kere ya yo bolbe

Which is MOST important consideration for a tank vessel?
Crew Experience and Training
Crew Experience and Training
Navigation and Charting Systems
The stress on the hull
By regulation, cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation?
Tank Cleaning and Inspection
Hot Work (Welding, Cutting, etc.)
Ensure that Cargo is inerted
all of these
Which publication should be followed to ensure compliance with the requirements of SOLAS for the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form?
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
UN Model Regulations
MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
The term in marking shipping containers which means weight of container is ____________.
The term used in marking shipping containers which means weight of container and the contents is ____________.
The term used in marking shipping containers which means weight of contents only is ____________.
The port authority will normally require notification at least _____ in advance of the transport or handling of dangerous substance, including those which are not discharged at that port.
12 hours
24 hours
48 hours
atleast 1 day
You are arriving in Edinburgh to load 1000 Scotch whiskey. The cases are packed with 12 bottles of one liter each to a case. The flash point of the Scotch is 220ºF. Which of the following is TRUE?
The Scotch is not required to be shipped under the requirements of the hazardous materials regulations
The total number of bottles to be loaded is 1200.
The flash point of the Scotch whiskey is above the regulatory limit for transportation.
The total number of bottles to be loaded is 1200.
Which publication should be followed to ensure compliance with requirements of SOLAS for carriage of dangerous goods in package form?
MARPOL (International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships)
IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations
The advantage of container vessel over a conventional freighter is ___________
The lowest temperature required to cause self sustained combustion of a substance independent of any outside source of ignition, is _____________.
Combustion Point
Flash point
Ignition temperature
Autoignition temperature
Hygroscopic cargo is define as ____________.
highly flammable
capable of giving moisture in the form of liquid.
sensitive to changes in atmospheric humidity
corrosive and can damage the ship's hull and equipment
Cargoes that are susceptible to leak from containers are ___________.
dry cargoes
hazardous cargoes
wet cargoes
non-hazardous cargoes
The angle at which the grain,ore and other products loaded in bulk will retain thier form is called ____________.
Angle of elevation
Angle of stability
Angle of incidence
Angle of repose
The IMDG Code ensures safety mainly by stipulating the packaging required and _____________.
Segregation from other cargoes in which there could be an adverse action
The required insurance coverage for dangerous goods shipments
The maximum weight limit of each shipping container
The permissible routes for transporting dangerous goods
Gases which can become liquid under pressure at ambient temperature. Is called __________.
Inert gases
Chemical gases
Liquified gases
Hazardous gases
Which are insentitive substances have a mass explosion hazard?
Class 1.5
Class 2.5
Class 3.5
Class 4.5
Coal that has shown itself liable, or , may be liable to spontaneous heating is at ______________.
Class 4.1
Class 4.2
Class 4.3
Class 4.4
Very insentitive substances which have a mass explosion hazard is at _______________.
Class 1.3
Class 1.4
Class 1.5
Class 1.6
Substances having a flash point of 80 °F or below are ____________.
Black powder would be classified as ___________.
Explosive A
Explosive B
Explosive C
Explosive D
Under IMDG Class 5.1, what substances can create an inflammable environment when brought into 0 contact with oxygen?
Organic Peroxides
Oxidizing Substances
Substances that emit Flammable Gases
Self-reactive Substances and Mixtures
Class 4.2 substance liable to spontaneous combustion either solids or liquids possessing the common property of being liable spontaneously to:I. air and heatII. heat and to igniteIII. air and explode
I only
Both I and II
II only
All of these
What kind of gases could become liquid when under pressure at ambient temperature?
Liquefied gases
Non-Liquefied gases
Flammable gases
Non-Flammable gases
Placards of non-flammable gases are colored _____.
What is the grade of petroleum products having a reid vapor pressure of 8.5 psi or below?
Grade A
Grade B
Grade C
Grade D
Substances having a flashpoint of 80 degrees F or below are _____.
Argon is classified as a ______.
You are on cargo vessel carrying portable tanks of dangerous cargoes in bulk. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
Portable tanks are primarily used for non-hazardous cargoes, such as food products and chemicals with low flammability.
