Which Hexmore House will you get sorted into?

A fantasy-themed image depicting a magical school sorting ceremony, with intricate banners for various houses, students in robes with curious expressions, and sparkling magical elements in the air.

Hexmore House Sorting Quiz

Discover which Hexmore House best suits your personality with this engaging sorting quiz! Answer a variety of thought-provoking questions that will guide you to your perfect house based on your values, preferences, and style.

  • Find out if you're a natural leader or more of a supporter.
  • Explore your traits through fun and interactive questions.
  • Uncover your magical familiars and wand preferences!
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by CastingWand42
You have lent your friend your favourite book, and they have returned it to you in a bit of a state. Do you:
Let them keep the book, they obviously enjoyed it and buy yourself a special edition.
Ask them honestly what happened to it and if they are going to fix it.
Ask them directly if they would mind lending you their favourite book in exchange, and see what they say.
Understand that accidents happen, it's no big deal, and tape it up to give it character.
There is a secret midnight party happening in your house common room. Do you:
Grab some sweets from your private stash and join in!
Linger off to the side so you don't have to join in but can gossip about it later on.
Get some sleep, it's still a school night.
Do the responsible thing of telling everyone if they get caught that they could get into a lot of trouble, and let them make their choice.
You are about to go on a trip with the rest of your house. Everyone is excited but one of your friends has lost their permission slip. Do you:
Let them know you will stay with them until it gets sorted out.
Think about where they could have left it and retrace their steps until they find it.
Swipe a blank one and ask a stranger to sign it for them.
Get them onto the trip anyway and distract the teacher if they get asked for it.
It's time to select a creature to be your Familiar for Morphicology class. What animal do you pick?
A cute Hare.
A cool-looking Hawk.
A sensible Tortoise.
A loyal Otter.
Two people in your house are having an arguement in the common room that is getting quite heated. Do you:
Try to lighten the mood by getting them to think about the positive side.
Avoid the conflict entirely and not get involved, it's not my place to say anything.
Get each persons version of the events and try to get to the bottom of what caused it.
Get involved in the conflict and side with the person I think is right until it's solved.
You are asked to give a presentation to your class tomorrow. How do you prepare?
I don't, I'll wing it when it's time.
I memorize everything I want to say and speak confidently so no-one questions me.
I put in lots of pictures and graphs to entertain people and hope they don't ask me anything.
I think carefully about what to include to impress the teacher and get the best possible mark.
It's time to select a wand of your own. Which one are you most drawn to?
A tough and sturdy Oak wand which seems almost unbreakable.
A reddish Cedarwood wand which is always warm to the touch.
A twisting Willow wand which is incredibly light, yet strong for its size.
A silvery Birch wand which seems to change shape every so often.
There is a new student in your house sat in the common room and you want to make them feel welcome. How do you start the conversation?
Asking them how their day went.
Telling them something interesting about the common room.
Jumping right into a subject and seeing what they say.
Establish the reason of the conversation first and go from there.
You are put into groups in your Potions class to work on a project with people you haven't worked with before. Which role in the team do you take?
I prefer to take responsibility myself rather than rely on the team.
I like to support the team and give moral encouragement to everyone.
I grow impatient with group work pretty easily so I want it done quick.
I organise the team so that everyone knows what they're doing and when to have it done by.
It's time to select your Spellcasting Speciality for the year. What do you pick?
Abjuration - I want to make force fields to protect people.
Evocation - I want to learn how to make fire and ice.
Illusion - I want to trick people and make myself invisible.
Enchantment - I want to hypnotise people to do things for me.
You are telling your best friend about your crazy experience during your SweepStake game when faeries invaded the pitch. How do you make the story interesting?
I make it tense to keep them on the edge of their seat.
I make it emotional by using the situations of the people involved.
I systematically build up to the point without giving too much away.
I open with the point and then explain everything about what happened.
You have homework for your Mystical Beasts And Ancient Environments class and need to stay focused and motivated while doing it. What do you keep near your desk to help you?
A list of major goals that I want to achieve for myself.
A detailed schedule of all my projects and when they are due.
Some cool posters that make me feel confident and focused.
Fun pictures of my friends and family to brighten my mood and keep me going.
Your workspace in your dorm room has become cluttered and a bit messy after some long practise sessions for your Glyphs And Runes class. What do you do to organise it?
Be ruthless - "when in doubt, throw it out"!
Put all the old papers into a file because someone else may need them later.
Get creative and toss related items into loose piles or folders.
Start arranging and alphabetising - "a place for everything and everything in its place".
You have a big project for Potions class to tackle, but get some time to prepare for it. How do you use this extra time leading up to the project?
Sit and plan how best to use and allocate my time for the project.
Wait to do it until the last minute - I work best under pressure anyway!
Plunge right in and make a start right away, I can't relax until the work is done.
Consider carefully where the project fits into my commitements I've already made to other people.
You are working on a new Counter-Charm for Spellcasting class but struggling to master it in time. Another person from your house offers to help you with it. Are you...
Hesitant, as I wonder whether helping me would be a huge burden to the other person.
Eager, after all, two heads ARE better than one.
Reluctant, as the other person may not analyse the information accurately.
Turning them down, I can't really count on other people to move as quickly as I do.
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