Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 30 Jun 21
[2106.14887] Piyali Saha, Maheswar G, Ekta Sharma et al.: Tracing the magnetic field morphology of the LDN 1172/1174 cloud complex
[2106.14889] Iryna S. Butsky, Jessica K. Werk, Kirill Tchernyshyov et al.: The Impact of Cosmic Rays on the Kinematics of the Circumgalactic Medium
[2106.14890] Ben J. Sutlieff, Alexander J. Bohn, Jayne L. Birkby et al.: High-contrast observations of brown dwarf companion HR 2562 B with the vector Apodizing Phase Plate coronagraph
[2106.14892] L. M. Perrone, G. Gregori, B. Reville et al.: Neutrino-electron magnetohydrodynamics in an expanding Universe
[2106.14894] Nicola Borghi, Michele Moresco, Andrea Cimatti et al.: Towards a Better Understanding of Cosmic Chronometers: Stellar Population Properties of Passive Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift
[2106.14895] Ogan Özsoy: Parity Violating Non-Gaussianity from Axion-Gauge Field Dynamics
[2106.14900] Catherine E. Fielder, Jeffrey A. Newman, Brett H. Andrews et al.: Constraining the Milky Way's Ultraviolet to Infrared SED with Gaussian Process Regression
[2106.14901] Namrata Roy, Kevin Bundy, Kate H. R. Rubin et al.: Signatures of inflowing gas in red geyser galaxies hosting radio-AGN
[2106.14904] Patrick C. Breysse, Shengqi Yang, Rachel S. Somerville et al.: On estimating the cosmic molecular gas density from CO Line Intensity Mapping observations
[2106.14907] George Chartas, Massimo Cappi, Cristian Vignali et al.: Multiphase Powerful Outflows Detected in High-z Quasars
[2106.14909] L. Sidoli, K. Postnov, L. Oskinova et al.: Detecting the intrinsic X-ray emission from the O-type donor star and the residual accretion in a Supergiant Fast X-ray Transient during its faintest state
[2106.14915] Nicolas Loizeau, Glennys R. Farrar: Non-spherical dark matter structures detection
[2106.14921] M. D. Aksulu, R. A. M. J. Wijers, H. J. van Eerten et al.: Exploring the GRB population: Robust afterglow modelling
[2106.14922] Chengyuan Xu, Curtis McCully, Boning Dong et al.: Cosmic-CoNN: A Cosmic Ray Detection Deep-Learning Framework, Dataset, and Toolkit
[2106.14924] Daniel J. Prole: The stellar mass - physical effective radius relation for dwarf galaxies in low-density environments
[2106.14925] Augusto E. Lassen, Rogerio Riffel, Ana L. Chies-Santos et al.: The metal-poor dwarf irregular galaxy candidate next to Mrk 1172
[2106.14937] Nazma Islam, Dong-Woo Kim, Kenneth Lin et al.: An XMM-Newton Early-type Galaxy Atlas
[2106.14955] Y. Sofue, J. Kataoka: Interaction of the Galactic-Centre Super Bubbles with the Gaseous Disc
[2106.14957] M. Mehdipour, G. A. Kriss, J. S. Kaastra et al.: Transient obscuration event captured in NGC 3227. I. Continuum model for the broadband spectral energy distribution
[2106.14961] Michael J. Chapman, Faizan G. Mohammad, Zhongxu Zhai et al.: The completed SDSS-IV extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: measurement of the growth rate of structure from the small-scale...