Dangerous cargoes carried in portable tanks must always be stowed on the main deck for easy access and monitoring.
Prior to loading, portable tanks must be thoroughly inspected, tested, and approved to ensure their integrity and safety for transportation.
All electrical within 10 feet horizontally must be must be explosion proof or intrinsically safe
How many grades of petroleum products are combustible?
Containers of flammable solids should be conspicuously labeled by shipper with:
red and black
black and white
only orange
red and white
The label required on cases of common fireworks should read ______.
Explosive C
Explosive D
Explosive E
Explosive F
You are on container ship carrying a tank container that had been filled with sodium hydroxide solution. The container is empty but has not been cleaned. What placard is required?
Flammable Gas Placard
Dangerous When Wet Placard
Black and White Corrosive placard
Non-Flammable Gas Placard
What entry on a dangerous cargo manifest concerning the classification of a cargo is NOT correct?
Division 2.1
Division 2.2
Division 3.1
Division 3.2
What is to be provided on, packages containing dangerous goods?
The weight and volume of the package
Distinctive labels, stencils of the labels, and placards
The UN number and proper shipping name of the dangerous goods
The shipper's contact information and the consignee's address
Damaged or leaking packages should not be accepted until they have been checked, repaired and declared to be,____________.
Prepaid by the consignee
Prepaid by the master
Prepaid by the steavedor
Prepaid by the flag state
If you carry packaged hazardous cargoes on a break bulk vessel bound foreign, you must____.
Have the shipping papers indicate the proper shipping name and the technical name of n.o.s. cargoes
Comply with the regulations and requirements of the destination country
Request special insurance coverage for the hazardous cargoes
Load the hazardous cargoes on the upper deck for easy access
Which cargo would require a dangerous cargo manifest?
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Hazardous Goods
Ordinary Materials
Packages containing dangerous goods shall be durably marked with the correct _______________
Technical name
Expiry Date
Hazard Class
Packaging Material
Charcoal (activated) is labeled with label colored ___________________
red and black
red and white
only red
only black
Flammable liquids should have what kind of label ?
orange and black
red and black
What do the skulls and cross bones placard indicates?
Poisonous substances
Biomedical substances
Hazardous substances
Corrosive substances
What kind of label should have with Corrosive liquids and acids cargoes?
Red labeled material
Non-dangerous materials
Skull and crossbones
Explosive material label
Flammable liquids should have what kind of label?
black and red
The label required on cases of common fire works should read _______________
Explosive A
Explosive B
Explosive C
Explosive D
Charcoal (activated) is labeled with label colored _____.
blue and black
red and white
orange and black
black and white
What kind of label the Non flammable gases should have?
Corrosives are placard and labelled with a ______________.
Green and White
Red and White
Black and Red
Black and White
The label required for magnesium scrap is ______.
"Non-Hazardous" Label
"Toxic Label"
"Dangerous Label"
none of these
Green label cargo indicates ____________.
Perishable Goods
High-Value Items
Dangerous Goods or Hazardous Substances
Non flammable compressed gas
Why is it required for a vessel to be surveyed?
To assess the seaworthiness of the vessel
To determine the number of crew members needed for the voyage
To calculate the fuel and water requirements for the voyage
To plan the route and navigation details for the voyage
Which survey is conducted at intervals not exceeding 5 years?
Special Survey
Annual Survey
Renewal or Periodic Survey
Intermediate Survey
A type of survey within 3 mos. before or after the second-anniversary date or within 3 mos. before or after the third-anniversary date of the Certificate which shall take the place of one of the Annual surveys.
Special Survey
Annual Survey
Renewal or Periodic Survey
Intermediate Survey
Which survey is conducted within 3 mos. before or after each anniversary date of the Certificate? This includes a general inspection of the structure, equipment, system, fittings, etc.?
Special Survey
Annual Survey
Renewal or Periodic Survey
Intermediate Survey
{"name":"kere ya yo bolbe", "url":"","txt":"Which is MOST important consideration for a tank vessel?, By regulation, cargo tank atmosphere must be inert before and during which operation?, Which publication should be followed to ensure compliance with the requirements of SOLAS for the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form?","img":""}
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