Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 11 Nov 21
[2111.05332] J. A. Alhassan, O. Okike, A. E. Chukwude: Testing the Simultaneity of Forbush Decreases with Algorithm-Selected Forbush Event Catalogue
[2111.05334] Michael Gillon, Artem Burdanov: Search for an alien communication from the Solar System to a neighbor star
[2111.05339] N. M. Pingel, J. Dempsey, N. M. McClure-Griffiths et al.: GASKAP-HI Pilot Survey Science I: ASKAP Zoom Observations of HI Emission in the Small Magellanic Cloud
[2111.05342] Murray Brightman, Matteo Bachetti, Hannah Earnshaw et al.: Evolution of the spin, spectrum and super-orbital period of the ultraluminous X-ray pulsar M51 ULX7
[2111.05343] Andrea Afruni, Gabriele Pezzulli, Filippo Fraternali: Inflow of low-metallicity cool gas in the halo of the Andromeda galaxy
[2111.05346] E. Laplace: TULIPS: a Tool for Understanding the Lives, Interiors, and Physics of Stars
[2111.05347] Lewis Hill, Daniel Thomas, Claudia Maraston et al.: SDSS-IV MaStar: Theoretical Atmospheric Parameters for the MaNGA Stellar Library
[2111.05349] Katherine E. Whitaker, Desika Narayanan, Christina C. Williams et al.: High Molecular-Gas to Dust Mass Ratios Predicted in Most Quiescent Galaxies
[2111.05351] Sandro Tacchella, Steven L. Finkelstein, Micaela Bagley et al.: On the Stellar Populations of Galaxies at z=9-11: The Growth of Metals and Stellar Mass at Early Times
[2111.05354] Marta B. Silva, Bernhard Baumschlager, Kieran A. Cleary et al.: Synergies between the COMAP CO Line Intensity Mapping mission and a Lyα galaxy survey: How to probe the early universe with voxel bas...
[2111.05358] Marcel S. Pawlowski, Pierre-Antoine Oria, Salvatore Taibi et al.: On the Effect of the Large Magellanic Cloud on the Orbital Poles of Milky Way Satellite Galaxies
[2111.05371] Dustin J. Hill, Krista M. Soderlund, Stephen L. W. McMillan: Compositional Convection in the Deep Interior of Uranus
[2111.05372] Andrew J. Winter, Giovanni P. Rosotti, Cathie Clarke et al.: Forming short period sub-stellar companions in 47 Tuc: I. Dynamical model and brown dwarf tidal capture rates
[2111.05378] Swayamtrupta Panda, Edi Bon, Paola Marziani et al.: Taming the derivative: diagnostics of the continuum and H$β$ emission in a prototypical Population B active galaxy
[2111.05379] Negar Entekhabi, Jonathan C. Tan, Giuliana Cosentino et al.: Astrochemical Modelling of Infrared Dark Clouds
[2111.05400] Trevor A. Bowen, Jonathan Squire, Stuart D. Bale et al.: The In Situ Signature of Cyclotron Resonant Heating
[2111.05422] L. Fernandez, M.M. Cueli, J. González-Nuevo et al.: Galaxy cluster mass density profile derived using the submillimetre galaxies magnification bias
[2111.05427] P. Reichherzer, F. Schüssler, V. Lefranc et al.: Realtime alerts of the transient sky on mobile devices
[2111.05432] E. Artis, J-B Melin, J. G. Bartlett et al.: Galaxy cluster number counts with individual lensing mass estimates: forecasts for Euclid
[2111.05434] R. Li, N. R. Napolitano, N. Roy et al.: GAlaxy Light profile convolutional neural NETworks (GaLNets). I. Fast and accurate structural parameters for billion galaxy samples
[2111.05439] Md Rasel Hossen, Sonia Akter Ema, Krzysztof Bolejko et al.: Mapping the cosmic mass distribution with stacked weak gravitational lensing and Doppler lensing
[2111.05446] Roderik A. Overzier: Conditions for direct black hole seed collapse near a radio-loud quasar 1 Gyr after the Big Bang
[2111.05452] Alexandre Araújo, Adriana Valio: Kepler-411 star activity: connection between starspots and superflares
[2111.05466] T. Tepper-Garcia, J. Bland-Hawthorn, E. Vasiliev et al.: A barred Milky Way surrogate from an N-body simulation