[2106.14968] Christopher P. Wirth, George Zhou, Samuel N. Quinn et al.: TOI-942b: A Prograde Neptune in a ~60 Myr old Multi-transiting System
[2106.14970] E. A. C. Mills, M. Gorski, K. L. Emig et al.: Clustered Star Formation in the center of NGC 253 Contributes to Driving the Ionized Nuclear Wind
[2106.14991] Sunao Hasegawa, Michael Marsset, Francesca E. DeMeo et al.: Discovery of two TNO-like bodies in the asteroid belt
[2106.14994] Yvette Cendes, Peter K. G. Williams, Edo Berger: A Pilot Radio Search for Magnetic Activity in Directly Imaged Exoplanets
[2106.15028] Taichi Kato, Yusuke Tampo, Naoto Kojiguchi et al.: BO Ceti: Dwarf Nova Showing Both IW And and SU UMa-Type Features
[2106.15030] J.E. Horvath, P.H.R.S. Moraes, M.G.B. de Avellar et al.: Fast Radio Bursts as crustal dynamical events induced by magnetic field evolution in young magnetars
[2106.15036] Shu-Yue Zheng, Kai Li, Qi-Qi Xia: The first photometric and spectroscopic analysis of the extremely low mass ratio contact binary NSVS 5029961
[2106.15039] Hai-Shuo Wang, Xi-Yun Hou: Breakup of the Synchronous State of Binary Asteroid Systems
[2106.15041] Cong K. Xu, Ute Lisenfeld, Yu Gao et al.: NOEMA Observations of CO Emission in Arp 142 and Arp 238
[2106.15052] César Muñoz, Douglas Geisler, Sandro Villanova et al.: Intrinsic Metallicity Variation in the Intermediate Mass Type II Globular Cluster NGC 1261
[2106.15060] Alex C. Gormaz-Matamala, Michel Curé, D. John Hillier et al.: New hydrodynamic solutions for line-driven winds of hot massive stars using Lambert $W$-function
[2106.15063] Soichiro Hattori, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, David W. Hogg et al.: The unpopular Package: a Data-driven Approach to De-trend TESS Full Frame Image Light Curves
[2106.15075] R. L. Becerra, S. Dichiara, A. M. Watson et al.: DDOTI Observations of Gravitational-Wave Sources Discovered in O3
[2106.15080] Yang Guo, Ze Zhong, M. D. Ding et al.: Data-constrained Magnetohydrodynamic Simulation of a Long Duration Eruptive Flare
[2106.15086] V. Ghirardini, E. Bahar, E.Bulbul et al.: The eROSITA Final Equatorial-Depth Survey (eFEDS): Characterization of Morphological Properties of Galaxy Groups and Clusters
[2106.15104] Manuel Pichardo Marcano, Liliana E. Rivera Sandoval, Thomas J. Maccarone et al.: TACOS: TESS AM~CVn Outbursts Survey
[2106.15129] Seulgi Kim, Beomdu Lim, Michael S. Bessell et al.: The Sejong Open Cluster Survey (SOS). VII. A Photometric Study of the Young Open Cluster IC 1590
[2106.15139] Yonadav Barry Ginat, Vincent Desjacques, Donghui Jeong et al.: Covariant Decomposition of The Nonlinear Galaxy Number Counts and Their Monopole
[2106.15143] Malu S, K. Sriram, S. Harikrishna et al.: Exploring the inner-disk region of the atoll source 4U 1705-44 using AstroSat's SXT and LAXPC observations
[2106.15145] Tonghua Liu, Shuo Cao, Marek Biesiada et al.: Consistency testing for invariance of the speed of light at different redshifts: the newest results from strong lensing and type Ia supernovae observat...
