following is NOT an example of nonpoint source pollution?
Agricultural runoff
Construction sediment
Sewage treatment plant effluent
Erosion from logging operations
Acid mine drainage
In a water treatment plant, chlorination:
Removes suspended particles
Removes phosphorous and nitrogen
Uses aerobic microorganisms to decompose organic wastes
Kills disease-causing organisms
Involves the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes
Put the following events of septic system operation in the correct order of occurrence: I. Household sewage is piped into septic tank. II. Wastewater containing suspended material flows into drain field III. Purified wastewater percolates into groundwater or evaporates from soil IV. Bacteria decompose organic material in well-aerated soil. V. Heavy particles settle out of water and bacteria decompose grease and oil. a) I-II-III-IV-V b) I-V-II-IV-III c) I-IV-III-V-II d) I-III-V-II-IV e) I-IV-III-II-V
Any inherited characteristic that decreases the effect of a pesticide on a pest is known as:
Genetic resistance
Biological amplification
Resistance management
A predicament where the cost of applying pesticide increases while their effectiveness decreases is called:
The pesticide treadmill
Chemical control
Biological magnification
Resistance management
One problem associated with pesticide is that they:
All of these statements are correct
Do not stay where they are applied
Tend to move through water and soil
May move great distances from the point of application
Can be transported through the atmosphere
Using a combination of biological, chemical and cultural methods to control pests is referred to as:
Integrated pest management (IPM)
Resistance management
Biological magnification
Biological control
The techniques of using naturally occurring disease organisms, parasites, or predators to control pests is called:
Biological control
Biological amplification
Biological magnification
Genetic control
Is a bacterium that creates proteins which are toxic to insects
Is classified as a botanical
Is a broad-spectrum insecticide
None of these choices is correct
Is a narrow-spectrum herbicide
Genetically modified, pest-resistant crops:
May contain the gene from Bt
Have been shown to be completely safe for non-pest insect species, such as the monarch butterfly
Have not yet been developed
Require more frequent applications of pesticide, although in lower doses, than unmodified crops
May become invasive pests or persist in the environment longer than unmodified crops
The Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants requires that countries develop plans to eliminate production and use of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP's). Countries have been granted an exception to this requirement for DDT because:
It is an inexpensive method to control mosquitoes in countries where no affordable alternatives exist.
None of these choices are correct
Many countries have stockpiled large amounts of dot, and it would be difficult and costly to eliminate all of it.
It is the only method to effectively control the mosquitoes that cause malaria
It is found naturally in several plant species
Which of the following terms is NOT correctly paired with its description?
Selective herbicides - kill all vegetation
Grass herbicides - safe for most plants
Broad-leaf herbicides - do not kill grasses
Nonselective herbicides - kill all vegetation
None of these
Monocultures __ the number of agricultural pests found in any one area due to the __ of the habitat.
Have no effect/hardiness
Which of the following is a strategy to reduce pesticide use?
All of these choices are correct
Using improved pesticide application equipment
Adopting IPM practices
Applying pesticide only when needed
Removing subsidies that encourage pesticide use
Bioaccumulation is the buildup of a persistent pesticide in ___. Biomagnification is the buildup of a persistent pesticide in ___.
An individual organism's body; organisms at the top of the food chain
Living tissue: air, water and soil
Plants, animals
An individual's blood stream: an individual's fatty tissues
Oceans and seas: lakes and ponds
One of the fundamental premises associated with IPM is:
Education in agricultural strategies
Knowledge of the dates in which pesticide spraying should occur
Economic gain is foremost
The eradication of pest organisms
Perfect produce is best
Which type of insecticide is the most poisonous and is highly toxic to birds, bees and aquatic organisms?
Selective herbicides
Chlorinated hydrocarbons
First-generation pesticides are __ and second-generation pesticides are __.