[2111.05487] A. Camps-Fariña, S. F. Sanchez, L. Carigi et al.: Signatures of AGN induced metal loss in the stellar population
[2111.05503] H. D. Mishra, X. Dai, E. Guerras: Active Galactic Nuclei Abundance in Cosmic Voids
[2111.05516] Amir Siraj, Abraham Loeb: The New Astronomical Frontier of Interstellar Objects
[2111.05539] Helen Qu, Masao Sako: Photometric Classification of Early-Time Supernova Lightcurves with SCONE
[2111.05542] Lin Lan, He Gao, Shunke Ai et al.: The evolution effects of radius and moment of inertia for rapidly rotating neutron stars
[2111.05544] Yan Dai, Xiao-Gang Zheng, Zheng-Xiang Li et al.: Redshift evolution of the Amati relation: calibrated results from the Hubble diagram of quasars at high redshifts
[2111.05552] Sheng-Nan Chen, Xu-Dong Wen, He Gao et al.: Searching for gravitationally lensed gamma-ray bursts with their afterglows
[2111.05583] Maria S. Murga, Maria S. Kirsanova, Dmitry S. Wiebe et al.: Orion Bar as a window to the evolution of PAHs
[2111.05596] Michael Zacharias: Studying the influence of external photon fields on blazar spectra using a one-zone hadro-leptonic time-dependent model
[2111.05621] Asuka Ito, Wafaa Khater, Syksy Rasanen: Tree-level unitarity in Higgs inflation in the metric and Palatini formulation
[2111.05622] Guifré Molera Calvés, Sergei V. Pogrebenko, Jan F. Wagner et al.: High spectral resolution multi-tone Spacecraft Doppler tracking software: Algorithms and implementations
[2111.05673] K. Knowles, W. D. Cotton, L. Rudnick et al.: The MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey I. Survey Overview and Highlights
[2111.05716] Vikash Singh, A. S. Bonomo, G. Scandariato et al.: Probing the \textit{Kepler} hottest small planets via homogeneous search and analysis of optical secondary eclipses and phase variations
[2111.05739] Pierre Zhang, Yifu Cai: BOSS full-shape analysis from the EFTofLSS with exact time dependence
[2111.05752] Elias R. Most, Jorge Noronha, Alexander A. Philippov: Modeling general-relativistic plasmas with collisionless moments and dissipative two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics
[2111.05760] Paola C. M. Delgado, Alexander Ganz, Chunshan Lin: Inflationary epoch in the presence of holographic dark energy
[2111.05769] T.P. Nie, F.Y. Xiang, Aigen Li: C60 Cation as the Carrier of the 9577 and 9632 Angstrom Diffuse Interstellar Bands: Further Support from the VLT/X-Shooter Spectra
[2111.05785] Naoya Kitajima, Kazuhiro Kogai, Yuko Urakawa: New scenario of QCD axion clump formation I: Linear analysis
[2111.05801] John J. Tobin, Stella S. R. Offner, Kaitlin M. Kratter et al.: The VLA/ALMA Nascent Disk and Multiplicity (VANDAM) Survey of Orion Protostars V. A Characterization of Protostellar Multiplicity
[2111.05809] Natalie M. Gosnell, Michael A. Gully-Santiago, Emily M. Leiner et al.: Observationally Constraining the Starspot Properties of Magnetically Active M67 Sub-Subgiant S1063
[2111.05812] Yi Chai, Dale E. Gary, Kevin P. Reardon et al.: A study of sunspot 3 minute oscillations using ALMA and GST
[2111.05833] Maxime Ruaud, Uma Gorti, David Hollenbach: C$^{18}$O emission as an effective measure of gas masses of protoplanetary disks
[2111.05836] Junhao Liu, Keping Qiu, Qizhou Zhang: Magnetic fields in star formation: a complete compilation of all the DCF estimations
[2111.05844] Yu-Hsuan Teng, Karin M. Sandstrom, Jiayi Sun et al.: Molecular Gas Properties and CO-to-$\mathrm{H_2}$ Conversion Factors in the Central Kiloparsec of NGC 3351
[2111.05847] Marek Lewicki, Ville Vaskonen: Impact of LIGO-Virgo binaries on gravitational wave background searches
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Thu, 11 Nov 21","img":""}
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