[2106.15155] G. S. Bisnovatyi-Kogan: Multilayer spherical stellar cluster with uniform density
[2106.15163] The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, the Virgo Collaboration, the KAGRA Collaboration: R. Abbott et al.: Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star-black hole coalescences
[2106.15181] Tiger Yu-Yang Hsiao, Tomotsugu Goto, Tetsuya Hashimoto et al.: A Dyson Sphere around a black hole
[2106.15196] Matteo Lucca: Multi-interacting dark energy and its cosmological implications
[2106.15246] Mayank Narang, Manoj, P. Et al.: GMRT observations of the exoplanetary systems $τ$ Boötis and 55 Cancri
[2106.15259] Alexander H. Nitz, Tito Dal Canton: Pre-merger localization of compact-binary mergers with third generation observatories
[2106.15267] Eleonora Di Valentino, Stefano Gariazzo, Olga Mena: On the most constraining cosmological neutrino mass bounds
[2106.15279] Rogemar A. Riffel: Powerful multiphase outflows in the central region of Cygnus A
[2106.15302] Noemi Schaffer, Anders Johansen, Michiel Lambrechts: Streaming instability of multiple particle species II -- Numerical convergence with increasing particle number
[2106.15340] N. Elias-Rosa, P. Chen, S. Benetti et al.: Nebular Halpha emission in SN Ia 2016jae
[2106.15383] Yu. A. Fadeyev: Effects of metallicity on mode switching in Cepheids
[2106.15394] Stephanie R. Merritt, Neale P. Gibson, Stevanus K. Nugroho et al.: An inventory of atomic species in the atmosphere of WASP-121busing UVES high-resolution spectroscopy
[2106.15408] Michael Perryman, Konstantin Zioutas: Gaia, Fundamental Physics, and Dark Matter
[2106.15417] Dumbovic, M., Veronig et al.: The 2019 International Women's Day event: A two-step solar flare with multiple eruptive signatures and low Earth impact
[2106.15441] Misa Aoki, Francesca Primas, Luca Pasquini et al.: Lithium in NGC 2243 and NGC 104
[2106.15445] A. Feeney-Johansson, S. J. D. Purser, T. P. Ray et al.: Detection of coherent low-frequency radio bursts from weak-line TTauri stars
[2106.15547] Caroline Terquem: Comments on Barker and Astoul (2021)
[2106.15579] Salvatore Capozziello, Peter K. S. Dunsby, Orlando Luongo: Model independent reconstruction of cosmological accelerated-decelerated phase
[2106.15581] Vincent Tatischeff, John C. Raymond, Jean Duprat et al.: The Origin of Galactic Cosmic Rays as Revealed by their Composition
[2106.15583] E. R. Carrasco, T. Verdugo, V. Motta et al.: Dissecting the strong lensing galaxy cluster MS 0440$+$0204 II. New optical spectroscopic observations in a wider area and cluster dynamical state
[2106.15584] Bart De Pontieu, Paola Testa, Juan Martinez-Sykora et al.: Probing the physics of the solar atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE): I. Coronal Heating
[2106.15589] Sarah C. Millholland, Matthias Y. He, Eric B. Ford et al.: Evidence for a Non-Dichotomous Solution to the Kepler Dichotomy: Mutual Inclinations of Kepler Planetary Systems from Transit Duration Var...
[2106.15591] Mark C. M. Cheung, Juan Martínez-Sykora, Paola Testa et al.: Probing the Physics of the Solar Atmosphere with the Multi-slit Solar Explorer (MUSE): II. Flares and Eruptions
[2106.15604] Matteo Martinelli, Roohi Dalal, Fereshteh Majidi et al.: Ultra-large-scale approximations and galaxy clustering: debiasing constraints on cosmological parameters
[2106.15613] Olivia A. Greene, Miguel R. Anderson, Mariarosa Marinelli et al.: Refining the E+A Galaxy: A Spatially Resolved Spectrophotometric Sample of Nearby Post-starburst Systems in SDSS-IV MaNGA (MPL-5)
[2106.15614] Claire E. Murray, Snežana Stanimirović, Carl Heiles et al.: The MACH HI absorption survey I: Physical conditions of cold atomic gas outside of the Galactic plane
[2106.15616] N. Lagarde, C. Reylé, C. Chiappini et al.: Deciphering the evolution of the Milky Way discs: The Gaia APOGEE Kepler giant stars & Besançon Galaxy Model
[2106.15617] Andrea Husseiniova, Peter McGill, Leigh C. Smith et al.: A microlensing search of 700 million VVV light curves
[2106.15618] Erini Lambrides, Duncan J. Watts, Marco Chiaberge et al.: Merger or Not: Accounting for Human Biases in Identifying Galactic Merger Signatures
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 30 Jun 21","img":""}
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