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New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 18 Oct 21
[2110.07628] Benjamin Remez, Nigel R. Cooper: Dark and leaky exciton condensates in transition metal dichalcogenide moiré bilayers
[2110.07642] Xu-Chen Yang, Hongyi Yu, Wang Yao: Chiral excitonics in monolayer semiconductors on patterned dielectric
[2110.07714] Karl-Peter Marzlin, Bryan Canam, Nisha Rani Agarwal: Nonlinear Atomic Force Microscopy: Squeezing and Skewness of Micro-Mechanical Oscillators interacting with a Surface
[2110.07715] Tian Zhou, Pengbo Xu, Weihua Deng: Lévy walk dynamics in non-static media
[2110.07757] Zihao Qi, Gil Refael, Yang Peng: Universal nonadiabatic energy pumping in a quasiperiodically driven extended system
[2110.07793] R.C. Dennis: Methods for Creation and Linear Elastic Response Analysis of Packings of Semi-flexible Soft Polymer Chains
[2110.07799] Vasili K. Semenov, Evan B. Golden, Sergey K. Tolpygo: A new family of bioSFQ logic/memory cells
[2110.07813] Geng Li, Haitao Yang, Peijie Jiang et al.: Chirality locking charge density waves in a chiral crystal
[2110.07815] Zhicheng Rao, Quanxin Hu, Shangjie Tian3 et al.: Charge instability of topological Fermi arcs in chiral crystal CoSi
[2110.07838] Hongqin Liu: A revisit of the density gradient theory and the mean field theory for the vapor-liquid interface system
[2110.07842] Z. Qiu, K. Vaklinova, P. Huang et al.: Atomic structure of carbon centres in hBN: towards engineering of single photon sources
[2110.07860] Hiroshi Nakajima, Kosuke Kurushima, Shinya Mine et al.: Charged domain boundaries stabilized by translational symmetry breaking in the hybrid improper ferroelectric Ca$_{3-x}$Sr$_x$Ti$_2$O$_7$
[2110.07863] Qiang Gao, Yafei Ren, Qian Niu: Diagonal Ensemble in Strongly Driven Floquet-Bloch Systems: Dissipationless Intrinsic Current and Dissipative Extrinsic Correction
[2110.07865] Yuanhui Sun, Dalar Khodagholian, Peter Müller et al.: Abnormal behavior of Cs polyoxides under high pressure
[2110.07883] J. Magnus Rahm, Joakim Löfgren, Paul Erhart: Quantitative predictions of thermodynamic hysteresis: Temperature-dependent character of the phase transition in Pd-H
[2110.07886] Jacopo Bonari, Marco Paggi: Viscoelastic Effects during Tangential Contact Analyzed by a Novel Finite Element Approach with Embedded Interface Profiles
[2110.07914] Alexey Alliluev, Denis Makarov: Dynamics of a nonlinear quantum oscillator under non-Markovian pumping
[2110.07931] Andrea Plati, Andrea Puglisi: Collective drifts in vibrated granular packings: the interplay of friction and structure
[2110.07932] Jacopo Bonari, Marco Paggi, José Reinoso: A framework for the analysis of fully coupled normal and tangential contact problems with complex interfaces
[2110.07937] Olivier Simard, Martin Eckstein, Philipp Werner: Non-equilibrium evolution of the optical conductivity of the weakly interacting Hubbard model: Drude response and $π$-ton type vertex corrections
[2110.07955] Luca Reali, Max Boleininger, Mark R. Gilbert et al.: Macroscopic elastic stress and strain produced by irradiation
[2110.07958] J. Strecka, T. Verkholyak, J. Richter et al.: Frustrated magnetism of spin-1/2 Heisenberg diamond and octahedral chains as a statistical-mechanical monomer-dimer problem
[2110.07962] Qiaoling Xu, Yuzheng Guo, Lede Xian: Moire flat bands in twisted 2D hexagonal vdW material
[2110.07963] Martin Hohenadler, Yuhai Liu, Toshihiro Sato et al.: Thermodynamic and Dynamical Signatures of a Quantum Spin-Hall Insulator to Superconductor Transition
[2110.07969] Chuan-Yin Xia, Hua-Bi Zeng: Kibble Zurek mechanism in rapidly quenched phase transition dynamics
[2110.07976] B. Rosenstein, B.Ya. Shapiro: Origin of the maximal critical temperature disparities in one-layer cuprate superconductors
[2110.07978] N. Moreau, S. Faniel, F. Martins et al.: Revisiting Coulomb diamond signatures in quantum Hall interferometers
[2110.07979] N. Moreau, B. Brun, S. Somanchi et al.: Quantum Hall nano-interferometer in graphene
[2110.08006] Sebastian Ekeroth, Joakim Ekspong, Sachin Sharma et al.: Magnetically collected platinum/nickel alloy nanoparticles -- insight into low noble metal content catalysts for hydrogen evolution re...