Both inorganic compounds and botanicals - synthetic poisons
None of these are correct
Both inorganic compounds and botanicals- only inorganic compounds
Botanicals - organic compounds that contain phosphorous
Organic compounds containing chlorine - synthetic poisons
The two atmospheric gases most important to humans and other organisms are:
Hydrogen and oxygen
Oxygen and argon
Carbon dioxide and oxygen
Carbon monoxide and oxygen
Carbon dioxide and nitrogen
The two main human sources of primary air pollutants are:
Agriculture and industry
Agriculture and residential sources
Incineration and transportation
Industry and transportation
Industry and incineration
The difference between primary and secondary air pollutants is that primary air pollutants:
Are smaller, primary molecules
Are not harmful to humans, whereas secondary air pollutants may be toxic to humans
Are the direct result of natural processes, whereas secondary air pollutants are the result of human activity
Only affect plants, while secondary pollutants affect plants and animals
Enter the atmosphere directly, whereas secondary pollutants form from other substances released into the atmosphere.
Which of the following air pollutants is correctly paired with one of its major effects?
Sulfur oxides - acid precipitation
Particulate matter - production of photochemical smog
Carbon oxides - corrosion of metal
Hydrocarbons - reduce visibility
Nitrogen oxides - blocks UV radiation
Air pollution is a greater health threat to children than adults because:
All of these choices are correct
Children need more oxygen than adults
Children have a higher metabolic rate than adults
Children breathe more air per round of body weight than adults
Children's lungs are still developing
Electrostatic precipitators, and scrubbers in smokestacks, are used primarily to remove which air pollutant?
Carbon dioxide
Sulfur dioxide
Particulate matter
Lead in the atmosphere has decreased significantly since the 1970s primarily due to:
The invention of the catalytic converter
Increased use of scrubbers in coal-fired power plants
The phasing out of leaded paint in buildings
New CAFE standards for automobiles
Replacing leaded gasoline with unleaded gasoline
Chlorofluorocarbons such as CFC-12 are released into the atmosphere by:
Nuclear power plants
Smoke stacks
Leaking air conditioners and old refrigerators
Car exhaust
In the absence of air pollution control devices, which of the following is the most significant source of sulfur dioxide?
Motor vehicles
Coal-burning power plants
Fire retardants
Refrigeration and air conditioning
Which of the following is NOT an effect of acid deposition?
Decline in aquatic animal populations
Destruction of monuments and buildings
Forest decline
Mutations and skin cancer
Decreased hatching success in some birds
Acid deposition has impacted:
All of these choices are correct
The Washington Monument in D.C.
Adirondacks of New York State
Tree health in the Appalachian
The Black Forest of Germany
Forest decline can be caused by all of the following EXCEPT:
Acid deposition
Harm to humans from radon is greatest:
In well-insulated homes
In cities
Near nuclear power plants
In high-rise office buildings
Urban areas receive less sunlight than rural areas, partly as a result of greater quantities of __ in the air.
Sulfur oxides
Nitrogen oxides
Particulate matter
Air pollution has been linked to all of the following human health problems except:
Potential development of emphysema and chronic bronchitis
Inflammation of the respiratory tract
Impaired reflexes and increased drowsiness
Increased susceptibility to West Nile
Suppression of the immune system
Land conversion, such as when tropical forests are logged or burned, releases what substance(s) into the air?
Sulfuric acid
Carbon dioxide
Nitrous oxide
A situation in which a change in some conditions triggers a response that counteracts, or reverses, the changed condition is called
Positive feedback
Negative feedback
The Gaia hypothesis
The second law of thermodynamics
The greenhouse effect occurs because:
Sulfur emissions from smokestacks and volcanoes continue to occur
Carbon dioxide and other trace gases trap infrared radiation in the Earth's atmosphere
The gases produced by human actives allow significantly more heat to pass out of the Earth's atmosphere
Greenhouse gases released interact chemically to produce excess heat
There are too many greenhouses scattered across the Earth's surface
Which of the following is not a predicted outcome of global climate change?
Higher global temperatures
Rising sea levels
More extreme weather patterns
Extinction of some organisms
Ocean water becomes alkaline
Major thawing of glaciers and the polar ice caps:
All of these statements are correct
Will only impact those few people that live within 150 km of a coastline
Will contribute to a rise in sea level because of thermal expansion of the warming ocean
Will result in an estimated 150 cm increase in sea level by 2100. According to IPCC estimate
Is occurring as the result of excess aerosols in the atmosphere
{"name":"Final Exam Quizzes", "url":"","txt":"Sediment pollution is caused by:, Turbidity:, Which of the following heavy metals contaminates water and can accumulate in human muscle tissue?","img":""}
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