
Do u remember?
All I do is forget
Yes, I remember
Do u remember?
Remember what?
I'll pretend u want me
If you pretend you care
If you pretend you care
If you pretend you care
If you pretend you care
Who is johnny?
His voice is summer air
Laughs like god
Boy from oklahoma
Drives a blue mustang
Who am i?
I can't remember
I forgot
Tiger lili
Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm lost
I'm from the future
I found this old computer
I read your story somewhere...
Where am i?
Not with johnny
Somewhere else
In the computer
Wait, we're losing connection ...
Please stay
Are you ok?
Where are you going?
Reboot your internet
I can't stay on here for long, they're watching all of us...
Are you in danger?
Are you trapped?
What does that mean?
It'll take too long to explain... I'm ok, but it's not safe here
Are you still in california?
Can I help?
Stay safe
I'm confused
I hope johnny sees my posts, please send them. It hasn't happened yet.. I can't explain
Who is johnny?
What hasn't happened yet?
Where are you?
I'm still confused
I g2g someone's coming
Wait don't go!
Are u in danger?
You're not making any sense
What do I tell johnny?
Just tell him that i'll meet him as soon as soon as I can, when it's safe
Be careful
Don't leave!
I will
Who are you?
And play him all the music. I'm sorry I have to leave. It was nice talking to you
It was nice meeting you
Are you somewhere dangerous?
Why do u need to leave?
I can't explain, It won't happen for a while in your timeline, try not to worry about me
My timeline?
What year are you from?
Where are you from?
Please explain
I can't remember
What can't u remember?
Do u rememeber?
Do u remember
Did you forget?
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