[2110.08056] K. Shizuya: Orbital mixing in few-layer graphene and non-Abelian Berry phase
[2110.08069] Kaifeng Yang, Katsumi Nagase, Yoshiro Hirayama et al.: Wigner solids of domain wall skyrmions
[2110.08073] A. J. Park, J. Trautmann, N. Šantić et al.: Cavity-enhanced optical lattices for scaling neutral atom quantum technologies
[2110.08082] Dongchen Huang, Danqing Hu, Yi-feng Yang: Learning Disentangled Representation for Ising Model
[2110.08095] Ioannis Paradisanos, Andres Manuel Saiz Raven, Thierry Amand et al.: Second harmonic generation control in twisted bilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides
[2110.08096] Vilmos Kocsis, Yusuke Tokunaga, Yoshinori Tokura et al.: Switching of antiferromagnetic states in LiCoPO$_4$ as investigated via the magnetoelectric effect
[2110.08098] D. L. Kunwar, S. R. Panday, Y. Deng et al.: Heat capacity of URu$_{2-x}$Os$_x$Si$_2$ at low temperatures
[2110.08107] Anne Bernand-Mantel, Cyrill B. Muratov, Valeriy V. Slastikov: A micromagnetic theory of skyrmion lifetime in ultrathin ferromagnetic films
[2110.08114] Chandan Setty, Matteo Baggioli, Alessio Zaccone: Superconducting dome in ferroelectric-type materials from soft mode instability
[2110.08120] Jens P. Metzger, Louis Girardin, Nicholas A. Conzelmann et al.: On the rising and sinking of granular bubbles and droplets
[2110.08136] David E. Farache, Juan C. Verduzco, Zachary D. McClure et al.: Active learning and molecular dynamics simulations to find high melting temperature alloys
[2110.08140] Zhe Sun, Alberto Ciarrocchi, Fedele Tagarelli et al.: Excitonic transport driven by repulsive dipolar interaction in a van der Waals heterostructure
[2110.08147] Kenta Kato, Tomohiro Yokoyama, Hajime Ishihara: Functionalized high-speed magnon-polaritons resulting from the magnetic antenna effect
[2110.08148] Alessandro Grillo, Aniello Pelella, Enver Faella et al.: Memory effects in black phosphorus field effect transistors
[2110.08160] Max Hering, Vincent Noculak, Francesco Ferrari et al.: Dimerization tendencies of the pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet: A functional renormalization group perspective
[2110.08162] Anna R. Barth, Maya H. Martinez, Cora E. Payne et al.: Grain splitting is a mechanism for grain coarsening in colloidal polycrystals
[2110.08174] Swagata Acharya, Dimitar Pashov, Alexander N. Rudenko et al.: Excitons in Bulk and Layered Chromium Tri-Halides: From Frenkel to the Wannier-Mott Limit
[2110.08194] Daniel Chernowitz, Oleksandr Gamayun: On the Dynamics of Free-Fermionic Tau-Functions at Finite Temperature
[2110.08198] Nikita Astrakhantsev, Francesco Ferrari, Nils Niggemann et al.: Pinwheel valence-bond-crystal ground state of the spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the $shuriken$ lattice
[2110.08204] Yunzhi Xu, Junior Ndayikengurukiye, Ange-Therese Akono et al.: Fabrication of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Ceramic Composites by Wet Electrospinning
[2110.08216] Gaurav Chaudhary, S Ganga Prasath, Edward Soucy et al.: Totimorphic assemblies from neutrally-stable units
[2110.08230] M. O. Ajeesh, S. M. Thomas, S. K. Kushwaha et al.: Ground state of Ce$_{3}$Bi$_{4}$Pd$_{3}$ unraveled by hydrostatic pressure
[2110.08234] A. A. Melnikov, V. E. Anikeeva, O. I. Semenova et al.: Terahertz Kerr effect in a methylammonium lead bromide perovskite crystal
[2110.08251] Kilian Sandholzer, Anne-Sophie Walter, Joaquín Minguzzi et al.: Controlling individual band gaps in a Floquet-engineered lattice
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Mon, 18 Oct 21","img":""}
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